I glanced up at Raeyan.

‘There’s that gaze again.’

Eyes that seemed to be looking at someone else through her reflection. There was a complex emotion in that gaze that she couldn’t put into words.

‘But that isn’t…… for me.’

A stranger might see such a gaze from Raeyan as a sign of serious feelings, but I doubted that.

I did not want to be swayed by the other person’s feelings.

“What is it that makes you say that?”


In response to my question, Raeyan closed his mouth as usual.

‘Silence. Yeah, that’s a clever dodge.’

I was expecting an answer, but I was mistaken. Raeyan was a committed man. That much was clear.

It was also certain that his stubbornness would be useful, whether for my sake or that of the person who was reflected in me.

And yet.

“Raeyan. There is nothing I can give you.”

I did not like the idea of receiving without giving.

“So, no more favors for which I don’t understand the reason.”


“Because I feel bad.”

Raeyan’s eyes shook as he looked at me.

But I didn’t waver. I had deliberately spoken coldly to provoke Raeyan.

After a moment’s hesitation, Raeyan parted his lips.

“…… I didn’t think you would feel that way.”

But that was all he said.

He had no intention of telling me his secret. He said he’d tell me someday when the time was right, but I wasn’t sure if that time would ever come.

It was foolish to try to have a conversation with someone who would shut up no matter what I asked. Realizing that fact bitterly since getting to know Raeyan, I didn’t interrupt him.

Instead, I just laughed as if I had not heard him, then turned around.

“We should get back.”



Raeyan followed three steps behind Elodie, who walked ahead.

The landscape passed by slowly as they walked.

It was the usual, everyday scene. Houses and shops that looked similar yet different. People going about their day.

The late afternoon sunlight hung over everything like a thick shroud.

Suddenly, Elodie stopped walking, and Raeyan stopped a step behind her.

Then she turned and looked back at him.

“By the way, Raeyan.”


“Don’t put yourself down.”


“No one can belittle you, not even yourself.”

Raeyan’s eyes paused on Elodie’s face as she spoke so earnestly, without a hint of laughter.

Even when he closed his eyes, the image lingered.


As I entered the bedroom, Martha, who was tidying up the room, greeted me with a beaming smile.

“Welcome home, popular girl!”

“What popular girl?”

“Because I have three letters addressed to you.”

Martha approached me with a tray she had placed on the table.

“The first letter is from your friend M.”

Martha scratched her head.

‘M’ must be Mario, the deputy leader of the Earth Hawk Mercenary Corps. He was contacting her about an investigation report she’d commissioned.

I wondered which one he was writing about, since I had assigned him several.

“The second letter is from…… Hmm, a guy named Elby the Wizard.”

Elby the Wizard was a wizard I had invested in, and he was an alias of the West Magic Tower’s master.

He said he’d contact me when he’d finished researching the magic tool he was developing.

“And the third letter is from…….”

Before Martha could finish, I rolled my eyes and laughed. There was no need to explain.

“You don’t have to tell me that.”

Even Martha couldn’t help but notice the incredibly fine paper and the seal of the Imperial House of Wallent in the center.

It was a personal letter from the emperor.


With a sigh, I grabbed all the letters on the tray at once.

Putting the Emperor’s letter on the table first, as it seemed to be the most important, I opened the letter from Lord Isis.

[Requesting a visit at your earliest convenience].

That was all it said.

‘I will visit you soon.’

Next, a letter from my friend M, or vice-captain Mario.

[Lady Perdia, do you remember the dressing room we talked about last time, the one that Lady Angellus also frequents? I thought it was closed, but they’ve recently reopened it. If you don’t mind, why don’t you come with me? I’ll be waiting for you!]

Judging from the contents, it seemed that the investigation into the wizard employed by the Duke of Angellus had ended.

I appreciated Mario’s consideration for my privacy in case I was discovered by the Perdias.

But there was something he had overlooked.

‘I don’t have any friends, Mario…….’

If anyone in Perdia had read this letter, they would have been immediately suspicious and would have followed me.

In fact, Mario’s concern almost led to my downfall.

Fortunately, Mario’s correspondence and that of the Western Magic Tower Master Isis remained well sealed until I broke it open.

The emperor’s letter, however, had been opened.

“Ah, the butler opened that one first.”

It was a common occurrence. Every object and letter that entered the mansion had to pass through the butler’s hands once.

Although the letters from Mario and the Tower Master had been deemed unimportant and were not opened, a letter from the emperor was not in the same category.

The contents of the emperor’s letter to me were as expected.

[The weather is fine, and I have just received some good tea leaves; stop by tomorrow at 2 p.m. in the main castle].

It was an order to come and see him tomorrow. Wrapped in a rather friendly tone.

‘One would think that we were familiar acquaintances who meet often.’

After all the banquets I had attended, I hadn’t had much of a conversation with the emperor. To the emperor, I’m just another one of his numerous guests.

I tossed the emperor’s letter roughly onto the tray and looked back at Martha.

“I suppose my father knows, then.”

“Yes. He must have seen it.”

I wondered if the fact that he hadn’t said anything yet meant he didn’t care about this, but it wasn’t just any business. These were the emperor’s summons.

Martha was not the least bit concerned that I had received a letter from the emperor. Instead, she poked around me distractedly.

“What are you looking for?”

“The black fox, the cute one you brought, where is he?”

Martha’s words quietly awakened the sleeping black fox inside from its slumber.

[Oh, you were looking for me? That’s quite a thrill!]

Excited, Greed acted as if he was going to burst out of the sealing stone at any moment. I quickly warned him.

‘No, you can’t come out now! Stay put.’

[Ahem, I know].

‘I’ll let you out when Martha gets out.’


Appeasing the pouting Greed, I made excuses to Martha.

“I let him out in the garden for a bit, I thought he was getting frustrated being cooped up inside.”

“That’s a shame. I wanted to pet it…….”

“You can pet it later.”

“Yes, well, Miss, I’ve been thinking of some more names–”

Just before Martha was about to give in to Greed again, there was a knock on the door, thankfully.

It was the butler who sought me out.

“Miss, His Excellency has summoned you.”

Oh, yes. Of course the Duke of Perdia wouldn’t let that slide.


As soon as I stepped into the office of the Duke of Perdia, I was bombarded with questions.

“I have heard that the emperor has summoned you.”

“Yes. He asked me to stop by his castle tomorrow.”

“You need not go.”

I was momentarily at a loss for words as I was told to ignore the emperor’s personal request.

‘Didn’t you call me here to tell me to behave myself?’

I assumed I was supposed to go, but it turns out I wasn’t.

Of course, I wasn’t in a position to argue with him.

“But His Majesty–”

“I’m sure it’s for nothing. They’re going to question you about what happened at the meeting, and there’s no need for you to be there.”

It was easier for me to hide behind the Duke of Perdia. After all, it’s hard not to be intimidated by the emperor of an empire.

He was so much more than a mere nobleman.

In my heart, I wanted to go along with the duke’s words and pretend I didn’t know, but I couldn’t.

To dare to disobey an invitation sent by the emperor himself was to go against his will.

It was not something that could be passed off as a family affair. The entire family would suffer the emperor’s wrath.

Even as one of the Four Major Families, dealing with the monarch of the Empire would not be easy. So my personal problems would soon become family problems.

‘The House of Perdia need not bear the stigma because of me.’

I wasn’t even the Duke of Perdia’s real daughter, so I couldn’t allow myself to be brought into disrepute.

“I am well aware that I am not trustworthy to my father.”

When the duke did not respond, I pressed further. 

“…….. that’s the point, isn’t it?”


It was obvious that he didn’t trust me to go to the imperial castle alone. To reassure the duke, I spoke with determination.

“I’ll behave myself. And never bring trouble to Perdia.”


The duke sighed, swiping his hand across his face. It seemed to me that I was not trustworthy at all.

“I’ve grown up; I promise I won’t cause any incidents.”

“Have you even realized that you’ve been having incidents?”


I laughed softly, and the duke picked up on it, letting out a short chuckle. The tense atmosphere was instantly broken.

Finally, the duke relented.

“Very well. Go.”


“You may leave now.”


I left the office in one piece, but it wasn’t until the door was closed that I realized something was wrong.

‘Why hasn’t he said anything?’

Surely by now the First Prince would have told the Duke of Perdia about the breakup, and it would have been normal to mention it at least once.

But I didn’t have the courage to go back into his office.

I was afraid that if I spoke up, I would incur the duke’s wrath.

“I must see the first prince again.”

I was going to the imperial castle tomorrow, and if I set out early enough, I might have a chance to talk to him.


With my escort, Raeyan, I arrived at the Imperial Palace ahead of schedule. As we approached the main entrance, Raeyan stopped.

“I’ll be waiting here.”

“Huh? You’re not coming with me?”


“Are you sure you don’t want to see the emperor?”

“So, it is.”

I heard that he had been recognized by the emperor for his exploits, but there seemed to be some unknown secret.

‘They called him the emperor’s dog.’

Maybe he’s a bit of a rebellious pup…….

“Okay. I’ll be right back.”

I left Raeyan behind and entered the main castle. My first stop was the First Prince’s office.

“His Highness is out of town.”

Unfortunately, this was a waste of time.

I revised my plan and went to see the emperor first, then the First Prince.

The way to the emperor’s bedchamber was eerie.

The windows in the corridor were curtained to prevent any rays of sunlight from entering, and the soldiers in formation were silent.

‘It’s like a funeral home. An atmosphere like this surely will make one sick.’

I made my way through the deserted corridors and finally arrived at the emperor’s bedchamber.

A servant at the door announced my arrival.

“Your Majesty. Miss Elodie Perdia of the House of Perdia wishes to see you.”

The reply came quickly. The Chamberlain of the Castle, who was waiting inside, opened the door for me.


I stepped through the slightly ajar door.

Instantly, a pungent smell hit my nostrils.

‘…… what is that smell?’