In front of the Emperor’s bedchamber.

Adenmir’s thoughts were interrupted by his arrival at his destination. After a short knock, he stepped into the emperor’s chambers.

As usual, the emperor, lying motionless in the darkened chamber, raised his head.

Adenmir extinguished the flame of the censer and drew back the curtains.

“Father. Tell me, how are you feeling?”

“Much better……. The antidote you gave me has taken effect.”

“I’m glad to hear that.”

Elodie’s words about the family having an excellent apothecary were not false, and indeed, after taking the antidote she had sent, the emperor’s condition had noticeably improved.

His health had improved to the point where he was able to walk several laps around his bedroom, unlike in the past when he was literally ‘alive’ without being able to get out of bed.

However, this was a closely guarded secret, for if it got out, the poisoners would cut off their tails.

The emperor agreed with Adenmir and joined in the charade. He marveled at his condition, which was improving by the day.

“Who is this brilliant apothecary who can decipher a poison that not even the imperial apothecary could figure out?”

“I will introduce you to him later, after we have identified the source of the poison.”

Adenmir cleverly deflected the emperor’s question about who the apothecary was.

It was the emperor who was wary of being involved with Perdia. If he found out the source was Elodie, that could lead to trouble.

So, he hadn’t told him yet.

Besides, it would be comical to tell someone about the ridiculousness of the situation, that the one who was helping them was the one who was breaking up their marriage.

Adenmir was alone, mocking himself, checking the state of things.

The emperor asked, “How is it with that child, Elodie?”

At the sudden mention of Elodie, Adenmir almost faltered. He had been thinking of Elodie.

He replied calmly, feigning indifference.

“We are in the final stages of finalizing our breakup, and if nothing changes, we will make it official today.”

“Hmmm. Is that how it’s going to be…….”

The emperor stroked his chin with a grimace; he remembered Elodie, whom he had met only a short time ago.

‘Your Majesty. Do you know my nickname?’

‘The mad dog of Perdia.’

It was impressive to see her holding and baring her teeth like a weapon. He thought she was a small child with nothing but her pride, but she wasn’t.

‘She’s trying to hide her poisonous fangs.’

It was quite an impression, and one that still comes to mind often.

It was also interesting to note that she was not at all afraid of the emperor despite him being bedridden from an ‘illness’.

‘If it weren’t for Perdia, Elodie… The child’s fate would have been different.’

He felt sorry for her in many ways.

But he had no intention of broaching the subject of an engagement that had already been broken off.

The emperor looked up at his son, his expression impassive.

“She must be heartbroken.”

To be betrothed to a member of the royal family, even a prince, was an unparalleled honor for a lady of noble birth. Once the marriage was consummated, she would become a member of the imperial family.

But Elodie Perdia broke off her engagement. People would speculate on the reasons for the breakup and tear her apart.

In fact, ever since the news of her breakup leaked out, social circles have been abuzz with speculation and gossip.

What a disgrace.

Whatever the truth, being branded “divorced” will make Elodie Perdia a worthless commodity in the marriage market.

She might be forced to marry a far lesser man.

But Adenmir scoffed derisively.


“Heartless. If you meet her, treat her well. She is a pitiful child.”

Adenmir made no reply to the emperor’s words. The emperor snorted briefly, realizing that he did not wish to continue the conversation on this topic.

“What do you intend to do in the future?”

“Firstly, I intend to identify and execute those who have tried to harm the kingdom.”

The emperor sighed deeply at Adenmir’s answer before he stared at his son.



“Don’t you already know your answer?”

Despite the ambiguity of the question, the emperor and Adenmir were on the same page.

That Empress Salvatrice was behind this.

That even if they captured her, they would not be able to drive her out.

The emperor burst out laughing.

“My incompetence endangers you as well.”

Even knowing all this, there was nothing the emperor could do.

From the moment he lost his health and couldn’t get out of bed until now, the forces of the Empress had been seizing the real power of the emperor.

Now that he was a scarecrow emperor; there was nothing he could do. He couldn’t even protect his own son.

He could only swallow the medicine, knowing it was poison.

“Are you prepared to face them?”

Naming the culprits behind the poison would mean that all-out war could no longer be avoided.

The emperor was not sure Adenmir could face them now. It was better not to touch what could not be rooted out completely. A rash move could backfire.

“Yes,” Adenmir answered firmly. “I’ve been thinking about what you said to me.”

“And your conclusion?”

“I will not be betrothed to Dorothea Angellus.”

The emperor locked eyes with Adenmir and saw the resolve in his eyes.

It was a look of determination that could only be forged after much deliberation.

A declaration that he would face this alone, without the help of anyone else.

“You’ve left the easy way out and are going the other way.”

“Aren’t I the emperor’s son?”

“Yes, indeed.”

A helpless and powerless man and father, whose recklessness had cost him his beloved wife and forced him to take his enemy’s daughter as a second wife.

He could only hope that his son would not walk that path. But it seems that blood cannot be deceived.

Looking at his stubbornness, he couldn’t help but think of Elodie’s face.

“She’s the only one who would want to be betrothed to a brat like you.”

“Does it make you feel better to speak ill of your son?”


Adenmir recalled the reports he had received from his servant about Elodie’s behavior.

“They say she keeps to herself in the mansion and never steps out.”

She hadn’t been seen for days, not even doing her favorite shopping.

Adenmir couldn’t understand what she was being so careful about, when it was surely the breakup she’d suggested first.

It couldn’t be that she was hurt.

As if reading his son’s mind, the emperor spoke.

“Perhaps she is under stress, knowing that her name will be mentioned.”


Being a prideful person, the gossip might have actually hurt her feelings.

Unintentionally, Adenmir felt a twinge of discomfort.


Meanwhile, shortly after the announcement of their breakup.

Contrary to the Emperor and Adenmir’s expectations, Elodie–

“Wow! Finally, broken up..! I am free……!”

She was cheering.


[That good?]

Greed asked, shaking his head as he settled into the donut-shaped cushion Martha had given him.

I giggled and drew a bunch of flowers and stars on the four corners of the official imperial annulment letter.

In an instant, the letter became lovely.

I was so deleriously happy that I decided to decorate the official notice of breakup with an affectionate nickname. I’ll call it ‘notey’ for short.

“Of course.”

My greatest shame after recalling the memories of my past life was my betrothal to the First Prince Adenmir.

My shameful past – an Elodie who rushed into an engagement, unaware of the future that awaited her, all because she was unwilling to let anyone disrespect her.

While the rest of my abusive behavior was in the past, the fact that the engagement was ongoing was quite disturbing.

I couldn’t have been more relieved to finally put it behind me.

~ Translation by Lurelia | Editing by Valpal | Read only at ~

‘Now I can leave Somnia with peace of mind.’

If I left the capital while engaged, I risked being followed by the imperial family.

I’d been nervous, but now I could go anywhere.

Of course, I won’t be able to leave Perdia until I find out who’s behind the group of assassins who tried to kill me, at least to provide a measure of security.

Anyway, aside from that, all that’s left is to make money.

And today was the long-awaited presentation of new magic tools hosted by the Mage Tower.

The presentation was mainly to promote new products.

The best-selling tools were awarded contracts to be distributed across the continent through bidding with the top companies.

In other words, as long as it sells well, you can make a fortune as an investor.

I was all set.

I got teary-eyed thinking about all the time I spent locked in my room, furiously trying to sell this tool.

But now that I could be rich, I couldn’t help but sing.

“Mmm mm~ money~money–”

Then, for the 252nd time today, Greed swallowed up my greed.



[I’m lucky to have met you.]

“Be quiet.”


The announcement was made in the Hall of the Magic Tower.

It was a gathering of all the new products of the wizards who had released their tools around the same time, so there were a lot of people who stopped by to watch.

Most were nobles, then employees of the higher-ups and the wealthy merchant class.

There were familiar faces everywhere.

Lords and ladies of their houses whom I’d seen at banquets, employees of the upper ranks – people I’d greeted a few times at the manor.

There was no point in concealing my identity, as no one would know that I was the investor in the wizard Elby.

I would be seen as just another lady interested in magic, like so many others here.

But the problem was timing.

People who recognized my face began gossiping.

It was just after the official announcement of my breakup, so the buzz was at its peak.

“Look, it’s Lady Perdia.”

“I haven’t seen her around lately, so what’s she doing at a presentation?”

“I hear she’s been dumped, and she’s looking pretty shabby, I’m afraid.”

“Since she was abandoned by His Highness, she must’ve deserved it, wouldn’t she?”


‘It’s just that I was up all night plotting the publicity for my magic tool.’

But I didn’t feel the need to correct the misunderstanding. They’re talking loud enough to be heard, and they want me to be discouraged, right?

[That’s not a backstory, but a front talk, isn’t it?]

Greed seemed to think so, too.

‘Yes, yes, that’s right. I’m the poor Elodie Perdia, who was dumped by the First Prince.’

If you’re going to talk, talk.

I sat back in my chair and crossed my arms as I listened to the foregoing story masquerading as an afterthought, and Raeyan took a step forward, partially blocking my view of the gawkers.

His shadow fell over me. I lifted my head and met the red eyes staring down at me.

“What if word gets out about me and Ian the Mercenary King?”

“…… it’s already circulating.”


I didn’t know that.

I was worried that I might get Raeyan in trouble, but then I recalled the mention that he could be a partner, and I clamped my mouth shut. 

I didn’t want to say anything and make things awkward.

Meanwhile, the presentation began.

“If you are going to speak up, you need this magical tool!”

“My magic tools are special!”

“I will serve you specially for 999 lalit!”

Up-and-coming mages from the Magic Tower began to introduce their tools as best they could. Most of them were offensive tools, the kind you’d use in combat. Offensive tools were popular because they allowed ordinary people who couldn’t handle magic to use it. In contrast, everyday magic tended to be devalued as worthless.

Up-and-coming mages from the Magic Tower began to introduce their tools as best they could.

Most of them were offensive tools, the kind you’d use in combat.

Offensive tools were popular because they allowed ordinary people who couldn’t handle magic to use it.

In contrast, everyday magic tended to be devalued as worthless.

In the midst of all of this, the mage Elby’s magic tools were so alien.

The new wizard who took the stage in place of the master introduced the tool with a shaky hand.

“This, this tool was made by the elderly mage Elby……, so I’m going to introduce it on his behalf.”

‘He’s going to cry.’

If I was Elby, no matter how much I didn’t want to step out as the owner of the Magic Tower, if I took a child who doesn’t know anything and made him work, I’d feel sorry for him.

I’d feel even more sorry for myself with his poor presentation.

“Oh, it’s a magical tool to maintain temperature!”

After the new wizard’s introduction, I was surprised by the response.

Not a positive one, of course.

“What the hell is that?”

“What’s it for?”

“What a waste of magic stones.”

Every single person in the room had something to say. I wasn’t surprised, because I’d expected it, but I wasn’t surprised either.

I glanced at the door.

‘They should be here by now.’

Had I failed?

As the intrusive negative thoughts piled up, I began to feel increasingly nervous. Meanwhile, the wizard speaking on behalf of Elby’s demonstration of his new magic tool was coming to an end.

‘Am I going to end up on the streets……?’

Just as I was about to sink into despair.


The door to the steeple burst open and someone stepped inside.

“That’s it!”