Chapter 544

When Song Jinze called Ye Zhenzhen, she was on her way home.

Since it was the weekend, there was a bit of traffic jam going up and down the viaduct. Ye Zhenzhen saw that the call was from Song Jinze, so she put the phone aside.

He said to Song Yuchen who was sitting in the back seat, "Xiaochen, your father has called. Please answer the call."

The cars are next to each other here, and she has no time to answer the phone.


The little guy felt a little guilty, so he took the phone and gently clicked the answer button.

“Dad, mom is driving, what can you do?”

There was silence on the other end of the phone for a few seconds.

The little guy turned on the speakerphone and then said, "I turned on the speakerphone. If you have anything to say, just say it. Mom can hear it."

If his father says anything about him, his mother will definitely support him, hehe~

“Where are you going now?” The man’s voice was gentle, without any emotion.

“Mom is taking me home to change clothes, and then we are going to Longwan Club to find Aunt Dong.”

When Song Jinze heard the name Longwan Club, he glanced at Tang Tianyou subconsciously.

Tang Tianyou raised his eyebrows. Is there any problem?

He just asked this man if he wanted to go to Longwan Club for wine tasting in the evening, but he saw him pick up his mobile phone and start making a call.

After being reminded by Cheng Shaoqing, he also looked at his phone and realized that Mr. Song’s wife and children had gone out shopping alone to eat and left him alone.

"Dad, what's the matter with you? Don't worry, I will be obedient and obedient to my mother, and I will never cause any trouble to her."

Dad, just keep busy with your work.

Song Jinze's tone became colder, "Won't it cause any trouble? Song Yuchen, did you go out to eat fried chicken at noon?"

Song Yuchen:…

The little guy blinked his bright black eyes and looked towards Ye Zhenzhen for help, although he could only see his mother's beautiful profile.

After Ye Zhenzhen realized it, she came to the rescue, "I wanted to eat fried chicken, so I took my son there. He was very good and didn't cause me any trouble. Husband, you don't have to worry~"

Song Jinze's words to educate his son came to his lips. After hearing the woman's soft tone, the stern expression on his handsome face softened a lot, "Then you..."

His eyes noticed the gazes of the two men next to him, and he glanced at them coldly.

Cheng Shaoqing and Tang Tianyou immediately turned their heads and looked at the river view outside the floor-to-ceiling windows.

The room was quiet, and they could still hear a few sounds from the phone. The two looked at each other calmly.

Song Jinze pursed his thin lips and said, "Then drive well." In fact, what he really meant was, then you can also drive tonight

“Okay, that’s it.”

Song Yuchen quickly hung up the phone and looked at Ye Zhenzhen with stars in her eyes. Hehe, Ye Zhenzhen is simply the best and coolest mother in the world.

Song Jinze put away his phone and asked Tang Tianyou, "Where did you say you were going?"

“Longwan Club.”

“Lao Fan just came back from Bordeaux and invited us to have a wine tasting in the evening and try the foie gras he brought back, shall we go together?”

Longwan Club.

When Ye Zhenzhen arrived with Xiaochen, Dong Yan was waiting for her in the hall with Shen Yibo in hand.


After Shen Yibo saw Song Yuchen, he immediately came up to the little guy and smiled shyly.

Song Yuchen’s first reaction when he saw Shen Yibo was, “Shen Yibo, are you losing weight?”

Shen Yibo chuckled and scratched his head, "Yes, after I followed my mother, I stopped drinking Coke and eating fried chicken, so I lost weight. Xiaochen, don't eat fried chicken anymore, or you will become a little fat man. .”

It can’t be the same as before.

The smile on Song Yuchen's face disappeared little by little. He only ate once for lunch today. Everyone knows why.

Would you become a fat person after eating it once?

“Zhen Zhen, I saw that you spoke Italian quite well when you were on a variety show before. Did you learn it specifically?”

Dong Yan and Ye Zhenzhen walked behind the two children, and the two couples talked about their own affairs.

Ye Zhenzhen smiled and said, “Well, I learned it on purpose when I was in school.”

She debuted early in her last life and was exposed to many languages. She was born with a good memory and high comprehension, and learned things quickly.

“That’s good. You and Daniel will be able to communicate smoothly in a while.”

Ye Zhenzhen didn’t react to the Daniel mentioned by Dong Yan for a moment. It wasn’t until the two of them entered the private room and saw a family of three with their children that Ye Zhenzhen remembered that they seemed to have met before...

(End of this chapter)