Lu Sangning waited all afternoon but did not receive a call from Song Wenbai. She had no choice but to call the Lu family. She knew somewhat about Song Wenbai's current situation in the Song family. She couldn't say that she only counted on Song Wenbai. people.

However, after the phone call reached the other side of the ocean, Father Lu cursed her angrily.

“All my good plans have been disrupted by you, what else can you do?”

“Dad, didn’t you and Uncle Song have an agreement to return to China? Why are you blaming me now?”

Speaking of Song Wenbai, Father Lu became even more angry.

"You still have the nerve to mention Uncle Song. They want you to go back and be the daughter-in-law of the Song family so that you can slowly develop a relationship with Song Jinze, but what are your intentions? You can't handle a little star without telling him, and you still have your own thoughts about Song Jinze. , you can live if you don’t want to, but don’t bring down our entire Lu family.”

Just before Lu Sangning called Lu's father, Song Wenbo called him and scolded him.

You need to know that the time in China is 6 pm, while in country M, it is exactly 6 am.

Early in the morning, while I was still lying in bed and unconscious, I was scolded by my old friend, and all the things he said were caused by Lu Sangning, which made anyone calm after listening to it.

“Dad, isn’t this why I am...”

"That's enough, shut up! I'll arrange for people to deal with your mess. Don't contact the Song family again. You're shameless. I want more. Come back tomorrow and save the money. My old face has been completely embarrassed!"

Lu Sangning's anger was completely irritated. She couldn't mess with this, and she couldn't touch that. In the end, she was played by a small agent. She couldn't bear this anger anymore...

Lu Sangning found Xu Qingxia in the parking lot of a restaurant. Xu Qingxia was talking to two friends and was about to go into the restaurant to eat.

After seeing Lu Sangning, Xu Qingxia's face suddenly froze, and she quickly sent her friends away and asked them to go into the restaurant first.

Without saying a word, Lu Sangning stepped forward, grabbed Xu Qingxia's hair and walked to the car.

“Miss Lu, if you have something to say, let me go first~”

"Let go of you? Let go of you and let you run again, right?"

Xu Qingxia was a little confused, "Miss Lu, I gave you the car. If you do this again, I will call the police..."

“Call the police? Do you dare to call the police with me?”

After dragging the person into the car, Lu Sangning could no longer hold back, picked up the bag in his hand and threw it at Xu Qingxia...


When Ye Zhenzhen arrived in Ancheng, the sky had already darkened.

Shu Huaiqing got off the plane with her, "Zhenzhen, wherever you are going, I will take you there."

Actually, in Shu Huaiqing's heart, he prefers to be called Zhen Zhen, provided that Media Asia's President Song is not around.

“Mr. Shu, there’s no need to go to such trouble. I have a driver here to pick me up.”

Shu Huaiqing thought this was Ye Zhenzhen's polite refusal and said with a smile, "Zhenzhen, you don't have to be polite to me. In addition to being the children's parents, we are also business partners. It's not troublesome to give you a ride."

When he was on the plane just now, he wanted to chat with Ye Zhenzhen, but there was a distance between the two seats, so he had to give up.

“Zhen Zhen, I also want to know more about Shanshan from you.”

He came to Ancheng this time, partly because of work, and more importantly, partly because of his troubled sister.

When the two were talking on the phone yesterday afternoon, he felt that Bai Lingshan's tone was a little different from before, so he wanted to find out more from Ye Zhenzhen.

Speaking of Bai Lingshan, Ye Zhenzhen paused slightly. She thought Shu Huaiqing knew about the incident between Bai Lingshan and Xiao Yi, but she was not sure.

He just said, "Mr. Shu, I don't know if we can make an appointment the day after tomorrow or when we have time. I have to catch up with the crew now and I really don't have time."

At this time, she couldn't talk even if she had time. She had to ask Bai Lingshan first.

Here, the driver Xiao Li had already been waiting in the airport pick-up hall. He watched his wife and a man walking side by side from a distance, seemingly joking, and the alarm bell rang loudly in his mind.

Thinking about what Secretary Zhang had specifically called to tell him just now, he must help the president take good care of his wife. In addition to this, he must also carefully observe the men with evil intentions around his wife... Especially Shu Huaiqing!

But he didn’t know Shu Huaiqing. After thinking about it, he quickly took out his mobile phone, took a photo and sent it to Secretary Zhang.

【Secretary Zhang, is this the Shu Huaiqing you are talking about? 】

Zhang's secretary replied instantly, "That's him." 】

Xiao Li immediately understood.

Yesterday he was still wondering what the CEO meant by not taking him back to Jiangcheng and letting him stay in Ancheng until New Year's Day. Now he understood. The president had high hopes for him!

Then he must not be able to live up to the CEO’s expectations of him.

Thinking of this, Xiao Li immediately went up to take the suitcase from Ye Zhenzhen's hand, "Madam, the president asked me to remind you to call him."

Ye Zhenzhen nodded and said, "Okay."

“Mr. Shu, you are busy with your business. This is the driver my husband arranged for me. We will leave first.”

Shu Huaiqing, "Okay, I'll call you tomorrow."

Xiao Li glanced at Shu Huaiqing, will he contact his wife tomorrow?

After getting in the car, Xiao Li asked, "Madam, should we go to the hotel now, or should we arrange a restaurant for you to have dinner?"

“No need, go directly to the set.”

When Ye Zhenzhen dialed the phone, Song Jinze answered it instantly.

His meeting had just ended. Secretary Zhang received a WeChat message from Xiao Li, so he knew that Ye Zhenzhen had arrived, so he kept staring at his phone waiting for her call.


Ye Zhenzhen responded, "We just arrived. Are you playing with your phone?"

“No, I’ve been waiting for you to call me.”

The smile on Ye Zhenzhen's face paused slightly. In the receiver, the man's voice was soft and magnetic, as if there was an electric wave that invisibly disturbed her steady beating heart.

After a few seconds of silence, she asked with a smile, "Can I understand that Mr. Song has already started to miss me?"

It had only been three hours since they were separated, and she began to miss him too.

“Well, congratulations to Mrs. Song for your correct answer. I wonder what reward Mrs. Song would like?”

Ye Zhenzhen was amused by his words, "The reward came a bit suddenly. I haven't thought about it yet. Can I keep it for now?"

“That won’t work, no waiting until after the deadline, unless there is a special reward...”

"for example?"

"a kiss."

Ye Zhenzhen pretended to think deeply for a few seconds, "Well... wouldn't this be too much of a loss?"

Speaking of which, the reward was given away with a kiss. It was not worth it.

“If Mrs. Song feels it’s too much of a loss, how about giving her one night’s companionship? In addition, she can also give you other services…”

Ye Zhenzhen was embarrassed, she had been tricked by him again.


After saying these two words, she hung up the phone directly...

I seem to have been infected again. I don’t know what kind of virus it is this time. Anyway, for the past two days, my throat feels like I’ve swallowed a razor blade and I’ve been feeling dizzy...