Chapter 540

On Friday afternoon, after Ye Zhenzhen woke up from her nap, she and Song Jinze went to the kindergarten to pick up Xiaochen and take her home.

Ye Zhenzhen took the little guy into her arms after not seeing her for a week, "Xiao Chen, do you miss your mother?"

Xiaochen was naturally very happy when he saw his mother coming to pick him up. However, after seeing his father, the smile on his milky little face disappeared. He pursed his lips and nodded, "I think~"

Ye Zhenzhen raised her eyebrows slightly and coaxed, "What's wrong with my son? Why is he suddenly unhappy? Is it because he misses his parents?"

She has been in contact with Mrs. Song on WeChat this week and knows that Song Wenbo is basically taking care of Xiaochen this week. She also called Song Wenbo, but the other person's tone was not very good and he just told her to work hard and not worry about the children.

Coupled with a series of things that happened this week, she really couldn't care about the little guy. She just took a few days off and she felt a little better, so she could spend a pleasant weekend with him.

Song Yuchen shook his head, "It's not because of mother."

Grandpa said that his mother was very busy, so she had no time to pay attention to him. He was not angry at all because he knew that his mother was filming, but...

The little guy buried his head in Ye Zhenzhen's arms and looked at Song Jinze with resentment and dissatisfaction in his little eyes, making him very unhappy.

Song Jinze also noticed the look on the little guy's face. He stretched out his hand towards Ye Zhenzhen, gesturing for him to hold the child.

The little guy hugged Ye Zhenzhen tightly and refused, "No, I don't want dad to hug her."

Song Jinze frowned, "Xiao Chen, your mother hasn't been feeling well these past two days. She asked for leave, so she didn't go to the set. Come here, daddy will carry you to the car."

Ye Zhenzhen looked at the little guy with a very different expression than usual. She said to Song Jinze, "I'll carry him to the car and it'll be fine."

“It’s better to be hugged by daddy~”

Song Yuchen turned his head and opened his arms towards Song Jinze, his face still looking unhappy.

After Song Jinze held the little guy in his arms, he asked him, "Have I made you unhappy?"

Song Yuchen pouted and turned his head angrily, as if he didn't want to pay attention to Song Jinze at all.

“Song Yuchen, what do you look like?”

Song Yuchen directly buried his head in Song Jinze's arms. It was one thing to be afraid of his father's angry expression, but it was another thing not to want to talk to him. Anyway, he just didn't want to talk.


Ye Zhenzhen tugged on the man's sleeve and signaled him to stop talking with her eyes.

 She touched the little guy’s hand and said, “Xiao Chen, how about we go home and have cakes? There are both strawberry and chocolate flavors~”

After hearing what her mother said, Xiao Chen raised his little head from Song Jinze’s arms and nodded towards Ye Zhenzhen.

After the family of three got on the bus, Xiao Chen sat in the middle, holding Ye Zhen Zhen in his arms and looking up at her from time to time. There was a feeling of pity in his little eyes.

It was as if his beloved mother was about to abandon him in the next second, but he reluctantly threw himself into her warm arms to express his last nostalgia and say goodbye.

Ye Zhenzhen touched the thick broken hair on the little guy's head, followed the little ears and rubbed his little face with milky lips. A doting and loving smile appeared on the corners of her lips, but she did not speak.

After returning home, Yu Lili had brought watermelon back from Qingquan Villa. Xiaochen was very happy to see the watermelon. He took off his shoes and ran with the watermelon to play.

Song Jinze's face suddenly turned ugly when he saw that this little guy would rather talk to Xigua than ignore him.

“Song Yuchen, put on your slippers!”

Ye Zhenzhen turned to glance at Song Jinze and whispered, "As a father, you are so serious every time you see your child, why can't you smile? How many times have I told you?

Don't speak in such a harsh tone, can't you be more gentle? "


Before the man could say anything in defense, he was interrupted by the little guy;

"Mom, let's eat strawberry cake together!" "Okay~"

Song Jinze frowned, "Song Yuchen, have you washed your hands? Wash your hands first!"

Ye Zhenzhen patted Song Jinze's arm, "Mr. Song, when you get home, you will be a kind father and... considerate husband. You are no longer Mr. Song."

“Oh, my husband looks handsome when he smiles~ Remember to smile more, I took my son to wash his hands.”


Song Jinze stood there, watching the big and small people holding hands happily walking past him, feeling extremely complicated...

While Xiaochen was eating cake, Ye Zhenzhen excused herself to go to the bathroom and went up to the second floor to call Xiaochen’s kindergarten teacher and inquire about the little guy’s recent situation in the kindergarten.

The teacher said everything was normal with the little guy and there was nothing unusual about him.

This made Ye Zhenzhen feel more relieved, but Song Yuchen hadn't said a word to Song Jinze since he got home. Until before going to bed, he pestered Ye Zhenzhen to tell him a story.

Until she finished telling the three stories, Ye Zhenzhen wanted to coax him to ask whether the reason he was unhappy today was because he hadn’t seen his parents in a few days, or because something unhappy had happened in the kindergarten.

The little guy then asked her a question: "Mom, will you leave me and your father one day?"

Ye Zhenzhen was stunned for a moment, then adjusted her position of lying on her side, holding the little guy and looking at him seriously, and replied, "No."

Her voice was gentle and firm.

Such an answer made Song Yuchen feel dazed for a moment. After he pursed his lips, a smile suddenly appeared on his face.

"Are you telling the truth? You really won't leave me or dad, or in other words, even if you leave dad, you won't leave me, right?"

Ye Zhenzhen nodded, "Yes, I will not leave you, nor will I leave dad, even if..."

Hearing the second half of Ye Zhenzhen's words, Song Yuchen's bright black eyes flickered, and the expression on his face became tense. He really wanted to know Ye Zhenzhen's answer.

"No matter what happens, what you think won't happen. Believe me, mom, I won't leave you and dad on my own initiative."

Outside the children's room, a hand with clear joints gently moved away from the doorknob, and the corners of Song Jinze's lips curled up.

That night in the hotel, he heard her say that she had gone back...

What you say when you are awake must be truer than what you say in your sleep.

In the room, Ye Zhenzhen asked Song Yuchen with a smile, "You asked mom a question, can mom ask you a question?"

“Of course you can!”

“Why are you unhappy today? Are you worried that your mother will leave you? Or is it because something happened in kindergarten that made you unhappy?”

Song Yuchen shook his head, "No, I'm very happy in the kindergarten, just..."

“Well, what?”

Speaking of this, Song Yuchen's big flashing eyes were full of disappointment and unhappiness. He curled his mouth and said after a long time, "Because I heard, I heard...Dad will not want you sooner or later, and I will follow you." His biological mother, just like Shen Yibo..."

"But...Mom, I hope you are my biological mother, I don't want another biological mother...ah wu..."

I got a little stuck yesterday. I spent a long time writing it, and I was struggling with whether to finish it as soon as possible. As a result, I was a bit confused about the direction of the plot later on.

The update has only been slow for the past few days. When I sort it out, I will update it soon~

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(End of this chapter)