
Greed noticed the gleam in my eye and covered my mouth with a front paw.

[Slip of the tongue! Not a goose, anyway].


[Can’t even lay a golden egg…….]

What’s with the sulking…….

Anyway, it was a very, very, very good ability.

With this ability, even if you didn’t have enough funds, you’d be able to make money quickly.

It was the perfect ability for me to turn a small amount of money into a large amount of money. My mind raced with all the ways I could use this ability to make money.

I covered my face with both hands to cover the cheekbones that were about to rise.

“‘Mining lodes? Can I find them? Should I turn to real estate? Or talent scouting?

Hoo-hoo, hoo-hoo…….

I was just laughing sinisterly when I remembered Raeyan and Greed in front of me.


Suddenly, Greed burped loudly. Then it patted its round belly with its front paws and said casually.

[My stomach is so full].

Greed had said that my greed was the most important of my emotions. Him being full means…….



You mean my emotions are filled with greed.

Yes, I admit it. I was greedy.

But I also realize that anyone who has the power to do that would do all sorts of things. Not that I’m a particularly greedy person.

“Well, let’s try it today. Let’s go to the auction house we went to last time.”

My whole body was tingling with anticipation. I was also curious to see what the value would be.

But then Greed jumped up and blocked my path out of the office.

[Wait a minute].


[Not finished speaking].

Greed’s golden eyes glared up at me, and one corner of his mouth jerked up in a sneer.

The black fox’s sneer was strangely infuriating…….

“What is it? Tell me.”

[Cannot be used indefinitely.]

I was disappointed, but not entirely surprised. It would be strange for such a great power to be infinite.

Humbly accepting that there were limits, I asked Greed.

“How much can I use it?”

Ten hours a day? Or, erm, five? Not much, but it’s not bad. I’ll just have to be frugal.

Greed’s answer, however, far exceeded my expectations and smashed them to smithereens.

[3 seconds a week.]

“That’s too short……!”

Not even three seconds a day, but three seconds a week?

My perfect plan to sit in an auction house and buy something valuable at a bargain basement price was ruined.

Looking up at me with my mouth open in shock, Greed giggled and added.

[Don’t forget I’m sealed, so I can’t use my full powers, but my unsealed body is awesome.]

“Yeah, Black Flame Dragon, I hope you’re awesome.”

[No, no you don’t have to say that. Ashamed.]

My words were sarcastic, but Greed covered his mouth with his front paws as if he was amused by my words, and let out a strange, muffled laugh.

When I was sprawled out on the couch in a heap, Greed tilted his head and asked.

[Not enough time?]

“Mmm. Definitely not. Totally.”

[There’s a way to make it last longer].

“Which is?”

I asked, trying to sound as innocent as possible.

[This is a method to formally enter into a contract with me for a price].

I frowned openly.

The first time I met him in the sealing compound, he asked for ninety per cent of my life.

I lied to him and said I was on a time limit, so he asked me to give him everything.

He was asking for my life, but I couldn’t give him my life.

“I refuse.”

[You can always say no to the contract.]

He gave me a demanding look and wagged his tail gently, as if Greed was trying to seduce me.

As I watched, mesmerized by the cuteness of it all, Raeyan covered my eyes with his large hand.

“You must not give in to the temptation of sin.”

“That’s a temptation?”

I thought it was a joke…….

“Do not be deceived by appearances. It’s one of the seven deadly sins that threatened to destroy the world.”

“I know, Raeyan.”

On the outside, it had the appearance of an adorable baby fox, but in essence, it was a sinful creature created by the god Irkala to gain control of the earth.

My nature was also greedy, and I often thought it was beyond the comprehension of human thought.

Though, admittedly, not being human, Greed does lack humanity.

[I haven’t done anything yet. Injustice.]

I could hear Greed grumbling.

“I know what you’re worried about. I’ll take care of it.”

I pulled away Raeyan’s hand, which was still covering my eyes, as he said that.

I was immediately faced with red eyes. Our hands were touching, and despite the gloves, they felt somehow hot.

Rayan spoke quietly.

“I believe in you.”

“If you think it’s overstepping the mark, tell me, like today. I’ll be more cautious.”


I slowly let go of his hand, and he stared at mine. For a moment, I felt empty, holding on to him and then letting go.

[Before we sin, we are very choosy. I do not over-sin at all – I just make a living]. 

Greed stamped his forepaws in frustration. He seemed to be upset that he had been ignored.

“Well, since I’m the one holding the Sealing Stone, I’m the one in control, even if only temporarily.”

Before I could finish, Greed’s eyes widened frighteningly, and he spat out one of his propaganda lines.

[My master is only the great god Irkala – worship him!]

“Now you speak normally.”

Raeyan looked over at me, watching Greed. I scratched my cheek and replied.

“That’s what he does when he talks about his master.”

A sin created by the god Irkala; it was no wonder he was so blind. But Rayan didn’t like it and grabbed Greed by the scruff of the neck.

[What, what! Let go of me! Let go of me – you, suddenly!]

Greed struggled, but Raeyan didn’t even bother to look at him and spoke to me seriously.

“If you want, I’ll return it to you after I train it.”


“By physically pressurizing it back into the sealing stone…….”

The gist of it was that if you repeat the recall an infinite number of times, it will submit to the situation.

In other words, rule by violence.

Greed’s eyes widened as if they were going to pop out of their sockets as he understood what Raeyan was suggesting. Greed cried out mournfully.

[Disagree! Disagree! Irkala thinks I’m pretty cute!]


[Animal cruelty!!!]

Now that it’s at a disadvantage, it has no qualms about calling itself an animal.

His big eyes were filled with tears, and he was as pitiful as a black fox caught in the rain.

“Just leave him alone. It’s a little upsetting, but it’s called ‘economy of language’, so let’s stick to the concept.”

” …….Yes.”

Raeyan let go of Greed’s neck with a grimace.

[Heuk! Save Greed……!]

Greed, sensing that I would protect him from Raeyan, ran straight to me and wrapped his arms around me.

It was so cute to watch him squirm.

‘Oh, be careful. Don’t be fooled by appearances.’

But I couldn’t resist nudging the little paw of Greed.


I concluded that I would return to the auction house where I had won the Sealing Stone. There was no better place to test my skills.

I borrowed a hooded cloak from Raeyan on the off chance that I might run into someone who knew me this time, but its length was long enough to cover the backs of my hands.

“It’s too big.”

I held out my hands and mumbled something under my breath, and Raeyan folded the sleeves for me.

Mario, who had brought two cloaks by order of the captain, poked two fingers into both of his eyes.

“I didn’t see anything. I didn’t see anything…….”

His behavior seemed out of character for someone like Raeyan. But I hadn’t really seen how he treated the other mercenaries, so I wondered why he was making such a fuss.

“Is this enough?”

“I think we should fold one more time.”


At my request, Raeyan folded the sleeve once more. Mario was looking away, frowning openly.

“If you’re done, get out.”

“You also told me to bring my ID badge.”

“Give it to me and get out.”

“I’m not leaving without it!”

Mario placed his ID card on the table and stormed out of the director’s office with a grim expression on his face.

Without looking up to see if Mario had left or not, Rayan held out his hand to me.

“I’ll escort you.”


As I placed my hand over his, I had a question.

Ian, the Mercenary King, was supposedly a commoner, so why was he so skilled in the manners of an escort for a noble?

It was too much of a habit for him to have learned over such a short period of time.

‘This guy is really suspicious.’

I’d asked Jansi to investigate Raeyan, so I was sure we’d find out his secret soon enough.

We headed straight to the auction house. On the way, Greed chattered incessantly.

[I want to go too].

“No, no. It’s too conspicuous to carry a pet.”


Greed grumbled about how stuffy it was inside the sealing stone. I let out a sigh, and Raeyan spoke with a narrow smile.

“Do you want me to train it if it keeps making noise?”

[I– I will be quiet now.]

“I’ll keep it quiet.”

Thanks to Raeyan’s counter-threat, Greed was indeed quiet.

Entering the auction house was as uneventful as before. I showed them the identification Mario had provided and they let me in without even checking my face.

But as we were walking down the auction hallway, Raeyan’s expression hardened.


“There’s an experienced soldier in the background.”

Having already been attacked once, I couldn’t help but feel nervous. When I froze, Raeyan pulled me into a protective embrace.

“The purpose seems to be protection, not assassination. You can rest assured.”

“Protection? Protection from whom?”

“There seems to be someone of high status at the auction house–”

As we talked, we arrived at our seats in front of the stage where the auction was taking place.

I carefully put on my hood because I didn’t want to be bothered by anyone who might see me.

“Let’s just check his ability and get out of here.”

” Yes.”

Sitting down, I eyed the auction items with the intention of getting out of there quickly.

I didn’t see anything worth checking out, and wondered if I should just spend it on something random.

“What is this? All these items suck.”

A familiar voice, one I’d heard before, came from right in front of me.

My mouth dropped open in surprise when I saw the hooded figure in front of me.

‘The Second Prince?!’

Second Prince Beltran sat in the seat in front of me.

You’re the one I assume to be the high-ranking nobleman with a bunch of escorts?

I could never, ever get caught!