Chapter 67

Desian had killed the warlocks in the tower and the duke’s knights were cleaning it up.

Citrina wasn’t messing around either. She was working hard to bring her plans to life.

“We only have a small audience.? Is that enough, Citrina?”

Adilac looked like she wanted to chat, but Citrina stopped her.

At that moment, it was a beautiful and graceful evening on Dartrin Street, when most people would be hurrying about.

Citrina stepped into the heart of the merry street.

Citrina stood at the center of the crossroads.

“I enjoy the quiet.”

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Citrina looked around at the intersection. The evening sun was setting, and people were scattered about the area.

It wasn’t a very big audience.

Along with that, it wasn’t a very glamorous street. Only minor nobles walked around here.

But it was okay.

Lita and Adilac stood on the opposite side of the street, each holding a video sphere.

– Gemma, are you ready?

-Am I ready? You’re asking something that’s obvious! I’ve been ready since the day I was born!

Looking at Gemma, Citrina smiled brightly. She pulled out ten sparkling peridot gems in her left hand.

Peridot was a common gemstone, so it wasn’t hard to come up with ten of them, each the size of a child’s fist.

Soon after, Gemma placed her hands gently on the peridot. The peridot began to crack under Gemma’s fingertips.

“One, two…”

The green peridot that resembled Citrina’s eyes, rose in her hand.

“And three.”

Citrina watched as the glittering gemstone shot up into the sky from Gemma’s hand.

The gemstones split into dozens, then hundreds of pieces no bigger than half of a fingernail.

And finally-

The glittering jewels began to light up the street like lanterns, representing the stars in the night sky.

From a distance, it was lovely, almost as if stars had risen over the city.

Citrina stood in the center of it all and looked around.

“Wow! Is that a gemstone star, sis?”

“Yeah, it’s pretty. Isn’t it?”

“Yes! It’s very pretty. Almost as pretty as you!” [T.L. Note: Nice smooth-talking, kid.]

“It’s elementism.”

“Wow, that’s exciting.”

With that, the small child shrank back next to his mother’s skirt.

Above the street, green gemstones resembling glittering stars rained down.

As a bonus, she got to see the affectionate gaze of a cute kid.

It was very satisfying.

Lita and Adilac who had captured it all on video walked over to her.

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“I’ll send the video. It should be copied by tomorrow morning.”

These videos were goods to be sent to the nobles who had commissioned them to show that elementism was beautiful.

Citrina gave a small smile.

“I wish that he could come with me…”

“He? Citrina, who are you talking about? We are all here!”

Citrina opened her mouth slowly at Adilac’s exclamation.

“It’s someone I’m thinking of, Adilac.”

“Oh, perhaps-“

“Adilac-nim! Let’s go over there quickly and record more of the gems.”

The quick-witted Lita took Adilac away.

Citrina smiled with a calm face.

Why was she thinking of Desian when she thought of the gems shining like stars in the night sky? Why was she thinking of him when she shouldn’t be?

To be honest, Citrina had known the answer to that for a long time,

even if she was only starting to realize it now.

A star was blooming in her mind as well. Slowly, bit by bit.

It had only been one day.

In that one day, things changed for the better. As luck would have it, an article was scheduled to be featured in the morning paper with a report on elementism on Dartrin Street and the gemstone stars.

‘Even if you can’t turn things around completely, you can change them steadily.’

Hardship and adversity are common in heroic narratives. She wasn’t a hero, just an average person who knew the future, but it was comforting to think that way.

Lita got the newspaper, duplicated the video to send off, and bought breakfast at the plaza’s baguette street.

“Ci, Citrina-nim.”

The boy brought back the newspaper, and baguette, along with a group of armed mercenaries. A gaunt-faced man scratched his muscles and spoke gruffly.

“Is this Citrina’s Atelier here?”

Her voice was a little strained,

but Citrina spoke confidently. The man’s expression became even more grave. He set down something on one of the atelier’s glass display cases.


It was a pouch full of gold coins.

The display case shook. Citrina raised an eyebrow.

“What’s this all of a sudden?”

“We are members of an unnamed guild and we are here because of the advertisement in Ponei Plaza.”


Citrina frowned.

She’d never taken out an advertisement. She’d tried to use the media a little, but she didn’t have the means to pay for a newspaper article or a full-page advertisement.

“You don’t know about the ad? The empire is a mess right now!”

“…that wasn’t my plan.”

He was dumbfounded at her reply.

Somehow, the game had changed dramatically.

It occurred to her that she needed to find out what was going on.

She leapt to her feet.

“That, Citrina-nim. Actually, last night while Citrina was sleeping…”

Lita carefully put something in her hands. His hands were shaking terribly.

“… Desian?”

It was a small spherical object bearing the Pietro family seal.

Citrina looked at Lita with questioning eyes.

“Yes, that-“

But the short-tempered mercenary couldn’t handle the gap in their conversation.

“Wait. Then you advertised without knowing anything?”

The mercenary seemed dumbfounded.

“Wait, Lita, tell me.”

Citrina lightly interrupted the mercenary and looked at Lita.

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“Yesterday, Desian-nim told me he had cleaned something up, and I wanted to tell you, but I was too tired to pass it on to you.”

Lita looked at her with a fidgety expression.


Citrina bit her lip.

“Adilac, stay here for a bit.”

“Hey, where are you going?!”

The mercenary yelled as Citrina sprinted outside. After running for a long time, she was out of breath.

Fortunately, Ponei Plaza wasn’t far from Dartrin Street. She would have to rent a carriage at the entrance.

She thought it was lucky she’d worn a light dress with pockets today. The rental fee for a carriage should be 1 ceril, right?