After that, I tried to negotiate with three more merchant groups, which were Dove, Jourtin and Salle.

But they all offered similar terms, making it difficult to choose.

I looked at the table of terms and said, “That’s a pretty good deal.”

“Better than Angellus.”

“You shouldn’t compare them to that scumbag.”

“Sorry. Dove, Jourdain, Salle.”

Isis apologized to the three merchant groups that weren’t even in front of him.

I always feel this, but the Master of the Magic Tower was a really unusual idiot.

[So are you.]

‘What. I wasn’t talking to you.’

[Small whisper.]

Apparently, if I thought strongly enough, Greed, my contractual partner, could hear me.

‘I’ll have to be careful.’

Even though I had become quite friendly with Greed, it was still one of the seven deadly sins. I could take advantage of his abilities, but I must not give away my secret.

As I was thinking this, Isis put down the papers and looked up.

“I’ve interviewed all the mages in the tower to see if any of them have made unfair contracts with Angellus.”

“How many of the mages signed with them?”



I had thought it was something common, but I hadn’t realized that most mages were victims.

“Mostly when they were new, and after that, they broke their contracts with Angellus, but Angellus had already taken what he could from them for the duration of the contract. Now that he has the designs, he has nothing to lose.”

“What an evil bastard.”

“A bully is a better word. You should probably apologize to him.”

Isis echoed my earlier comment.

“I don’t want to apologize to an asshole…….”

“You have a point, and I’m at a loss for words. You sure are a tough talking woman.”

Shrugging, Isis ran a hand through his hair, obviously annoyed.

“How dare he cheat in this fella’s magic tower; I will not let him.”

“What are you going to do?”

“Show him how persistent and annoying this race of wizards can be. Watch and learn.”

You get tired of becoming his enemy after a while.

“I’m on your side, Isis!”


Isis lifted one of his little hands and patted me on the head.

‘He’s a terrifying man…….’

I snuggled up next to him and tried my best to flatter him.


Now, the last one left to negotiate was the merchant group of Hicklemeyer. Hicklemeyer’s representative, Felix Hicklemeyer, was coming in person.

Felix Hicklemeyer.

The man I’d seen at the Temple of Ishtar was my first cousin by blood. We never spoke face to face, but our eyes met a few times.

It was a meaningful glance.

It was the first time during these contract negotiations that I will actually be talking to someone who had seen me before.

‘I know I’m disguised, but what if they recognize me?’

I made my way to the drawing room.

I pressed my robes tightly, as I always did, and packed my voice-modulation device, but I was more nervous than I’d ever been in negotiations with any other merchant group.

I glanced down at Isis, who walked briskly beside me on short legs, and asked, “Hey, Isis. How do I look now?”

“How do you look?”

“Do I look like Elodie Perdia?”


Isis, who had stopped and looked me up and down, chin in hand, nodded approvingly.

“No, you look very much like Elby the Wizard.”


Confident, I glanced back.

Behind me, Raeyan, who had been waiting in the corridor, followed to escort me.

Suddenly, my eyes locked with his, and he flinched, averted his gaze, then immediately returned his eyes to me.

“What is the matter?” He asked.

“Raeyan. How do I look?”

I wasn’t looking for an answer. It was a question with a predetermined answer, but as Isis had said, a dry reply that I don’t look like my true self would suffice.

But Raeyan gave an answer I never expected.

“The robe is black.”

“Oh, uh……. Yeah. It is black. Thanks.”

Of course, Raeyan’s answer didn’t help.

Before long, we arrived in front of the drawing room where the guests were expected. Before entering, I looked back at Raeyan.

“Rayan, can you stay out of sight in case anyone recognizes you?”

“It shouldn’t be difficult.”

“Do me a favor.”

Thorough when it came to escorting, Raeyan nodded and disappeared.

“Hmph, quite the hiding skill.”

Isis, who watched in admiration, glanced at the drawing room door.

It was time to play the part of Elby the Wizard.

As Isis opened the drawing room door, Felix Hicklemeyer, who had arrived earlier and was drinking tea, turned his head.

I had never seen him this close before, having only seen him from a distance.

Short, gray hair, with red eyes. He was an impressive man with two beauty marks under his right eye.

All in all, he looked and sounded like a man who would never be taken lightly.

‘Could the Duke of Severes look like that?’

Having never seen the face of my father, the Duke of Severes, I could only guess.

‘Maybe I can get some information about my father.’

I still wasn’t sure if being the daughter of House Severes would help me survive or not, but it was worth exploring the possibility.

The first thing I needed to do was figure out who this man, Felix, was.

In that sense, this disguised meeting was an opportunity and an advantage for me.

When we sat down across from Felix, he immediately introduced himself with a greeting.

“Welcome, Elby the Wizard. I’m Felix Hicklemeyer, head of the Hicklemeyer Merchant Group.”


Although the introduction was brief, the other party didn’t seem offended at all. I wanted to jump right into negotiating terms, but I couldn’t.

“Wow, what you’ve released this time is really impressive! If I had known about it when investments were being collected, I would have invested too; it’s too bad I missed it! I heard you only had one investor – is that right?”

Felix, who had suddenly switched to a lively demeanor, began to talk with great momentum.

It was an unnerving affinity, unlike his calm greeting.

“…… That’s right.”

I replied calmly, barely registering the concept in my mind.

~ Translation by Lurelia | Editing by Valpal | Read only at ~

But Felix’s enthusiasm rose to the top of the sky, and there was no way down.

“Well, he’s very lucky to be the sole investor in this incredible tool!”


“A temperature maintaining tool…. There are so many ways to use it, aren’t there? You can make it both cold and hot! In fact, when you launched the tool before the presentation, I stopped by the Magic Tower and saw Elby the Wizard’s tool, bought one, tried it, and then thought I was going to freeze to death in my sleep!”

Isis, who had been dazed by the onslaught of chatter, broke into the conversation with a shudder.

“You don’t mean to tell me that one of the two sold-“

“Yes. I bought it, haha. No, there were only two of them sold, that’s ridiculous.”

“Me too, I thought so too!”

Now Isis had joined in, and they began to discuss the enormity of the tool.

“Assistant? You’re the assistant, aren’t you? You think so, too! I bet you’re very proud, because you’re in good hands!”

“Of course I’m proud. Wizard Elby is the most amazing wizard!”

I, sandwiched between them, my eyes darted around.

‘I’m confused!’

Is this some kind of sophisticated ploy to get the contract by distracting the other person?!

Perhaps thinking the same thing as me, Greed was also unnecessarily irritated.

[He’s really loud!]

‘I have to agree..’

But I’m not so susceptible to mental attacks as to fall for them, and I already saw a similar attempt by the deputy director of Angellus that failed.

If left unchecked, Isis could go on for days and days talking about the magic tool.

It’s not unreasonable for someone who has recognized the power of the magic tool to be excited, but it’s also not unreasonable for someone to be distracted by their opponent’s tactics.

I put a hand on Isis’s shoulder to stop him and called out to Felix.

“Count Hicklemeyer.”

“Ah, I’ve been talking a bit too much and getting carried away. Yes, you may speak, wizard Elby.”

“I would like to discuss the terms of our negotiations.”

“Aaaah, right. That’s what I came for, isn’t it?”

Felix laughed heartily, as if he were genuinely excited, and presented me with the terms he had brought with him.

I looked at it, and, for a moment, I wondered if I was mistaken.

Then, as if he knew I would ask, he repeated the terms in a relaxed voice.

“I’ll give you eight percent.”


It was an extraordinary offer, one that none of the other merchants I’d tried to negotiate with had made.

Not even Angellus, who had tried to backstab me, had offered more than 7%.

Then he got really bossy and threatened me that if I didn’t sign now, he wouldn’t give me this deal.

Felix was now offering one percent more than that.

Before I could dig into the details, I cut him off immediately.

“I can’t give you my designs.”

Felix looked at me in disbelief.

“Eh. Who does that kind of shady business?”



But then Felix added a condition.

“I have a special deal for you.”

‘Okay, then.’

Of course, there would be other conditions. It would be strange to offer an 8 percent rate and not have any conditions.

“What is it?”

“On the same terms, I’d like to bundle two of the magic tools that will be released by Elby the Wizard in the future.”

In fact, the exclusive contract wizard concept he was alluding to already exists, and even if it didn’t, it’s not that unusual to contract multiple tools at once.

They’re offering 8% for a bundle deal?

“I’m wondering if you’re bundling because you know what else we’re going to release.”

Felix, who was calm at my question, became excited again.

“That’s right, Wizard Elby’s tools are the best because all the tools that have come out so far are just stupid, useless attack spells, but Wizard Elby’s tools are different. They’re the kind of tools that you can feel he invented for the person using them…… I’ve been dreaming of something like that!”


“So how great will your next tool be? I know ‘value’ when I see it! I want to monopolize your value, Elby the Wizard!”

‘……a confession?’

While I was baffled by Felix’s enthusiasm, Isis broke into the conversation again.

“You have eyes that can see!”

‘Isis, please!’

I grabbed Isis by the shoulder, but there was no way I could stop the excited owner of the Mage Tower.

“Let’s make a deal, I like it!”

“Yes! I would like to sign!”


I wondered what was wrong with this wizard, who had asked me to help him make a decision but had been swept away by the praise of a magic tool.

Anyway, the terms of the contract were in our favor. In the first place, 8% was a much higher percentage than the standard in the market, and if the same condition is applied to the distribution of magic tools in the future, we have nothing to lose.

In fact, it was too good to be true.

“Here’s the contract. Take your time looking over it and send it to the Severes residence in the capital. I’m staying there.”

He even gave me time to look over the contract.

At the end of these hectic negotiations, I got up to see Felix Hicklemeyer off.

Felix looked back at me and said, “You don’t have to walk all the way out; I’ll see you soon.”


Before I could ask what he meant, Felix quickly left the drawing room.


It’s been a long time since I’ve had a holiday with no appointments.

“The breakup went well, the emperor’s antidote was sent yesterday, and the exclusive contract for magical tools was finalized…….”

Today, no matter what, I’m going to take it easy.

I buried myself in the quilt and closed my eyes. But I couldn’t enjoy the comfort.

Thud, thud, puck!


Landing on top of me, Greed scratched at the blanket with its front paws.

[Want to go outside! Get up!]

“Oh no. I’m not stepping out of bed today…….”

[Then can I go out by myself?!]

“Only as far as the garden. If you have an accident, call Raeyan.”

[No way. I’m out!]

Once outside, even the thoughtless Greed, who would smash something in the bedroom if I took my eyes off him, finally had a moment of complete silence.

This is how I’m going to live once I’ve earned my own money and become independent.

I was flopping around on the bed with happy thoughts.


A knock on the door interrupted my peaceful repose.

“Miss. Are you there?”


Damn. My rest.

As I sat up in bed and tidied my frazzled hair, the butler came in.

“What’s the matter, butler?”

“An invitation has arrived for your ladyship.”

“An invitation?”

Strange. There’s no way an invitation would come to me, a social outcast.

Of course, they came from time to time, but they had stopped after my breakup.

It must mean that there was nothing left for me, the illegitimate daughter whose marriage was broken off to the prince.

I wondered what kind of person would have nothing better to do than send me an invitation.

“Put it up there.”

As I muttered instructions for what I hoped was a single invitation at best, the butler gestured to someone outside the door.

Then a servant came in with a cart.


A huge stack of invitations poured out.

“……What, what is this?”

“These are all invitations to a party addressed to the lady.”

“These really are for me?”

What the hell? What happened?!

Before I could get my thoughts together, the butler spoke firmly in his characteristic stern voice.

“You need to reply to all of them.”

Oh, please save me.