Chapter 32: ——It’s really a bad guy...

"Bang bang bang—!!!"

Pei Zhaozhou fired

The body of the female supernatural person has a meal.

Qi Ding, who just rushed over, had eyes cracked and his face was bloodshot and shouted: "No, no, no—"

The special bullets of the energy gun melted the vines flying all over the sky, and subtly scratched You Xiaolin's right leg, left arm and flanks.

This didn't cause any fatal injuries, it just made You Xiaolin's movements ease, the wounds were not deep, just the epidermis bleeding.

Pei Zhaozhou didn't want to kill the female supernatural person as soon as they met, but gave some warnings.

The female supernaturalist held the bleeding wound with her hand, and realized that the person who had shot her wounded her, her eyes were full of anger and looked at Pei Zhaozhou.

Pei Zhaozhou was not afraid at all, and said grimly: "I advise you to catch with your hands, stop struggling, and make up for the loss of the base because of you, otherwise the next bullet will not be a simple bruise and bleeding."

The female supernatural person kept on attacking Pei Zhaozhou even more irritably and unreasonably.

Pei Zhaozhou frowned and had to continue fighting.

The vines flying all over the sky blocked most of Qi Ding's vision. Qi Ding is just an ordinary person, whose eyesight is far less than that of the supernatural person. It is not clear how You Xiaolin is going from such a distance.

Only know that the bullet just now injured You Xiaolin.

Qi Ding rushed forward without thinking of anything.

The battle scene of the supernatural beings is so dangerous that just a single vine that flies can hit ordinary people who have no defensive power and seriously injure them.

Zhou Fei just rushed over when he heard something strange nearby. He saw a fool who dared to run to the most dangerous center of the battle. He anxiously grabbed Zi Ding and yelled.

"What's the matter with you?! Don't you know that there is a supernatural person here who is crazy and out of control? People around are evacuated, but you are the only one who is so hard to find death, you must do this!"

Qi Ding ignored Zhou Fei's advice at all, and looked at You Xiaolin, who had lost her mind and was wounded by a gun, with eyes flushed and tears.

Zhou Fei saw that this man was scolded by him and cried. The goose bumps were all up in an instant, and he said with a weird expression: "You are not the one who caused me to cry, but I didn't come to me to settle the account. I have been unlucky enough recently. NS!"

In the past few days, he suddenly received an order from Captain Hu, and exchanged the job of guarding the entrance of the base with the supernaturalists of other bases, saying that he was going to go to the computer city of the next city with the commander. It had nothing to do with him. Chief Cao was looking for Captain Hu. If Captain Hu had to take him, Zhou Fei would still stay at the gate of the base to fish, instead of going out to buy some materials and weapons needed for the base. .

Temporarily lost the fishing job of guarding the base, he regrets it in his heart. Fortunately, the leader who followed is a convincing and secure commander. Following the commander's command is safer than staying at the Lucheng base every minute.

Unexpectedly, I went out to buy something, and accidents happened in the base where the supernaturalists got out of control, and...

He has seen the list of ability players in the base, there is no such female ability person, and no one knows that she is such a strong wood type ability person.

At first, it seemed that the registered person was an ordinary person, so why conceal the identity?

Zhou Fei squinted slightly, and looked suspiciously at the female supernaturalist opposite.

His memory is not bad. At the beginning, this woman also brought a boyfriend. It was not a normal reaction to see the supernatural person, and she looked wary and distrustful. She was quite strange.

Speaking of it, the boyfriend next to her looked like he was pulling this unspeakable ordinary person. He actually dared to come here alone, and I don't know if it's brainstorming.

The Qi Ding on the side looked anxious, and kept shouting at the out of control You Xiaolin: "Xiao Lin—Xiao Lin—"

If it wasn't for Zhou Fei to hold Qi Ding, seeing him like this, he really wanted to hit the center of the battle.

Zhou Fei said irritably, "It's all right! Stop shouting, do you think your girlfriend Xiaolin responds to you?"

Qi Ding's eyes were suddenly frustrated and lost. She looked sadly at You Xiaolin, who ignored him. Suddenly she scratched her hair like crazy, and her scalp was bleeding.

"Why did Xiaolin do that? She is not that kind of person? Is it because I didn't leave with her..."

Zi Ding's eyes were red with regret, he couldn't figure out why You Xiaolin did this.

She has never been such an impulsive person, not to mention taking the initiative to attack in the public area of ​​the base, if it is because he is unwilling to leave with Xiaolin to stimulate her to go crazy...

He regretted it, and he shouldn't have left Xiaolin.

Qi Ding raised his head and continued to shout: "Xiao Lin-I'm leaving with you, I'm willing to go with you, listen to me, don't fight, okay?"

On the opposite side, You Xiaolin didn't pay any attention to it. Just Pei Zhaozhou's attack made her overwhelmed, so she couldn't pay attention to Zi Ding.

Zhou Fei looked at Qi Ding's stupid look, and it seemed that there was no way to stop the female supernatural person from moving, and his eyes sank slightly to look at the surrounding destroyed buildings and ground.

It seems that the subsequent mess will be troublesome to clean up. Fortunately, Zhou Fei didn't see any blood-stained corpses. It seems that no casualties have been caused, and the consequences are not too serious.

Zhou Fei glanced sharply at the useless Qi Ding, and warned with a cold voice: "If you still want to die, I won't care!"

Qi Ding was instantly frightened by the chill in Zhou Fei's eyes, making his back chill.

But he still paled, and said, "There may be hidden secrets behind this, just let me ask Xiao Lin, Xiao Lin has never been a troublemaker..."

Zhou Fei sneered and said, "I care about you, don't get in the way of me anyway!"

Zhou Fei ran over to help Pei Zhaozhou. He was a fire-type superpower, and he was naturally restrained from wood attributes.

As soon as it went up, a piece of vine was burned in a raging fire, and it looked extraordinary.

Zhou Fei walked to the side of Pei Zhaozhou and said, "Brother Pei, I'm here to help you."

Pei Zhaozhou nodded, but his expression was more cautious, his eyes fixed on the vines that had never appeared in the sea of ​​fire.

Wow —

A strong wind blew by.

The flames made by Zhou Fei were broken up and extinguished, and the vines that were as thick as tree trunks became more and more fierce and continuously weaved into a large green net, like the mouth of a giant beast's open blood plate.

Zhou Fei is also an experienced ability player with rich combat experience, and continues to use fire abilities to burn all these broken vines.

The more the fire burns, the faster the vines will grow.

No matter how hard Zhou Fei tried, the speed of the fire could not keep up with the growth of the vines.

"Damn, what's going on?!"

Zhou Fei cursed in confusion.

Pei Zhaozhou explained: "She gave me a greater sense of danger than Captain Hu. I am afraid that she is a superpower with a higher level of ability. Only the fastest growing front end of the vines is burned, and these vines are not disconnected from the roots. The number will only increase..."

Zhou Fei was surprised.

Captain Hu's ability level is all seventh, if the female supernatural ability is one rank higher than the eighth-order wood supernatural ability, it is no wonder that his flames will not only burn the vines.

Thought of here...

Zhou Fei suddenly thought that Pei Zhaozhou had relied on an energy gun and extraordinary physique to fight an eighth-tier wooden female supernatural power until now.

Suddenly it's magical, when can ordinary people fight indiscriminately with supernatural beings?

Zhou Fei didn't want to understand. Anyway, she shouldn't let the female supernaturalists continue to cause chaos. Brother Pei's strength had already been seen at the gate of the base, but Captain Hu's face was swollen for several days before disappearing.

Zhou Fei assisted Pei Zhaozhou's attack and planned to continue firing.

Since it is not all burned, it will be ignited everywhere and interfered.

All of the vines caught fire all at once, and it did not cause any harm. It just interfered with You Xiaolin's sight, making her more irritable.

Fire is the most annoying thing for wood-type abilities.

You Xiaolin's crazy eyes gradually shifted to Zhou Fei.

-Burn right, I think if you break your leg, I can still burn it!

An intact vine approached Zhou Fei like a green poisonous snake under the cover of flames and other vines.

Zhou Fei didn't notice that most of the attacks were centered on Pei Zhaozhou, and he fired auxiliary fires nearby.

By the way, listen to Pei Zhaozhou's order and point out which fire.

He noticed that the female supernatural player's offensive slowed down, thinking that she had almost consumed her supernatural powers.

When Zhou Fei relaxed his vigilance a little, a vine with spikes suddenly appeared from the blind corner of the flame covered by the flame, and Zhou Fei was subconsciously stunned.

After reacting in the next second, Zhou Fei couldn't help his heart palpitations.

It's no joke to be hit by the thick vines of the trunk.

Desperately drive the fire abilities to block the vine's attack.


A beam of energy bullets had already been fired when Zhou Fei reacted. When the ambushing vine was about to hit Zhou Fei's face, the energy bullet just shot through the vine, causing the vine to begin to melt.

Pei Zhaozhou responded that he hit the vine in time.


It's a pity, if it wasn't for this person's reaction too fast...

You Xiaolin gritted her teeth bitterly.

The broken thorny vine did not fall to the ground and continued to rush towards Zhou Fei.

Zhou Fei was hit by the vine's homeopathic impact before avoiding it in time, and he snorted with his arms against his chest, and then he retreated five or six steps before he could barely stand firm.

Then a beam of energy shot sharply through the ground half a meter in front of Zhou Fei's toes, and it was covered with melted scorched black wherever it went.

If you get closer, I’m afraid it’s not because his toes will melt—

Thinking of this, Zhou Fei felt cold and empty in his toes for a moment.

After Zhou Fei shook his numb arm in fear, he didn't suffer any injuries.

The only accident was that in order to save him, Pei Zhaozhou used energy bullets to avoid Zhou Fei's position in a critical situation just now, and almost made Zhou Fei not die under the vines, but died under Pei Zhaozhou's energy gun.

Zhou Fei wiped the cold sweat on his head, then gratefully glanced at Pei Zhaozhou's direction and said, "Thank you, Brother Pei!"

Pei Zhaozhou glanced sideways and saw Zhou Fei's ground that was melted by the energy gun bullets, and his eyes flashed with regret and apology.

"Sorry, it's an emergency. I didn't calculate the direction of the bullet and where you landed. Zhou Fei, don't you go somewhere else to hide, and you will come out after I solve this female supernatural person."

After speaking, Pei Zhaozhou paid attention to returning to the battle, his amber golden eyes sharpened, and instantly interrupted a large swath of vines spawned by female supernaturalists.

He was thinking about avoiding the fatal point of the female supernatural person, only to make her suffer a little injury and lose the ability to resist, but he did not expect that the physique of this female supernatural person was unexpectedly strong and strong.

Although it was still not comparable to Si Huaixi's abnormal physique, the maximum power of the energy gun could not hurt Si Huaixi's hair.

The female supernatural person will still be injured by the energy gun, but because of her hard skin and superhuman wound healing speed, the wound will soon disappear.

On the contrary, because of the injury, the out-of-control female supernatural person was enraged, and the number of vines increased wildly, more than twice the original number.

It's a bit difficult.

Pei Zhaozhou pressed his lips slightly, his eyes were calm and sharp, and he raised the energy gun again, firing more than a dozen energy bullets at a speed.

The vines spawned by the female supernatural powers expending the supernatural powers disappeared again, and gradually the speed of spawning the vines became a little slower.

The situation seems to be biased towards Pei Zhaozhou, whose strength remains intact.

But in fact, Pei Zhaozhou looked at the remaining 17% energy slot of the energy gun, frowning involuntarily.

A large swath of vines swept across, and Pei Zhaozhou jumped to the house quickly and sharply, taking advantage of the angle of view to shoot.

The gunfire sounded.

You Xiaolin was about to be driven even more mad by the intensive shooting, her scalp was numb and fearful.

She is not as fast as Pei Zhaozhou, the only advantage is that she has abilities.

In order to prevent Pei Zhaozhou from shooting everywhere like a goshawk.

You Xiaolin catalyzed a thick layer of vine armor to wrap her body, but this also meant that she had fallen into blind defense and could not actively attack Pei Zhaozhou.

Seeing that the armor of the vines was chipped off by Pei Zhaozhou's guns time and time again.

You Xiaolin didn't have enough courage, she began to panic, drove the vines to extend endlessly, and furiously toppled the surrounding houses down, so that Pei Zhaozhou had no place to hide!

The surroundings are in ruins.

Pei Zhaozhou wandered calmly, shooting from time to time to interrupt the vine's offensive, deliberately consuming You Xiaolin's abilities.

Like a wise and alert lion teasing a blind poisonous snake with its teeth and claws,

Zhou Fei stepped aside and did not dare to participate in the fierce battle in this scene. This level was not something he could handle, and he might even drag Pei Zhaozhou if he was not careful.

The situation intensified.

Women with supernatural powers also began to pant slightly with exhaustion.

Pei Zhaozhou decided not to keep his hands anymore, and the amber gold pupils drew across the chill of the forest, aiming at the deadly position of the female supernatural person.

After all, You Xiaolin is not the main fighting ability. She has always been hiding, even deliberately hiding in a corner that no one finds. She is too timid to admit it if she is discovered.

She was lucky enough to break through to the eighth-tier wood system power level. She found two high-level power plants in the wilderness. The homologous wood system nucleus made You Xiaolin break through without much effort. In terms of combat Experience is very lacking.

Just now blindly spawning vines, did not retain the ability.

The consequences of excessive use of abilities have caused You Xiaolin to be weak now, and the rapid panting sounds can be detected by the audience, not to mention the slowing down of the vines that can be seen with the naked eye.

You Xiaolin's crazy brain seemed to have cooled slightly, her gloomy eyes stared at her muzzle, and the breath of dangerous death approached.

But the end of the world is a suffocating and struggling desperate death from beginning to end.

The difference between coming earlier and coming later...but the time of suffering can be shorter...

She is a little tired.

He raised his head and glanced at the gloomy sky, and then at Qi Ding who was anxious next to him, there was a nostalgic sadness in his eyes, and the corners of his mouth smiled slightly.

Facing Pei Zhaozhou's muzzle.

You Xiaolin vented all her abilities and stopped resisting.

The vines that have lost the ability to control have no vitality, and the vines fall heavily on the ground, and the sky is full of dust.

Qi Ding looked at You Xiaolin's farewell eyes, and suddenly his mind went blank, and he couldn't help feeling a panic that penetrated into his bones from the depths of his soul.

Involuntarily in a daze, she moved her feet and rushed towards You Xiaolin.

—Xiao Lin, why do you want to leave?


The last shot was fired.

Zhou Fei's pupils slowly expanded, and he saw Qi Ding suddenly appear in front of the direction where the energy bullet shot towards the female supernatural person. After a moment of surprise, he gradually became indifferent.

Pei Zhaozhou frowned, the bullet had been shot irretrievably.

A weapon is a weapon after all, let alone an energy gun, a highly lethal high-tech weapon. In order to completely defeat the female supernatural ability, he just adjusted the power of the last shot to the highest level.

The female supernatural powers may not be able to resist the eighth-level abilities of the wood element, not to mention ordinary people like Zi Ding who have no defensive power.

Pei Zhaozhou half closed his eyes, his amber golden eyes flashed unbearably.

In the next second, that person will be hit by the energy gun, turning into a pool of melted burnt bones.

You Xiaolin looked blank in shock, and watched as a bunch of energy bullets were about to shoot through Qi Ding's chest.

No one knows the power of bullets better than her. Even she has to be carefully protected by vine armor. How could that fool and that fool of Zi Ding be able to resist, he will die...

Do not…

No...Ziding can't die...

She prefers to die and does not want to face the cruel and cold reality, but this does not include that Zi Ding will die in front of her...

You Xiaolin closed her chapped lips and burst into tears. She cried out, "No, no--!!!"

Everyone knew the consequences of Zi Ding's next bullet.

Only Qi Ding stood stupidly and didn't understand. He didn't understand the power of bullets. He just looked at You Xiaolin's crying and injured face. He wanted to run to her and stay with her.

Just like when he was a child, he was always hungry, but happily shared the only food with Xiaolin. In the seemingly desperate last days, his heart has always been very stable.

You Xiaolin is heartbreaking, she regrets it! She regretted it!

She would rather go look for those **** zombies immediately! I don't want to watch Zi Ding die in front of her because of her fault!

sorry! sorry!

She was wrong, no matter who it is, as long as someone is willing to save Zi Ding, she is willing to pay all the price!

Tears blurred You Xiaolin's vision.

The bullet was close to Zi Ding, and in the next second, Zi Ding was going to be ashes before her eyes.

Pei Zhaozhou suddenly looked in one direction.

With the appearance of that person, the world seemed to draw a rest.

Sudden silence—

The frozen air, the birds passing by this area freeze, and the dust floating from the collapsed building is motionless like frozen ice crystals...

Even the energy bullet happened to stop at a distance of less than ten centimeters behind Zi Ding.

Pei Zhaozhou's pupils were slightly open, and his consciousness was still thinking, but his body stopped moving, as if controlled by some invisible force.

Time stopped—

When everything in the world moves, time also flows.

When everything in the world stops moving, the stagnant time has no meaning.

Si Huaixi came alone.

Stepping through a ruin affected by the battle, stepping on mud bricks that need to be made for a long time.

The faces of everyone were horrified, at a loss, and looked at them.

With one hand, he held the purple-blue bullet beam that was stagnant in the air, against the bullet that could turn Zi Ding into ashes.

Si Huaixi gently shook his hand, and the huge energy was compressed and gathered in the palm of his hand until it turned into an extreme firework, which dissipated in the air without a trace.

All the people present are like stiff puppets.

The stagnant gaze watched the person passing around them, but they could only see, hear, and thoughts flowing through their minds...

Unable to make any reaction, unable to move.

Si Huaixi walked in front of Pei Zhaozhou and reached out to touch the insignificant scratches on Pei Zhaozhou's face. His sea-blue eyes watched quietly, and the seemingly calm deep sea set off a raging anger.

Rubbing the small wound with the fingertips, it instantly recovered as before.

It's just that Si Huaixi still rubbed Pei Zhaozhou's smooth cheeks over and over again, until the white and tender cheeks showed red marks left by his fingers, glowing with a blushing blush.

Pei Zhaozhou felt the pain, and a little dissatisfaction appeared in his amber golden eyes.

I just hope Si Huaixi can let go quickly and don't knead his face as a dough. By the way, if Si Huaixi knows the reason why he can't move now, let him get back to his original shape quickly.

"You are hurt again."

Si Huaixi said again, deep in the sea-blue pupils there is a certain kind of extremely suppressed desire for control, fingers rubbing Pei Zhaozhou's cheeks, eyelashes, clear and dazzling golden amber eyes...

The psychic powers’ unique desire for control, Si Huaixi’s inherent possessiveness and perfectionist paranoia, made him unbearable... Pei Zhaozhou was injured once out of his sight...

"Why don't you come to me for help?"

Si Huaixi untied Pei Zhaozhou's shackles and asked with a vaguely angry look in his eyes.

Pei Zhaozhou Zhang He wanted to explain something, and inexplicably sighed under Si Huaixi's faintly angry eyes, and said, "Well, this is just an accident, and I haven't suffered any injuries, next time I..."

"no next time."

Si Huaixi's blue eyes were deep, and he gritted his teeth and said: "No! Yes! Next! Next time!"

Pei Zhaozhou looked at Si Huaixi's face turned dark with anxiety, feeling a little helpless, feeling that Si Huaixi was a little too nervous, and said with drooping eyes.


Si Huaixi saw the disagreeable Pei Maomao and bit her back teeth.

—What a very bad cat!