***Adenmir’s Perspective***

As Elodie and Adenmir made their way to the balcony, the stares of the other guests followed them intently.

Having confirmed Elodie was following him, Adenmir used one of his light powers to create a barrier of light. He had preemptively blocked the possibility of nosy people eavesdropping on their conversation, whoever they were.

Adenmir, who checked again to see if there was any gap in the barrier, turned his head and met Elodie’s eyes.

“……Why are you looking at me like that?” he asked.

“Why did you do that?”

There was no elaboration on what ‘that’ meant, but Adenmir understood immediately what Elodie was asking: why did he say he was dumped?

“Because it’s true. The Lady broke off the engagement with me first, so it’s the same as being dumped.”

“But that wasn’t being dumped. It was just demanding the annulment of an unnecessary engagement.”

“Why isn’t it considered dumped?”

“Well, Your Highness, it’s not like you had any intention of marrying me.”

With her indifferent smile, Elodie’s attitude made Adenmir gaze at her intently.

“Why are you so certain?”

“I’m not being certain; I’m just stating the facts.”

Of course, he had thought that way. That he and Elodie Perdia would only be betrothed, but that they would never marry.

He didn’t think she had what it took to be an imperial princess, much less an empress. However, he had never voiced those thoughts, and he treated her as a formal fiancée.

But still, Elodie was confident. Confident that he had no intention of marrying her.

Was it surprisingly sharp of her, or was it that she had no expectations?

As he stared into her lovely face, the Elodie Perdia reflected in his eyes appeared innocent, as if she knew nothing.

“It’s strange sometimes, the way you act like you know me better than I know myself.”

“Is……. that so?”

Embarrassed, Elodie smiled awkwardly, but Adenmir didn’t notice anything strange.

“It’s amazing how you can be so certain. I don’t even know my own heart.” Murmuring self-deprecatingly, Adenmir immediately added, “Anyway, let’s say that I was dumped. It’s better for you too.”

“There’s no need to go that far.”

She spoke as if adding the rumor that she’d been dumped by the First Prince to her already tarnished reputation made no difference for her. She didn’t seem to care what anyone said.

“Can’t you just say thank you, Lady?”

Still, it didn’t change the fact that the First Prince cared about her reputation, at the risk of ruining his own, purely as a favor.

“Thank you very, very much.”

“Well… it’s not a bad feeling to have you bowing down in gratitude,” Adenmir lightly chuckled as he looked down at Elodie.

*** Elodie’s Perspective ***

As Adenmir laughed softly, gently, I suddenly felt a sense of discomfort.

‘That’s strange. I don’t think I’ve ever had anyone smile so sweetly at me before.’

Showing unexpected kindness and smiling affectionately was something the prince had never done when they were engaged.

Now that it wasn’t a useless engagement anymore, could it mean that he wouldn’t behave bitterly towards her?

‘No. He’s just grateful that I saved his father, so he’s repaying the favor!’

What an admirable filial son!

I smiled proudly at him, and Adenmir narrowed his eyes in response.

“Why are you looking at me like that?” He questioned. 

“His Majesty the Emperor must be pleased. After all, he has a son as outstanding as you.”

*** Adenmir’s Perspective ***

What kind of nonsense was she spouting?

“That remark is blasphemous, Lady.”

“Oh. I’m sure you’ll keep it a secret.”

“Watch me do it.”

After exchanging even frivolous jokes, a considerable amount of time had passed.

Suddenly, Adenmir realized that Elodie’s dress was light, showing off her flesh despite the early winter weather.

“Are you not cold?”

“I’m fine with this level of cold.”

She said she was fine, but Elodie’s cheeks were tinged with red.

She wasn’t a healthy person to begin with, and he didn’t want her to catch a cold dressed like that.

Adenmir took off his outer garment and draped it over Elodie’s shoulders. In the closeness, Elodie’s fragrance wafted to him.

‘Damn it.’

Suddenly feeling his heart pounding, Adenmir quickly stepped back.

Elodie, unaware of the situation, clutched the hem of his robe and shook her head.

“I’m fine…… but, thank you,” she murmured. 

***Elodie’s Perspective***

Out of habit, I was about to say I was fine, but I hastened to thank him instead. It didn’t look good to say no repeatedly to a gesture of kindness that didn’t mean anything.

Anyway, it was warm. I cozily adjusted the coat and looked up at Adenmir, who was staring at me with a stern expression.

“Is there something wrong, Your Highness?”


“It doesn’t seem like nothing. Are you cold? Should I give it back?”

“No. Please don’t, Lady.”

He seemed to have no intention of addressing whatever the problem was.

Then suddenly, I realized I had forgotten the most important matter, but Adenmir’s condition didn’t seem good at all.

“Your Highness.”


“Your Highness!”

“…Huh?” Adenmir, who had been wearing a blank expression, narrowed his eyes and responded after a delayed beat.

“Why did you call for me?” I asked. 


Adenmir only pursed his lips, unable to complete the sentence.

It was no wonder. There was no real reason for him to call her. Then there was an object that saved him from this awkward situation.

I fumbled curiously around in his coat. 

“There seems to be something in the pocket.”

“Take it out,” he commented.

As he said, I put my hand in the coat pocket and felt a box. I pulled it out and held it out to him. 


“It’s yours.” Adenmir said. “Open it.”


Suddenly puzzled, I dazedly opened the box.

Inside was…….

“You must have been interested in a communication tool like this to come all the way here. Take it.”

It was a communication tool.

“It’s not available for sale yet. How did you get it?” I asked.

“Through noble privilege.”

It was a very precious gift. A precious gift…


Unfortunately, that didn’t apply to Elodie Perdia.

‘There are so many. And very valuable ones.’

In my private quarters at the mercenary corps headquarters, there were communication devices that Isis had given me, stacked to the brim.

I  owned various versions of communication devices, including long-range ones, and therefore had no use for a short-range device, but I couldn’t reveal that.

I looked at Adenmir with a bright smile, seemingly happy.

“Thank you, Your Highness. But is this the gift you mentioned before?”

“No, it’s not.”

“Then why are you giving it to me?”

“Just. I felt I owed the Lady something. Since you send me an antidote every week.”

If that was the reason, I could easily understand. Adenmir was an incredibly filial son.

“Wow, a communication device. It’s fascinating.”

I excitedly explored the device as if I were seeing one for the first time.

Seeing my joy, Adenmir’s mouth slightly curved upwards.

“They are limited, and even a ducal princess would have found it difficult to obtain one.”

“Yes, if it weren’t for Your Highness, I wouldn’t have been able to get it!”

“Well, it wasn’t difficult for me.”

“I’ll use it well, Your Highness.”

Using the polished diplomatic skills that I had developed while dealing with Isis, I skillfully flattered Adenmir.

Feeling a bit embarrassed, Adenmir tried to change the subject.

“By the way, I don’t see any sign of your escort today.”

“Escort? Oh, Ian?”

Elodie’s attitude of casually calling her escort’s name without hesitation suddenly dampened Adenmir’s good mood.

‘…….You seem a little too friendly,’ he thought sullenly. 

Being close to a mercenary didn’t look good in the eyes of a third party. But Adenmir, no longer her fiancé or anything, had no right to speak.

“Yes, the mercenary.”

“Well, I heard he was going on a mission…….”

Actually, I also didn’t hear the details of what he was doing.

‘Where did he go?’

*** Raeyan’s Perspective***

Meanwhile, Raeyan drove his horse at a gallop.

His goal was to get this over with and get back to Somnia as quickly as possible.

“Captain, why are you in such a hurry?”

“I can’t trust them.”


“Those three.”

By those three, he meant the three escorts he had attached to Elodie.

Of course, he didn’t doubt their individual skills, but he couldn’t help but worry about the combination of three mediocre individuals.

Thinking that something might happen to Elodie while they let their guard down, he couldn’t afford to delay even for a moment.

Only the members who looked like monsters, matching Raeyan’s incredible stamina, were able to keep up.

“Can’t you just go a little slower, please?!”

“I’m tired of horses!”

“Strike! We’re tired!”

Ignoring the outcry of the group, Raeyan pressed on at full speed. As a result, he miraculously reached his destination in half the estimated time.

Mark rolled his eyes and muttered to himself as he watched Raeyan dismount and attend to his horse.



“I love you, Commander.”

Mark made a heart shape with his fingers over his chest and winked, causing Raeyan to furrow his brow.

“That’s too much. There’s no need to give me that icy stare, Commander.”

Ignoring Mark’s frivolous words, Raeyan recited the operation plan firmly.

“If the barrier is breached, we’ll engage immediately.”

There was no time to waste on trivial matters.

Assigning tasks to each member of the group, Raeyan looked over at Baron Magnua’s estate.

‘A strong barrier.’

Power or sin.

He wondered which powered that barrier.

As long as there were people in there who wanted to harm Elodie, they were a nuisance.

Standing at the sparsely populated city wall, Raeyan studied the boundary. Black shadows were beginning to creep through the sturdy bonds.



As a sharp sound rang out, Raeyan and the others rushed into the castle.

They had only broken a small part of the barrier surrounding vast manor, but if the opponent was strong, they would have noticed.

They began to explore the manor, keeping their movements silent.

“There’s no one here?”

“Are you sure it’s a manor?”

To their surprise, there was no one in the manor anywhere. Not even in the dining hall, the lord’s bedroom, or his office.

The expressions of the members, sensing something unusual, grew serious.

“It felt strange since we broke through the barrier.”

“Let’s investigate further.”

Just as the members were about to scatter again.

Raeyan sensed the approaching presence of someone creeping closer. It was an unpleasant presence, as if deliberately seeking attention.


As Rayan stopped, the members following him also halted their steps.


“What?” his squad members asked  in confusion.

“Step outside the barrier and stay as far away as possible.”

“What about you, Commander–?”

“It’s an order.”

Although it was incomprehensible, the Commander’s orders were absolute.

The members immediately followed Raeyan’s command and ran toward the broken part of the barrier.

On the other hand, Raeyan lifted his foot in the opposite direction where they were heading.

Towards the direction where the unpleasant presence was calling him.

The sense of heavy dread was coming from underground. Descending through a secret passage, he was met with a horrifying sight.


Experimental beasts were contained in tanks in every direction.

It was clear that they were related to the aberrant beasts that were said to be appearing across the continent.

Raeyan passed by the laboratory and went deeper. He finally arrived at a narrow basement.

The moment he took a step forward, the unpleasant presence engulfed the entire space.


Raeyan’s black hair flew wildly around his face. He furrowed his brow and stared sharply ahead. Something emitting an intense aura was present before his eyes.

[It’s you again. You fearless child.]

A melodious voice drifted into his ears.