Sophia woke up to find Carnelia staring at her with worried, moist blue eyes, and Cyril and D’Artagno with disappointed faces.

Sophia sat up, holding her aching head.

‘Um, what happened to me? Carnelia hugged me…… I don’t remember anything else ……’

Sophia looked at Cyril as if asking for help.

Cyril’s shoulders slumped, and then he put on a superb smile as a magnificent disguise.

“Are you alright? Sophia. Is there anywhere that hurts?”

Sophia was inadvertently thrilled when he walked over to her bedside and gently held her hand. Even though she knew it was all an act, Cyril’s prince smile was still full of destructive power.

“I was worried when you took too long to wake up”.

Sophia held her aching head and struggled to keep up with the act.

“I’m sorry I made you worried. I’m fine.”

The truth was that the back of her head hurt like hell, but she smiled at him, trying to be as friendly as possible.

After a few seconds of holding each other’s hands and looking into each other’s eyes for more than ten seconds, Carnelia interrupted.

“I’ve been watching you for a while now, Margherita-chan! Cyril-sama is my fiancée.”

Sophia certainly saw a small streak of blue on Cyril’s temple as he smiled at her.

‘No, what’s Margherita? I don’t have a pizza-like name like that.’

“Um, Carnelia-sama…”

“Margherita, you are such a stranger! I don’t like it when you don’t call me sister like you always do!”

“Oh… Onee-sama…?”

“What is it? Margherita-chan!”

What shall I do? I feel like I’ve wandered into another dimension. I looked at Cyril and I looked at D’Artagno, who seemed puzzled by Carnelia calling Sophia “Margherita”. No one could figure out who this “Margherita” was. When I was at a loss, Carnelia’s maid, Sarra, who was waiting in the corner of the room, spoke in a reserved manner.

“Carnelia-sama, this person is not Margherita. ……”

“How dare you say that, Sarra! She is Margherita! No matter how you look at her, she’s my sister!”

I see, maybe Sophia looks just like Margherita, Carnelia’s sister. Sophia was about to convince herself that that was why she was calling her Margherita, but her train of thought stopped when Sarra said the following words.

“Carnelia-sama, no matter how much you convince yourself, it is not possible for a doll to move and start talking on its own!”

she said.

A long silence fell over the room.

“Since she was a child, Carnelia-sama has always wanted a sister, but there was no sign of having a sister, and her weakened mother, Her Highness, gave her a doll Margherita as a last resort. Nice to meet you… um, Sophia-sama looks surprisingly similar to Margherita-sama’s doll.”

After a long silence, Sarra explained with an apologetic look on her face, but unfortunately Sophia did not notice it.

Sophia – or rather, Cyril and D’Artagno – were stunned as they stared at Carnelia.

‘A doll ……, a doll is …..No matter how sick they thought Carnelia was, she was just too sick!’

There is no way that a doll can move and speak of its own volition. Why would an 18-year-old adult woman have that kind of a crazy idea, let alone a five-year-old child?

Carnelia, however, seemed quite serious, poking Sofia on the forehead and saying, “Oh my God, Margherita! you must have missed your sister so much that you came after her. What a troublesome girl.”

‘Someone help me, please!’ Sophia screamed in her heart. ‘What in the world am I supposed to do in this situation?’

The first thing that comes to mind is the fact that the two of them have been in the same room together for a long time.

Cyril was at a loss for words, but he decided that he couldn’t go along with this ridiculous farce and said with a charming smile, “I’m sorry Princess Carnelia. She is Sophia, not Margherita. My lover.”

“Oh my! When did my Margherita become Cyril’s lover?”

“No, that can’t be ……”

“Margherita-chan, you mustn’t run away! I’m Cyril-sama fiancée!”

“So that’s why……”

“Aah! But But! Sisters competing for one man I have a feeling we’re about to have our first sisterly fight, and my heart is pounding.”


The smile on Cyril’s face froze.

D’Artagno finally blew up and laughed, clutching his stomach.

Sophia looked back at Sarra, who seemed to be the only one among them who could manage Carnelia.

But Sarra just held her forehead and shook her head. Even she seemed to be at her wits’ end.

Carnelia is excited by herself.

I can’t help it, Margherita,” she said. “Let’s see who can win Cyril’s heart!”

Sophia plopped down on the bed.

‘…… chaos’

Carnelia was not just a crazy princess. She was a “very” crazy princess.

Thus, in addition to pretending to be lovers with Cyril, Sophia was forced to pretend to be “sisters” with Carnelia, which she did not understand.