Pei Zhaozhou expressed his incomprehension about Si Huaixi who easily let go of a dangerous supernatural power. His amber platinum eyes were filled with dissatisfaction, and he tightened his lips and stopped talking.

In his opinion, Si Huaixi was overwhelming with kindness, just as he unsuspectingly brought him back to the base with an unknown future.

But this time is different. This ability player is aggressive. If he didn't come in time just now, I'm afraid this ability player will cause huge losses in the base.

Pei Zhaozhou has experienced many betrayals. The emotions of shock, confusion, incomprehension, anger, and pain are intertwined in his heart, scratching his heart over and over again at a deeper level, and the pain is dripping with blood.

The last time, when his world betrayed him.

He cut off the last thought, his heart was ashamed.

Pei Zhaozhou knows how desperate and sad the pain of betrayal is, and he knows even more...

If you don't want the sharp edge of betrayal to be aimed at him, all you need is to resolve the source of betrayal in advance.

He didn't want... Si Huaixi would experience the betrayal he had experienced.

When the original base was destroyed, the base residents were almost injured, and the base was attacked against him in violation of the order, Pei Zhaozhou didn't even think about killing the female supernatural person, but she just retreated and caught her when she knew it was difficult.

But now even Zhou Fei could see that the ability person needed to investigate the identity to find out why she used the ability to destroy the base out of control.

but now!

Si Huaixi released that supernatural player!

If the person with this ability did not stay in the base for punishment as agreed, but chose to abscond, it would be equivalent to having an unknown enemy in Si Huaixi.

Pei Zhaozhou was very angry and gritted his teeth secretly.

Some squeezed their lips and were about to blurt out, and they still couldn't bear to say what they called Si Huaixi fools.

In his opinion, Si Huaixi, as a leader of the base, was excessively kind and arrogant about his own strength, making Si Huaixi not like a qualified power holder.

So stupid to make him look at the people who worry about him!

——Si Huaixi is too kind, let him do some threats that must be killed.

Pei Zhaozhou's eyes darkened suddenly, a hint of indifferent and extremely cold killing infiltrated from the amber-platinum golden eyes, and a touch of cold blood red appeared from his thin lips.

From the beginning to the present, a male lion that has gone through countless killings has never been bloody, even if it is kept in a comfortable and comfortable greenhouse, with sharp claws, blood-stained white lion teeth, wildness and ferociousness engraved in hunting genes , Bloodthirsty will never be wiped out by the owner's temporary shelter from the wind and rain.

"Si Huaixi, I lack a manpower."

Pei Zhaozhou's eyes were cold, and he said with a hidden anger.

Si Huaixi on the side was unaware of the angry big cat, and when it came to letting You Xiaolin go, he didn't care that she would run away.

You Xiaolin can't escape the mental tracking he put down just now. If she will escape, he will kill You Xiaolin and her related people.


You Xiaolin's steadfast look of hatred and her care for Zi Ding.

It reminded him of him and Pei Zhaozhou, inexplicably persuaded Si Huaixi.

Coupled with You Xiaolin's firm confession, Si Huaixi had more patience to wait for what happened behind the scenes.

Back to Pei Zhaozhou, when he heard that he suddenly wanted one more person, he thought it was because his experiment was short of manpower.

Si Huaixi agreed without thinking, "Yes, who do you want to find?"

Pei Zhaozhou's amber golden eyes drew a dark glow, and his thin lips opened and closed: "You Xiaolin."

Si Huaixi's heart jumped, her calm eyes suddenly changed, and she said, "No!"

Pei Zhaozhou said indifferently: "Why not?"

why not? !

Is this still explained by him? ! Didn't Pei Zhaozhou know that You Xiaolin is a dangerous female supernatural person whose identity has not yet been identified, and she was injured just after a fight with her!

The incident did not immediately delay You Xiaolin's arrest and investigation, but it does not mean that Si Huaixi would allow a source of danger to approach Pei Zhaozhou!

Si Huaixi's face changed unpredictably, hesitated again and again before suppressing the anxiety in his heart, and asked in a low and slow voice: "Why are you suddenly looking for You Xiaolin? Can't it be another person?"

Pei Zhaozhou threw out a comment: "I need her wood power to give birth to enough plants to make me the raw materials for energy stabilizers."

In fact, Si Huaixi didn't know what he was thinking.

Si Huaixi frowned, and replied: "For another person, you want a wood superpower, I can find other suitable ones for you."

Pei Zhaozhou squinted his golden amber eyes, and said coldly, "Give it or not?"

I have never seen Pei Zhaozhou be so emotional. I have to look for that dangerous supernatural person. If I don't give it, I still have a face like Pei Maomao who is going to be angry and shameless.

Si Huaixi frowned vigorously, so sad that he wanted to light a cigarette, and fiercely pinched Pei Maomao's stinky face.

Si Huaixi's eyes were helpless, and she gritted her teeth and said: "No! If you want her to use the wood power to instigate plants, I can order her to finish it, and then send the plant raw materials over."

got rejected.

Pei Zhaozhou glanced at Si Huaixi in an unhappy mood, making him feel straightforward.

However, Si Huaixi felt very uncomfortable when he thought of putting an unidentified power person by Pei Zhaozhou's side, and immediately became firm and refused to agree.

As long as he doesn't agree, the people at the base can't release people to Pei Zhaozhou.

Pei Zhaozhou didn't continue to speak, and turned away coldly.

Si Huaixi breathed a sigh of relief at once, and this incident passed.

But when Pei Zhaozhou returned to the laboratory, Si Huaixi realized that things were not that simple.



The huge glass container is in the most conspicuous position in the center. The adjusted energy stabilizer almost fills the entire glass container. The fluorescent green solution flows, and from time to time there is an arc of light flying by fireflies, like a vibrant light green galaxy. .

The professors of the institute wanted to ask Pei Zhaozhou about the production of the energy gun. A few days ago, they got the blueprint of the energy gun from Pei Zhaozhou.

Several elderly people who were all very old were extremely excited. The knowledge and principles contained in the drawings refreshed their previous understanding of mechanical power energy.

They realized the importance of energy guns at a glance. With such weapons, ordinary people are not afraid of zombies, and can follow them to kill zombies to help people with supernatural powers.

Because Lao Hu was the first to see the power of the energy gun.

Even if he is an elderly ordinary person holding an energy gun, he may be able to kill a zombie of no low level. In the last days, a powerful weapon can bring him a sense of security more than anything.

Although there are still many factors to kill a zombie, like Lao Hu who has never used a gun, it is more difficult to get a zombie with marksmanship and accuracy. However, after the development of the base over the past few years, young people and those who are in their prime Much more than before, unlike Lao Hu's dizzy eyes, if the base had an energy gun, it would sweep the zombies within a thousand miles of the base every minute.

Full of ambitions, Lao Hu immediately started the research and production of the energy gun, and spent several days studying it, until the dark circles under his eyes appeared, but there were still many things that he didn't understand.

Professor Yan is regarded as the most knowledgeable scholar in the institute. He is one step quicker than Lao Hu to realize that the possibility of the energy gun being made is very low.

Certain material requirements are simply impossible to achieve.

Professor Yan sat with the drawing for a long time, and he should have thought of giving up.

It is conceivable that Pei Zhaozhou has an energy gun with good performance and superior performance in his hand. His inability to do it does not mean that this talented scientific genius cannot do it, and hope is ignited in his heart.

Since the doors of the laboratory were basically closed for the first three days, thinking about what important experiments Pei Zhaozhou might have to carry out, these old people did not dare to interfere, so they waited patiently.

But today Lao Hu found that there was no one in the laboratory, and seemed to have all gone out, and it looked extraordinary that a huge glass container could be seen through the window.

The old professors are all around this glass container containing the green solution, their eyes are full of interest.

"Lao Yan, you have seen the most things, can you tell me what it is?"

"Will it be a large energy gun? Look at the solution and it will glow. It must contain abundant energy."

"If there is such a big energy gun, no zombies can be killed! Pei Zhaozhou, who looks at such a young man, is really not easy!"

"Of course it's not easy, my old guy is going to cheekily ask him questions..."

"By the way, why didn't the commander see him? He has been in the laboratory these days..."

"Maybe with Pei Zhaozhou out, isn't the relationship between the two lads very good?"

"Huh! They're back--"

All the old professors' eyes glistened, rubbing their hands and looking forward to the return of Pei Zhaozhou and Si Huaixi.

Only Professor Yan found something wrong.

Seeing Pei Zhaozhou walking in front with a cold face, Si Huaixi, who followed behind, did not dare to get too close, but tried to talk all the way to ease the atmosphere.

Inexplicably reminded Professor Yan when he first fell in love with his wife when he was young, he always irritated his wife because of his ignorance, so he had to approach his wife with a shy face and talk about it with counseling.

"Did they quarrel?"


"Here we are."

Si Huaixi had her pitiful sea-blue eyes drooping, looking sideways at Pei Zhaozhou, who was still cold and silent. He still pressed his lips tightly and was very silent.

I still ignore him.

Si Huaixi, who was dejected, realized the petty petite of this wayward cat.

No matter what he said along the way, the angry cat didn't say a word, as if he didn't exist.

Isn't it just a tool man with supernatural ability?

No... or not!

There are so many wood-type supernatural beings, who can't want to, why do you want You Xiaolin?

The more Si Huaixi thought about it, the more things went wrong, her sea-blue eyes fell into deep thought, and suddenly she realized that a shocked and bewildered light flashed under her eyes.

——Don't tell him, because after a fight with You Xiaolin, I fell in love with her!

Otherwise, he really couldn't understand why Pei Zhaozhou should be obsessed with You Xiaolin who couldn't be better than him in that respect.

He still remembers that You Xiaolin has a boyfriend!

Unexpectedly, he hadn't kept a cat for a few days, so he thought about going to another house.

Si Huaixi felt sour in her heart, her sea-blue eyes filled with aggrieved water, and she gritted her teeth and asked, "Pei Zhaozhou, are you interested in You Xiaolin?"

Pei Zhaozhou, who had been air-conditioned and silent all the way, suddenly laughed angrily.

"Si Huaixi, are you a fool?"