Duke Angellus looked over the research notes that belonged to the master of the Southern Magic Tower, Gabe Zenaid.

‘You are unrivaled in your skill.’

Despite acting like a fool and demanding unreasonable research funds, there was a reason why they had to comply. It was because of the mage’s exceptional talent that surpassed his personality.

He was too good to be true.

The stalled research was being spurred on by the addition of his daughter, Dorothea, as an assistant.


Duke Angellus was about to open the next document.

Knock knock. 

A polite knock sounded and then his aide entered.

“An owl has fallen from the tree.”

An owl.

The Duke of Angellus kept a secret assassination squad.

It took a great deal of effort and expense to raise a single killer, much less a group of them.

Duke Angellus, already strapped for cash due to his outrageous research expenses, removed his monocle and pressed the corners of his eyes. His head throbbed.

“Ha, how absurd……” He burst out laughing.

The target of the owl’s assignment wasn’t even that great.

It was just a girl, albeit a female member of one of the four major families.

After the first failed attempt to eliminate Elodie Perdia, the security naturally became stricter.

Moreover, she never left Somnia, making it impossible to find an opportunity to eliminate her.

But with persistence comes opportunity.

Duke Angellus assigned an owl, Joe, to keep an eye on Elodie from afar and take her out at the first opportunity.

And finally, when Elodie ventured to the outskirts and was being pursued, it seemed like the perfect chance for her elimination.

“Complete annihilation… you say.”

They said there was only one guard. How could one guard stand against dozens of assassins?

“What about Duke Perdia’s reaction? Won’t he try to uncover the mastermind, just like last time?”

“I’m not certain that…… he knows.”

“He doesn’t know?”

“I’m surprised by that myself, but the Duke of Perdia hasn’t made any move.”

“She didn’t even say anything to her father after being attacked?”

What a strange woman.

Come to think of it, there was a report that she had secretly gone to the outskirts without revealing her face.

He shrugged it off, wondering if she was having a secret affair with her escort, but it seemed unlikely.

While Angellus’s Duke was immersed in troubled thoughts, his aide added a few more words.

“However, there were traces of power left at the site of the attack.”


Duke Angellus was well versed in every move of the Perdia´s.

At the time of the attack, Carlot Perdia had traveled to the border on a mission, and Jansi Perdia was at the capital mansion.

The Duke and Duchess of Perdia did not leave the capital either.

Furthermore, as far as he knew, there was no one in Perdia’s ranks with the power to wipe out an entire battalion of assassins.

‘All that remains is Elodie Perdia and her escort…….’

It is well known that Elodie lacked power, so she could be excluded. Then there was only one other person present.

“Who’s the escort that went with her?”

“I will find out.”

Calming himself, Duke Angellus put on his monocle once more.

“This is getting more suspicious.”

Elodie Perdia, whom he thought he could get rid of quickly, started to bother him.

“Continue to monitor her movements.”

“Yes, Your Grace.”


Adenmir stepped out of the main hall after speaking with the emperor and was confronted by some unpleasant faces.

‘I’m in a bad mood already this morning,’ he thought in annoyance. 

Empress Salvatrice greeted him with a cold smile.

“Good morning, Prince.”

“Yes, indeed.”

“I assume you greeted His Majesty the Emperor before coming here.”


As Adenmir gave a formal response, he glanced at Prince Beltran, who was standing next to the Empress. 

When Beltran unconsciously avoided eye contact, the Empress’s eyes grew cold.

“Beltran. What are you doing, not greeting your brother?”

“It’s been a while, Brother,” Beltran greeted him with a proud smile, but Adenmir merely nodded in response.

Adenmir only wanted to leave this place.

But Empress Salvatrice laughed and continued the conversation.

“His Majesty is unwell, and the Prince needs to get himself a pretty fiancée again, doesn’t he?”

“Thank you for your concern.”

“I’m sure His Majesty would be pleased to see his two grown sons form a family of their own.”

“Yes, well……. Of course, he would.”

The concern and worry shown by the one who had been using poison to keep the emperor bedridden was truly top-notch acting.

“Your devotion to your father is truly admirable, Prince. Please stop by and tell him interesting stories from time to time.”

“Yes. Then, if you’ll excuse me.”

Adenmir bowed politely, his face grim, and strode away without another word.

At the same time, the smile on the Empress Salvatrice’s face vanished.

There was no kindness left, only a voice that emanated cold-heartedness as she scolded Beltran.

“Beltran, pull yourself together. I heard you skipped class again yesterday?”

“Well, that…”

“Do you want to fall behind like this?”


“What I said to the First Prince was not just empty words. Now it’s your turn to find someone who can be your strength.”

Beltran’s expression darkened rapidly. Engagement or marriage was a conversation topic he avoided.

‘I don’t want to be tied down to somebody.’

Devoting himself to only one person was not his cup of tea.

“Marriage is a significant matter, so it’s best to decide carefully–”

“Don’t talk nonsense, Beltran.” The Empress sighed and looked at her pitiful son. “What makes your personal abilities superior to the First Prince? If you know you’re lacking, shouldn’t you make an effort to fill those gaps?”

“I am trying–”

The Empress interrupted Beltran again, uninterested in hearing his words, and asked, “What about Dorothea? What happened to her?”

Beltran thought of Dorothea Angellus, who had gone from being a social butterfly to a laughingstock in an instant.

He had heard the news that she had been gradually recovering her reputation by appearing at small parties again.

Dorothea had been someone the Empress had marked as a potential match for Beltran for a long time.

“I haven’t been in contact with her, so we haven’t interacted.”

Salvatrice, the Empress, was astonished by the statement that he had no contact with Dorothea.

“Are you out of your mind? Don’t you understand that the only other woman your age in the direct line of the Four Families is Dorothea Angellus?”

“Why only Dorothea?”

“What? Beltran, you can’t possibly…….”

There was one other girl besides Dorothea.

“I’ve heard an interesting rumor recently. That the Duke of Perdia has grown fond of his illegitimate daughter.”

It was a rumor Empress Salvatrice had heard often. It was not only the Duke of Perdia, but his sons were also suddenly being kind to the girl.

With many people whispering about it, it couldn’t be an unfounded rumor.

‘Elodie Perdia…….’

“In light of that, have good news,” Beltran confidently spoke, seeing the Empress seriously contemplating.

“Tell me.”

“The illegitimate daughter seems to have her heart set on me.”

Although her behavior was questionable, feelings didn’t disappear so easily. Elodie Perdia was still likely to have feelings for him.

“So, you mean to tell me that you’re going to take that bastard child as your princess?”

“Yes. If my mother wishes.”

Beltran, who had been holding back, finally smiled with confidence.


Salvatrice pondered deeply.


She hadn’t thought about it since the First Prince was betrothed to Elodie, but it would be nice to have them as an ally.

The greatest of the Four Families, with wealth, honor, power, and nothing less. When you thought about it objectively, it was a better hand than Angellus.

If they could incorporate that influence, they could easily strike a blow to the back of the First Prince, Ademir, and effortlessly neutralize him.

“Beltran. I assume you’re telling the truth?”

Yes, without a doubt.”

“Then will you prove it with results?”

“Leave it to me,” Beltran responded with confidence. He truly believed in himself.


Unexpectedly, Raeyan had to leave the capital due to a mission.

As a result, I almost had Jansi as my escort, but I convinced them that it was safe inside the capital and thus ended up having three members of the Earth Hawk Mercenaries, known as the “Crashers of the Sky,” as temporary escorts instead.

One in particular, Urania, stuck close to my side.

“Being Lili’s escort, how exciting!”

“We promised last time, so let’s go eat something delicious tonight. Do you have time?”

“I have plenty of time!”

We walked on, discussing the dinner menu intently.

Stephen and Milo followed closely behind.

“I envy Urania. I also want to get close to Lili. Don’t you feel the same, Milo?”

“Don’t talk to me, it’s annoying.”

“You find even breathing annoying?”


Even Greed within the Seal stone spoke up.

[Extremely noisy.]

‘Just you.’

Making quite a commotion, we arrived at the West Magic Tower.

I left my escorts outside the master’s office and went in alone, where Isis frowned at me.

“Why are there so many rats here?”

“What? Why are my escorts rats?”

“Not those guys. I mean the others. They’ve been trying to find out who Lily Arcel is. I told them to keep quiet, but it’s bound to come out at some point, so what are you going to do?”

I did anticipate that they would eventually discover it, as it wasn’t concealed too tightly. I didn’t expect them to find out so early, though.

“Still, please keep it hidden until the end, Isis.”

“Hmph, what do you think of me? Just trust me.”

It was so grandfatherly of him to act like he wouldn’t do anything but do it anyway.

The reason for my visit today was to talk about tomorrow’s demonstration and a banquet.

On the official release date of the second magic tool following the temperature control magic tool, Felix Hicklemeyer proposed a banquet.

It was to be held in the main hall of this tower.

“You must come, too,” Isis insisted.

“I understand.”

“I get bored if I’m alone.”

“Yes, yes,” I reassured him.

Unlike the previous tool, which had been aimed at merchants and commoners, this one was meant to be sold to nobles.

It was a long-distance communication device, also known as the Communication Stone – a brilliant invention.

‘This is how Estelle and the First Prince communicated with each other in the original.’

This could work.

Since I was the only one who invested in this magic tool, if it succeeded, I could sit on a money throne.

Money, the ultimate goal! Once this succeeds, I won’t have to worry about money anymore!


The loud gulping belch of Greed was almost comforting.

Once I had the money, all I had to do was deal with Angellus who was trying to get rid of me, and I would be free.

‘After that, I’ll need to find a way to wake up my real father.’

Hey, isn’t that a perfect plan?


And so, on the day of the demonstration and banquet.

“Oh my, she knows no shame.”

“That’s what she’s always been like. Hitting on young men like that without giving them a second thought.”

“She got dumped?”

“Yes, she got dumped!”

As soon as I got to the banquet, I heard the familiar gossip. I tried to ignore the chatter and pass by, but one name stuck in my ears.

“Don’t you think it’s funny how she walks around with her head held high when she has no power, Miss Dorothea?”


I turned my head and saw Dorothea standing at the center of a small group of girls her age.

Dorothea, who had somehow recovered her reputation, stood between us, smiling proudly at me.

Greed asked, genuinely puzzled.

[Doesn’t she have the ability to learn?]

‘Yeah. Why are you talking about me again……?’

I was genuinely curious, too.