The wind with the scent of the tide was pleasant.

The waves, shining in the sunlight, look as if they are sprinkled with jewels.

The Alto Sea, especially the waters near the town of Caesars, are so transparent that they are a dazzling emerald green. So clear that if you look down from your boat, you can see the multicolored fish with your naked eye.

“I guessed right, stealing is better for me.” D’Artagno said.

D’Artagno held Sophia’s shoulder on the deck and looked up at the sun high above.

D’Artagno’s ship ‘the Serene’, named after the goddess who draws sailors to the sea, is a small sailing ship with emphasis on speed.

“How’s my wonderful ship?”


Sophia smiled, her beautiful golden hair blowing in the wind. Sophia had taken a love potion, and had taken a fancy to D’Artano, but to be honest, D’Artano didn’t care if it was because of the influence of the potion or if she really meant it. Rather he is even satisfied with Sophia, who’s under the influence of the love potion because she seems to have eyes only for D’Artagno.

He had always thought Sophia was beautiful, but she was even prettier when she smiled at him without a scheme or reason, as if she was a cute kitten. So he decided to steal her. That’s what pirates do.

The only thing he regretted was that he had left Isolte alive when he took Sophia away, but, well, they probably can’t catch him now, even if Isolte who is locked in the closet, made a fuss.

“Sophia, we’re going to stop by the island now, and tomorrow we’ll start looking for the treasure.”

There is an uninhabited island in the Alto Sea where D’Artagno has his base. It is a small, but very convenient island with a cave that can be entered from the sea, a perfect place to hide the ship. D’Artagno hides his treasure on the island, and thanks to the fact that the entrance to the cave is hidden from view, no other pirates have ever made an attempt on his life.

After D’Artagno obtains the selkie tears in the waters near the town of Caesars, he planned to stay out of the open sea for a while until the heat of the moment had died down.

“Captain, I saw a ship of the Saladora navy around here”

“Seriously! It’s because they’re disciplinary. Be careful.”

The Selene is an ordinary looking sailing ship, and it does not have a horrifying pattern on its sails like other pirates do. Therefore, it is not likely to be immediately recognized as a pirate ship, but unlike the navies of other countries, the Saladora’s navy is persistent. This is because the navy of that country is committed to eradicating pirates, and to be honest, it was a nuisance to D’Artagno. It is not D’Artagno who is attacking Saladora’s commercial vessels, but other pirates.

When D’Artagno said this, the spiky-headed vice-captain replied, “Yes, sir,” and disappeared into the ship.

“We have a few more minutes before we reach the island… Sophia, do you want something sweet to eat?”


Sophia’s face lighted up, D’Artagno nodded in satisfaction, and he headed for the captain’s cabin with her.

D’Artagno called the isolated, nameless island he had made his home on “Paradise Eden”.

The ship slid into the entrance of a cave that could be entered from the sea, and after a while of narrow caverns, they arrived at a round open atrium.

A spring cascades down from the rock face at the back of the cave, and this is where D’Artagno and his friends have their base.

As one moves deeper into the cave, gold coins, jewelry, and other treasures are randomly tossed about. Hammocks were hung here and there, and shredded laundry swayed in the air.

“Sophia, stay in my room on the ship for a while. You don’t want to live in a dirty place like this with a bunch of dirty men, do you?”

“Captain, you can’t be nasty!”

“I still bathe once every three days!”

“And I clean up after myself.”

“And I always throw the garbage out because the captain gets so mad!”

D’Artagno raised his eyebrows in exasperation as the men began to rant and rave.

“Even so, I can’t have Sophia with you guys!”

“You’re terrible!”

“Shut up! Stop your wying, you little shit!”

D’Artagno yelled at his men, and they all grumbled and complained.

Sophia couldn’t help but laugh. “The Snows of Grastona” didn’t show much of the interaction between D’Artano and his companions, but looking at it this way, they seem to be on good terms.

‘That’s true. All of his fellow pirates were originally from Ferdorad and defected with D’Artagno.’

“Nee-san, ignore the uninteresting captain and come over here and try this! Ladies and children will definitely like the taste.”

“Oh, yellow starfruit!”

“Have you ever eaten the yellow starfruit?

“No, I’ve never had it, but I’ve heard it’s a specialty of Verhund.”

She would love to try this.

She looked up at D’Artagno and he shrugged his shoulders.

“If you get annoyed, feel free to hit me.”

Apparently, she could go join them.

A man with emerald green hair as beautiful as the ocean deftly cut the yellow star fruit with a dagger, and Sophia popped the soft, star-shaped fruit into her mouth. The yellow star fruit melted in her mouth and tasted like a combination of mango and peach.


“That’s right. How about this next one?”

The next one was a fist-sized, bright red fruit with a skin as hard as a lychee. He peeled off the skin with a dagger, cut it into bite-size pieces, and presented them to them.

“Mmmm, oh my!”

“Right! It’s called sugar fruit! Just like the name says, it’s like eating sugar, right?”


After that, Sophia was given food after food after food, as if she was visiting her grandparents’ house for the first time in a long time, and she was completely stuffed.

‘It was delicious! I would have fed this to Randall…’

Sophia shook her head..

Why did she want to feed Randall? She wanted to share the delicious food with D’Artano, not Randall. D’Artagno was right there with her.

“What’s wrong?”

D’Artagno looked at Sophia curiously, probably because She was suddenly deep in thought “What happened? Did you get a stomach ache?”

“Oh, no, it’s not. I am okay.”

“Is that so? If that’s the case, then, I’ll show you around the cave to refresh you. There’s a spring a little further down the road that’s not hot, but it’s got warm water coming out of it, and it’s perfect to use as a bath.”

‘Could it be a natural hot spring?’

Sophia decided to forget about the small feeling of discomfort she had felt earlier, nodded broadly, and headed out hand in hand with D’Artagno.