Four days had passed since they had arrived at the port of Casals.

The stormy seas have calmed down and boats are now ready to sail to Glastona, but Randall and the others did not board the ship heading for Glastona

The search for Sophia continued, but nothing has been found that would lead to a clue. They knew they had to return home to report to the King of Glastona, but Randall and the others were not ready to leave.

They could not find Sophia and they wouldn’t leave without her.

As the days went by, however, the word “despair” began to appear in Randall and his friends’ brains. Just when everyone was beginning to give think the worst and give up hope, though they did not say it out loud, Randall was contacted by the upper echelons of Verhund’s army

The king was apparently very distressed by what had happened. They asked him to come to the capital to discuss future plans.

The princess of Glastona had gone missing. It was only natural that the military would contact King Verhund.

Randall and his team could not refuse a request from the king.

Kyle decided to return home alone to report to King Glastona, and Randall and the others set out for the royal capital of Verhund.

It took about five days by carriage from the town of Casals to the royal capital Azarlus. The carriage was provided by Verhund’s army, and although they treated Randall courteously, he did not have the heart to express his gratitude for their concern.

It had been five days since Sophia had fallen into the sea. During that time, Randall had not had any appetite so he was emaciated, and completely worn out.

In his heart, he knows he needs to get his act together. As the Duke of Voltio, and nephew of King Glastona, he could not behave in a miserable manner. He has to be firm and resolute at all times–he knows that, but his heart is not in tune with it.

‘Sophia– Sophia has fallen into the sea? At the bottom of that dark sea, Sophia….SOPHIA…’

Randall covered his face with his hands.

If only he hadn’t left Sophia that night. If only he had stayed with Sophia. If he had been more attentive to Sophia’s surroundings, Sophia would be smiling next to him right now.

She would have mentioned the places she wanted to see in Verhund, and she would have been enjoying herself.

The rattle of the carriage wheels echoed unpleasantly.

According to Kyle, Cedric had been paid by someone.

Who in the world would want Sophia dead?

According to Kyle, it was a blonde woman. There were many blondes in Glastona. Even Sophia is a blonde.

‘Blonde ……. Didn’t Gassur, who pretended to be Sophia’s father, also said that he had been hired by a blonde woman ……?’

Something stuck in Randall’s mind but, perhaps because of his exhaustion, he could not think straight.

Outside the carriage window, the sky was a loathsome blue.

‘The sky of Verhund, which I was supposed to see with Sophia.’


“I don’t know if you will regret it later.”

Suddenly, Kyle’s words come to mind.


‘I see, I am regretting now. I should have interacted with Sophia more properly. I should have cared for her more.’

If he had jumped into the sea after Sophia that night, would anything have changed?

Randall closed his eyes as if in prayer.