‘Perdia’s best in financial education……!’

The past grievances of wondering why I was subjected to such trials have long been forgotten.

I’ve already experienced it several times, spending an enormous amount of money in a short period.

The first place I headed to was the most famous jewelry store in the capital.

It was a jewelry store famous for having Queen Salvatrice, the mother of the Second Prince, as a regular customer.

As soon as I entered, I spoke to the shopkeeper.

“Bring me jewelry made of pink diamonds, pink topaz, rose quartz. Oh, and show me pink tourmaline as well. “

I wasn’t the one who laid the groundwork. It was Beltran who immediately offered to give me jewelry resembling my eye color as a gift

“Very well, customer.”

The shopkeeper lined up jewelry on the display case.

I tried on the jewelry to my heart’s content and then repeatedly took them off. Beltran watched me with satisfaction and smiled.

‘Let’s see how long you can keep smiling.’

I’m sure that once you’ve had your fill, you’ll be sick of me after that, right?

After giving Beltran a sly smile, I turned to the shopkeeper again and spoke.

“Are these all the jewelry crafted with pink gemstones in this store?”

“No, customer. There are more in the workshop at the back….”

“Bring them all. If there’s anything similar to pink, bring everything, all of it.”

“Pardon? Understood, customer.”

The shopkeeper looked puzzled, shook his head, and ordered a staff member to fetch it.

Then Beltran, who had been watching with his arms crossed, approached and asked bluntly.

“My Lady, are you sure you don’t like any of these?”

“No. I like them all.”

“Then why do you ask for more?”

“Because there might be something else that I like among them?”

I gave him a look that said why are you asking the obvious, and Beltran just smirked.

“Is that so……?”

A moment later, the pink, similar-looking jewelry that the employee had brought in was laid out on the display case.

It was dotted with gemstones that, frankly, didn’t even come close to being pink. But that didn’t matter.

Pretending to hesitate for a moment, I spoke to the shopkeeper.

“I like it all, so I guess I’ll have to buy them all.”

“All of this……?”

I smirked at the surprised shopkeeper, then looked back at Beltran.

“Is it okay, Your Highness? Since you said you would give me anything I want.”

Surely, the prince of a country wouldn’t say one thing and do another, right?

When Beltran looked at me with widened eyes, he seemed flustered for a moment, but soon he smiled confidently.

“Of course, I can certainly give them all to you, My Lady. Well, let’s settle the payment.”

He laughed leisurely and pulled out a money pouch from his bosom. It seemed he could still afford to pay in cash.

“Please deliver them to the annex of the Perdia capital mansion.”

I instructed precisely and took a step back. Then Urania, who had been observing us with interest, bowed her head and whispered in my ear.

“But Lili, what if a scandal arises with the Second Prince due to this?”

“It’s okay, Urania, my reputation is at rock bottom anyway.”

It can’t go any lower!

Urania was being very cautious, but it wasn’t really necessary.

From the moment I, the esteemed lady of Perdia, frequented the most famous jewelry store on Toinette Street and interacted with the Second Prince, rumors would have inevitably spread like wildfire.

‘I can already see the headlines in tomorrow’s morning papers.’

[The beautiful lady of Perdia who wooed the first prince has now seduced the second prince?!]

How nice.

‘Well, it’s quite impressive, isn’t it?’

I had become a femme fatale playing with not just one, but two princes of the empire.

Even without that, I could sense the other noble customers at the jewelry store casting fleeting glances at us.

When Beltran returned from paying the bill, he smiled smugly.

“Now that I’ve bought gifts for the lady, how about a nice restaurant for a pleasant atmosphere–”

“Shouldn’t we buy a new dress that matches the new jewelry?”

I interrupted, cutting him off. 

Beltran made a dumbfounded face and repeated, “A new dress?”

“Yes. A new dress.”


When I looked up at Beltran provocatively, he responded with a determined face.

“Yeah, let’s go.”

Next was the dressing room.

“Wow, this dress is made of fabric from the northern region. Isn’t it beautiful, Your Highness?”

“Yeah, it’s beautiful.”

The dressing room staff exclaimed and added an explanation.

“This fabric has only arrived in limited quantities, so if you purchase it now, the lady will be the first to wear it.”

“Really? I’ll buy all the dresses made from this fabric! I’ll buy all the remaining fabric too!”

Even if the fabric had arrived in limited quantities, the amount was not small. Moreover, even a single dress for a formal ball had a considerable price.

My remark startled Beltran and he called out to me.



“You’re going to buy them all…… again?”

“Yes. I don’t want to wear the same thing as everyone else.”

‘Is there a problem?’

I looked at him as if I really didn’t understand, and Beltran just burst into uncontrollable laughter.

“Fine, do as the lady wishes.”

As Beltran paid at the dressing room, I noticed something. His pouch of money had become noticeably thinner.

“Now, then, to the restaurant–”

“Your Highness, there’s somewhere I want to go!”

Ignoring Beltran’s obsession with a fancy restaurant, I moved forward with determination.

Beltran frowned but obediently followed me.

This time, my destination was the blacksmith’s forge.

“Why the forge…..”

“Collecting weapons is my hobby.”

That was a lie.

‘Metal is expensive, and when it’s enchanted, the prices are insane.’

Beltran’s expression darkened abruptly, as if he had the same thought. However, I had already seen through Beltran’s personality a long time ago.

Beltran had a strong sense of pride and was all about appearances. If you flattered him a little, he would quickly show off.

So, I looked at Beltran and blinked excessively as I spoke.

“Your Highness must have an excellent eye for weapons, I’ve heard that you’re strong. And you have impressive powers too!”

“Of course, I do.”

“So, what kind of weapon would you recommend? Can you help me choose?”

After that, what followed ….. was Beltran’s self-destruction in one-sided fashion.

He seemed to have forgotten that he was the one paying as he picked out all sorts of artifacts with various enchantments.

“This one is a one-time use, but it has a defensive enchantment, so it’s good, My Lady. And this dagger has a fire attribute, so you can use simple fire magic–”

“Wow, as expected of Your Highness, the Second Prince. You’re so good at picking!”

Stephen shook his head, visibly fed up with my flattery.

“Urania, I’m scared of Lili…….”

“Why? She’s so cool! Isn’t she, Milo?”

“Don’t talk to me. It’s annoying.”

While the three escorts chatted, the Second Prince eagerly picked out expensive weapons from the blacksmith.

[The Stupidest Human I’ve ever seen……]

The Second Prince will never know that a Sin is looking down on him.

Beltran’s face suddenly showed a realization when he began calculating the cost of the weapons he had chosen.

I gave him a grateful nod to ensure that he couldn’t cancel the purchase.

“Thank you, Your Highness. I will put them to good use!”

I would sell them right away.

“If the lady is this happy, so am I.”

Beltran laughed awkwardly as if he didn’t know what I was thinking.

Somehow, his face looked more relieved than before.

“Now, let’s have a meal–”

I smiled apologetically at Beltram as he mentioned the meal again.

“Actually, I’ve already eaten, Your Highness.”

“Oh, really?”

“Well, in that case, how about we go to the opera instead of having a meal?”

Perhaps because it wouldn’t require a significant expense this time, Beltran ‘s expression brightened.

“Oh! The opera, great idea. Let’s go to the theater then.”

However, I had no intention of leaving Beltran to his happiness. I called him with a serious expression.

“Your Highness.”


“There will be a lot of people at the theater, won’t there?”

“That’s right. I heard that today’s play is quite popular.”

“Then, won’t people whisper and gossip about us?”

“If there are such people, I will take care of them. Don’t worry, Lady.”

“I trust you, but I still don’t like noisy situations.”

“Then, how about doing something else instead of the opera?”

“Hmm, I really want to see the opera. But I don’t like crowded places…”

As I pondered for a moment, I clapped my hands and shouted decisively, “Let’s rent the entire theater!”


“Of course, the people who have made reservations will be furious, but who would dare to complain to the Second Prince?”

“Is that… so?”

“Yes, it is. Shall we go to the opera then?”

“Well, alright.”

I took the bewildered Beltran with me and headed towards the theater. After arriving at the theater, Beltran, who had rented the entire venue due to my whim, exclaimed in amazement.

“I never expected you to consider renting the entire theater. You’re quite daring, Lady.”

“I’m a Perdia, aren’t I?”

I gave a disdainful smile, trying to appear as arrogant and unlikable as possible.

‘Is this going too far?’

But unexpectedly, Beltran burst into laughter. I had a bad feeling about this.

On their way out of the opera. Beltran beckoned furtively to the director of the opera and whispered in a low voice.

“Leave the check on the table for me. I’ll have my aide come by later……..”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

I heard it all, though.

It seemed he’d run out of cash, now that he’d been ordered to put it there. That alone was an achievement worth wasting the time of the day.

‘Ah, that was fun.’

It truly had been a rewarding and satisfying day.


Immediately after leaving the theater, Elodie mentioned that it was curfew time and took a carriage back to her mansion. The events had happened so quickly that Beltran had no chance to hold her back.

’What? Why am I so tired?’

Beltran returned to the palace feeling strangely exhausted.

Surely, it was a date, but the only thing he remembered was Elodie’s voice.

‘Good, I’ll buy them all!’

– Only her cheery voice.

Anyway, it was still a date.

Beltran hummed a tune and entered his bedroom. There was already a guest waiting for him.


It was his mother, empress Salvatrice.

Empress Salvatrice, who had been elegantly sipping tea, looked up and saw her son.

“Beltran. The rumors of what happened today have reached your mother’s ears.”

It referred to the date with Elodie on Toinette Street.

“Has the rumor already spread?”

Hmm. Beltran smiled proudly and confidently entered the bedroom. He believed he had the qualification to be so vain.

His plan to seduce Elodie Perdia and gain Perdia’s power was almost fulfilled.

”I heard that you chased after Miss Elodie like a dog and fawned over her all over the place today?”

“I didn’t fawn. Rather, the lady looked at me and said that I was always cool.”

Beltran strongly denied it with a displeased expression. However, his words were completely different from the rumors that Salvatrice had heard.

Ha. Salvatrice let out a short sigh and calmly asked.

“Tell me in detail what happened. Now.”

“Well, that…”

Beltran recounted everything from the first meeting to the farewell with Elodie.

As the story continued, Salvatrice’s expression hardened to an alarming extent.

Finally, when Beltran finished telling the whole story, she had no choice but to grab her hair in frustration.

She was dumbfounded.

“So, you spent all your wealth to buy her gifts; is that what you’re saying?”


Beltran looked at Empress Salvatrice with eyes shining like a dog expecting praise. She furrowed her brows without reservation.

‘To think my son is such a foolish idiot.’

The shock from earlier, when the maids rushed to her and told her about the nonsensical rumors, was still vivid.

’A gullible prince!’

He seemed like a fool who would gladly give away everything and buy all sorts of things, as if he would give away his own spine.

No, it wasn’t just “seemed.” He was simply a fool.

“It’s my fault for having expectations for you, Beltran.”

“What? Why are you suddenly saying that? The atmosphere was good, and we even watched the opera together…”

Empress Salvatrice was lost in thought, ignoring Beltran’s mutterings of frustration.

‘They say she’s a wretch from Perdia who can do nothing but waste money’. ‘

But Salvatrice knew that the girl wasn’t an ordinary woman, contrary to the rumors.

It was said that even the Crown Prince Ademir, who recently broke off his engagement, was pestering Elodie Perdia incessantly.

Thinking about that, she became more determined to get her hands on that person.

However, no matter how exceptional Perdia may be, she had crossed the line by entangling herself with the Imperial Second Prince.

Salvatrice made up her mind.

“It won’t do. Before she becomes my daughter-in-law, I must crush her completely.”

To prevent her from shamelessly crawling to the person who could become her husband.