Orion’s eyes were wide open, but the next moment, a stern expression appeared on his face, as if he were wearing a mask.

“Sophia, you’ve worried us so much, what are you doing here!”

Orion grabbed Sophia’s wrist as if to keep her from escaping and yelled at her. Next to her, McKeel put his hand on his forehead and let out a deep breath.

Hearing Orion’s yell, even Cyril and Johannes came out of the room, and when they found D’Artano dressed as “McKeel, the opera actor,” the next thing they knew, Cyril was mercilessly punching the pirate.

D’Artano caught Cyril’s fist before he could strike him, but he showed no particular resistance, perhaps he realized that it would be impossible to escape from here with Sophia.

“I’ll have you hanged!”

“I’m sorry, don’t be so angry. I wanted Sophia, so I had no choice.”

“Is it unavoidable! If you want something, you take it. That’s a thief’s way of thinking!”

“Yeah, I’m similar.”

Randall, who had been watching the exchange between Cyril and D’Artano, seemed to have realized from the conversation that the opera actor McKeel was the pirate D’Artano. Johannes stopped Randall softly as he quickly got angry and clenched his fists.

“I understand your feelings, sir, but please calm down. You’re scaring your wife.”

He looked at Sophia, who was glancing back at D’Artagno anxiously, while Orion was still angry with her. Johannes was right, if Randall hit D’Artano here, Sophia might get scared and start crying.

Randall took a deep breath and unclenched his fist, and his heart ached as he saw the relieved look in Sophia’s eyes. Sophia was still fascinated by D’Artano, apparently under the influence of the love potion.

“Sophia, are you listening to me?”

Orion, who was unusually angry and serious, raised his voice.

Overshadowing Orion’s voice, there was a loud “GATTAN! A loud noise was heard downstairs.

When they looked back downstairs, they saw that the sign for the inn, which was posted at the entrance, had fallen down. Viscount D’Silva, looking very excited, stomped on the sign and was about to grab the proprietress.

D’Artagno said that this was a bad idea, and pushed Cyril, who was in the direction he was going, down the stairs. Cyril and Randall followed, leaving Sophia, Orion, and Johannes at the top of the stairs.

“Viscount D’Silva, right? I wonder what’s wrong with him.”

” I don’t know. Well, Prince Cyril is there, too, so I think it’s all right. What’s more, you can’t just go around trying to disguise yourself. What have you been up to?”

“U…, I’m sorry.”

However much she wanted to be with D’Artano, it was entirely Sophia’s fault for worrying Orion and the others.

“I wonder if the portion is having an effect on this too. You’re not this reckless in everyday life.”

“The Portion?”

“I’m talking about you. Why are you here, when you were attached to D’Artagno? I thought you were at sea, picking up selkie tears.”

“How do you know that?”

Sophia was surprised.

Orion nodded, “I knew it.

“There have been sightings of D’Artagno’s ship around here. The only thing D’Artagno might be after in these waters are selkie tears. So what are you guys doing here?”

“Uh, yeah. Oh, yeah… actually.”

She was surprised that Orion and the others were there, but if they were there, there was no need to keep quiet. Sne should explain the situation to them and ask them to help you find Karana’s sister. The dragon god’s anger seems to be growing by the day, and there is no telling when the storm Karana talked about will come.

Sophia was about to explain the matter of Karana’s sister to Orion, but before she could do so, a loud, angry voice came from downstairs and she involuntarily stopped talking.

“I know my wife is here! Get Manara out now!”

Sophia, D’Artano, Randall, Cyril, and Orion gathered in the room Cyril was using.

Cyril had turned Viscount D’Silva away, and the downstairs was finally quiet, but because of Viscount D’Silva’s previous rampage, not only the signboard but also the pieces of the broken vase were scattered about, and the landlady asked them to stay in their room until the cleanup was finished.

“And yet, I never would have guessed that Viscount D’Silva’s wife was Manara. I didn’t even know he was married… but I couldn’t just hand Manara over to Viscount D’Silva, He seemed to be very excited.”

Cyril said, and Randall nodded with a difficult look on his face.

Sophia did not know who Manara was, but it seemed that Viscount D’Silva’s wife was indeed at the inn. And it seemed that Cyril and his friends knew her.

” So, D’Artagno, you kidnapped Sophia for a leisurely trip? You don’t seem too afraid of getting caught.”

Cyril glared at D’Artano.

“It’s not D’Artano’s fault! I followed him of my own free will.” Sophia hurriedly defended D’Artano.

“Sophia, even so, you are now…”

Cyril was about to say something, but shook his head in resignation.

“It’s all my fault . What the hell are D’Artano and Sofia doing in this town? You don’t really think they’re on vacation, do you?”

Sophia looked at D’Artano, then slowly opened her mouth and explained what Karana had told her.

“You mean, if we don’t do something, this town will be swept away?”

“I see, that doesn’t sound too calm, but…”

Orion and Cyril raise their eyebrows.

“But even if we were to look for this selkie’s sister, there’s no way we could find her if we didn’t know her features or anything else about her. How many people do you think there are in this town?”

“That’s right”

“No, wait.”

Randall, who had been silent up to that point, turned his gaze toward the wall and opened his mouth.

The selkie who had their sealskins taken away, when they soak in the sea, they would get a high fever?”


“I am not sure but… isn’t it Manara?”



Orion stood up.

“She got a high fever for sure! Besides, if it’s true that she was forced to become his wife, I can see why she wouldn’t want to go back to Viscount D’Silva.”

“It might not hurt to ask her.”

“But it would be strange if we asked her “Are you a selkie?”.”

“Then why don’t you ask her if she has a sister named Karana?”

Orion left the room and said he would ask her right away, followed by Cyril who dragged D’Artano behind him.

Sophia, who had been left alone in the room with Randall, could not bear the awkwardness of the situation and almost sat up to go after Orion and the others.

“I am glad you’re okay.”

Sophia couldn’t believe her ears when Randall’s words came out of his mouth.

When she turned around, she saw Randall staring at her with a serious expression on his face.

‘Why is he looking at me like that…?’

Sophia unconsciously held the top of her heart. Her heart squeezed and strained as if someone was clutching it.

Puzzled, Randall smiled thinly with a troubled expression.

“Let’s go to Manara’s place too.”

“Oh… Okay.”

At Randall’s urging, Sophia went with him to the room that Manara was using.

Sophia was relieved to see Dartano in Manara’s room, but for some reason, the pain in her chest didn’t go away, so she looked up at Randall standing next to her

‘Perhaps he was worried ……?’

Why would Randall be worried about Sophia?

She didn’t know, but…

‘My heart feels somewhat gloomy….’