Chapter 30: Zombie in human skin

Seeing the female supernatural person running away, the pit left by pulling the radish just now is still there.

Pei Zhaozhou wondered: "Silver Arc, am I terrible? How come this female supernatural person ran away when he saw me?"

Zhibrain Yinhu immediately held the anthropomorphic Zhibrain operating chip that worshiped and said: [Master, how can you be terrible? ! You are the most respectable alpha in all Zhinao's mind! The same applies to human aesthetics. Master, you are the first in the empire's male **** list! 】

[The incalculable omega and beta in Starnet's comment area have all confessed to you, and among them are crazy alpha fans who want to change **** for love! Whether it is AA love, AO love, AB love, or total A love, you are recognized as the most attractive alpha, and the number of people written into the same humanities as the protagonist is the most! ! ! 】

[If you want to read the master, Silver Arc has stored some novels about Master A throughout the empire and even the Zerg! The charm of the owner can definitely be guaranteed! 】

Originally, Pei Zhaozhou asked casually, but he didn't expect the brain silver arc he developed to be so serious and excited, and he said a series of rainbow farts that made him blush and shame.

Pei Zhaozhou covered his face, and wanted to let Zhinao Yin Arc go on, but after listening to it, something was wrong.

Pei Zhaozhou frowned: "What do you mean by Zerg?"

Zhi Nao Yin Arc suddenly got stuck, the chip flashed crazily and panicked garbled, secretly shouting: Oops! It got excited and exposed the little secret of Silver Arc to its owner!

Pei Zhaozhou gradually said in a serious tone: "When did Yinhu break your anthropology and still collect these boring fanarts?"

Brain Silver Arc: 嘤嘤嘤.

Shake the pot decisively.

Zhinao Yinhu righteously said: [Silver arc was seen from the master’s former subordinate, Jin assistant. As the master’s helper, Yinhu of course had to monitor the personnel in the Blue Air Mecha Company founded by the master. People with bad intentions are mixed in! 】

[Yinhuo especially wants to report Assistant Jin. He often fishes to watch overbearing alpha and falls in love with my vulgar love novels. In Assistant Jin's computer, Yinhu also found a web site dedicated to writing a fan, with many masters as the prototype. Fan fiction! In order to prevent someone from plotting against the owner according to the plot in the novel, Yinhu deliberately downloaded these novels! 】

Pei Zhaozhou's expression is somewhat subtle.

Unexpectedly, I heard the news about the former subordinates in Zhinao Yinhu. He remembered that Assistant Jin was an elite subordinate with a steady and calm work, unlike someone who would read this kind of novel...

In any case, it is better to delete unnecessary novels.

Pei Zhaozhou ordered: "Silver Arc, delete those novels."

Wisdom Brain Silver Arc grieved: [Okay, master...]

After the Zhibrain silver arc was deleted, Pei Zhaozhou stopped searching for suitable plants.

This planet is contaminated by zombie viruses, even ordinary plants are inevitably affected, most of them grow sluggish and thin, and their vitality cannot reach the standard that Pei Zhaozhou wants.

The opposite is the plant that was spawned by the female supernatural person just now, and its clean and pure vitality is several times that of ordinary plants.

The special existence of supernatural beings is completely different from other creatures on earth.

Pei Zhaozhou felt that this phenomenon was extraordinary, as if it had witnessed an evolutionary course of life on earth.

It reminded him that alpha, beta, and omega were also originally evolved through evolution. Legend has it that ancient humans awakened a group of new humans in order to step into the universe, which in turn led to subsequent changes.

Today, the ABO of the S-level physique is the end of interstellar breakthrough. Nothing is more powerful than the S-level. The interstellar science and medical circles have spent hundreds of years to prove this point.

But this high latitude world is obviously different, he began to wonder where the limit of the supernatural person is? What form and purpose do zombies exist in this world?

Zombies originate from ordinary people, and those with supernatural powers originate from ordinary people, but in the end they are the result of opposing natural enemies.

Through the understanding of the Lucheng base and the general situation during this period, humans are at an obvious disadvantage. The number of zombies is dozens of times that of humans. If all the zombies launch an attack, no base can withstand it. In fact, it can survive. It is a miracle that mankind has not been extinct for thirty years.

But the current situation is that human beings are at a disadvantage, and a new round of multiplication has begun under the arduous and difficult environment.

Needless to say, bases with better conditions, such as the Lucheng base, have a large number of newborns born every year, and other bases with poor conditions have also begun to increase their new population.

Pei Zhaozhou vaguely felt a little weirdness that he couldn't explain.


"Xiao Lin, why is your face so pale?"

Zi Ding asked his girlfriend anxiously, watching her running over with a white radish from a distance, running away in a hurry as if he was being chased by some bad beast behind him.

But there was nothing behind her, not to mention Xiaolin was a supernatural person, although she didn't know why Xiaolin always concealed her supernatural ability, pretending to live like an ordinary person like him.

But looking at the weak Xiao Lin, in fact, ordinary strong men can't beat her, including Qi Ding himself.

Zi Ding scratched his head, his cheeks were hot, and he coughed slightly. In fact, it is normal that he couldn't beat his girlfriend.

You Xiaolin’s forehead was sweaty, her lips were pale when she was breathing heavily. Faced with her boyfriend’s question, her eyes flinched and she didn’t want to tell the truth. She said vaguely: “Nothing, I’m just afraid you’ve waited too long, so run fast. A few steps."

Hearing his girlfriend so sticky, Qi Ding blushed and felt sweet in his heart: "Then let's go home. I have worked at the Lucheng base for a while and saved some points. Today I bought a few taels of meat and stir-fry. Eat the white radish you bought..."

You Xiaolin's face was heavy, and she didn't want to listen to what Qi Ding said to her, thinking about the scene just now.

She has been discovered, what should they do if they know that she is also a supernatural person?

Run away, run away!

"Xiao Lin?"

"Xiao Lin?"

"Huh?" You Xiaolin woke up suddenly and looked up at Qi Ding blankly.

Qi Ding was dissatisfied with his girlfriend who always wandered in front of him, complaining: "Xiao Lin, what were you thinking just now? Did you hear what I was discussing with you?"

You Xiaolin said with a slight guilty conscience: "What's the matter?"

Zi Ding’s eyes were bright, and his tone of voice was full of longing for the future, smiling and saying: "Settling in the Lucheng base, we have all been here for a long period of time, and ordinary people here can also have a good life. I finally found a job that can provide food and clothing. I don’t have to run around but also beware of the zombies outside. You don’t have to move around the bases with trepidation..."

Zi Ding and You Xiaolin came from other bases. At first, it was a slightly northerly base. He was an orphan. At first, You Xiaolin had a mother who was killed by a zombie shortly afterwards. They supported each other and grew up with difficulty. I had a hard time, and I sometimes ate the turf for a few days when I was hungry and hungry.

Later, when You Xiaolin awakened the ability, their life was a little better.

Originally living in the original base, suddenly one day You Xiaolin's face was pale and panic when she ran over, she forcibly pulled Zi Ding and hurriedly left the original base, picking up a few clothes and leaving before she could clean her things.

Zi Ding asked her why, but Xiaolin refused to give the reason.

In this way, Qi Ding followed You Xiaolin’s wishes and came to many bases, but most of the bases had harsh conditions. Ordinary people could only work as slaves without having enough to eat, while You Xiaolin was unwilling to expose her powers. identity of.

So they had a hard time at the beginning. Most of the bases only stayed for a short time. They can stay for a month or two for a longer period of time, and leave after a few days of supply.

After a long time, Zi Ding was also tired. Fortunately, he arrived at the Lucheng base, which was much better than he had imagined.

I have stayed here for a year without knowing it. There is the guardian of the supernatural powers of the base, and the residents of the base can live and work in peace and contentment. Zi Ding has been wandering for so many years, and I also want to find a place where I can live with You Xiaolin at ease and form myself. Little family.

Zi Ding's eyes couldn't help showing expectation, hoping that You Xiaolin could promise him to settle in this base.

You Xiaolin's black pupils were shocked, looking at Zi Ding's eager eyes, her heartbeat was very chaotic and panicked, and she closed her mouth and said: "Ziding, I, let's leave here..."

Qi Ding's face instantly turned pale, his eyebrows wrinkled and wrinkled, and he endured the helpless anger. With complex and sad eyes, he looked deeply at You Xiaolin, whose face was panicked, and choked with tears and said: "Then we are leaving until When?! I can’t run away for the rest of my life, Xiaolin, I’m really tired..."

You Xiaolin trembling lips, watching her crying boyfriend hesitate and stop.

The tears in Qi Ding's eyes were rolling, and he tightened his lips and asked: "Xiao Lin, you tell me why we are leaving, as long as you are willing to tell the truth, I am willing to leave with you."

Several terrifying images flashed through You Xiaolin's mind.

She went to deliver melons, fruits and vegetables, and the leader of the base asked him to put them in the storage room of the back kitchen.

Before long, there was a strange voice, and a group of rebellious abilities suddenly broke into. The leader of the base and other abilities started angrily, and fierce and fierce internal fighting took place within the abilities.

The sound is very noisy, the screams are constant, and the smell of blood is so strong that it is vomiting.

She hid in the small storage room, covering her ears, shivering not to go out.

After waiting for a long time, the sound of fighting disappeared.

It seemed to be quiet outside.

She couldn't help but tied a small mirror with a long stick and let it out to check.

It turned out that the corpses filled the room.

There was a woman with a mole on the corner of her mouth gnawing on the head of the base leader, her bright red eyes filled with a twisted desire for human flesh.

The fine and repeated chewing sound made her stomach feel a strong nausea of ​​vomiting.

She was afraid of death and did not dare to vomit, so she had to hold her mouth tightly, and the stomach acid poured out, and the food residue that was half digested was tingling with a bitter taste and stinging her tongue.

You Xiaolin was so scared that her ears were croaking.

I can vaguely hear the voices of some people. To be precise, those are not humans, but zombies in human skins, beasts mixing in the human group foraging...

Go deeper.

You Xiaolin didn't dare to listen anymore, as if she had forgotten.

She can be a deaf, an ordinary person, and never be a supernatural person!

She wants to escape from this place with Qi Ding, no matter where she goes, as long as she is as far away from the zombies as possible, she will never come back to this place!

Zi Ding is an ordinary person, he can't know, he shouldn't know, knowing it will kill him!

You Xiaolin's pupils shrank frantically, her stubborn and mad expression penetrated, and her pale lips kept repeating: "Ziding! Let's leave, let's leave here! Hurry up!"

Zi Ding was very disappointed, avoiding his girlfriend who seemed to have gone crazy, and couldn't help but said coldly: "Whatever you want..."

"Then let's go now!" You Xiaolin excitedly wanted to take Zi Ding's hand, but was avoided by Zi Ding, her crazy eyes were instantly stunned.

Qi Ding said tiredly between his eyebrows: "Xiao Lin, I'm really tired. This time it's not that we are leaving..."

You Xiaolin panicked and shouted: "What do you mean, Zi Ding!"

Qi Ding trembled his lips reluctantly, still unable to say the words to break up, pinched the flesh of his thigh, turned his head and said: "If you go to other bases, I will visit you sometime."

You Xiaolin's heart was so cold, she wiped away her tears angrily, and glared at Zi Ding and shouted: "Whatever you want! I won't care about you anymore—"

After speaking, You Xiaolin turned her head and ran away.

Qi Ding stood there for a long time with his head down, looking at You Xiaolin's completely disappearing back, his eyes were blank, lost, and awakened, and suddenly anxiously wanted to catch up.