Raeyan lowered his eyes and spoke in a low, hushed voice.

“…….After finding you in that dimension, I brought you here.”

The story Raeyan told me was enough to leave me in shock. It contradicted everything I had believed in until now.

It was a shocking revelation that turned my life upside down.

‘So this isn’t the world in a book?’

If that was the case, then was the original story I believed in actually an account of the events of the world before time was reversed? 

‘But why do I remember the previous world in words, and not real memories?’

It was confusing. I held my head with one hand and sighed.

“Wait a moment. I need some time to think.”

My mind was already overloaded, and no matter what Raeyan said, I wouldn’t be able to take it in.

In fact, my memories of my past life as Yoon Ga-eul were vague. That’s because my current age is 19, meaning my previous life was 19 years ago.

So, the memories I could recall were only significant and major events.

‘It wasn’t a particularly happy past life…….’

To put it bluntly, Yun Ga-eul’s life was hard, so I didn’t want to dwell on it. But then again, there was no memory of meeting Raeyan in those memories.

There were many things to think about.

‘Is what Raeyan’s saying true?’

To summarize, in the distant past, Raeyan met me, who had traveled through space and time, and in order to meet me again, he took on an immortal body, met my birth mother, wandered through the dimensions, found my soul, and returned to the original world…….

Once I knew all the circumstances, I could understand why Raeyan held me so desperately when we first met. It also explained why he looked at me with eyes that saw me as someone else.

The person who appeared in front of him and cared for him without expecting anything in return was what he called his salvation.

But can I call the “Lili” in Raeyan’s story “me”?

The future me that Raeyan met is not the present me.

So, if the reason for his unconditional devotion is because I am the person called “Lili,” I can’t help but feel burdened.

That wasn’t the only thing that puzzled me.

“Raeyan. My birth mother told you she was the ‘Librarian of Ishtar’?”


Suddenly, I remembered the time I’d seen my father’s memories at the Severes mansion.

Mum had told him as he closed his eyes.

‘Just wait a little longer, Richard. Our child will save you, so don’t worry about anything…….’


‘Sleep well, Richard.’

The words mother said to my father were similar in context to what Raeyan heard from her.

‘I’m going to go back in time and make arrangements for the child in the new world, because that child is the savior who will save this world.’

‘What makes you so sure?’

‘I am the Librarian of Ishtar. I can foretell the future.’

That’s as much information as we can get out of this.

First, my mom can see the future.

And second, that I am meant to save something, whether it’s the world or my father.

‘I can understand saving my father. But why the world?’

I felt uncomfortable when I remembered that the priests of Ishtar had called me a savior.

My plan to live an independent and comfortable life seems to be nothing but a delusion to be shattered…..

“Librarian of Ishtar…….”

A librarian. Maybe it had something to do with the fact that I thought of this world as a book.

Just when I thought the mystery had been solved, I was left with more questions.

There was only one person who could solve this clue.


“Do you know where my birth mother is?”

I had always assumed that she had left me to be raised in Perdia, but the way things were going, I thought maybe that wasn’t the case.

I thought Raeyan might know something, but sadly, that wasn’t the case either.

“I don’t know. I’ve been looking into it since, but I haven’t found anything.”

“I see…….”

Resting my chin on my hands, I let out a deep sigh. But only for a moment. 

I suddenly stood up, clenched my fists, and shouted, “Agghh!”


“I just wanted to live my life peacefully!”

The frustration had reached a point where I couldn’t bear it without screaming.

Raeyan, who had been waiting patiently for me to collect my thoughts, asked, “……Are you alright?”



Seemingly at a loss for words, Raeyan sighed and fell silent again.

I stared at him intently.

He had grown up to be the heir to a prestigious noble family, but in an instant, he had lost everything and was all alone.

I wonder if he wandered through the dimensions in search of me because he longed for human warmth as much as he was lonely.

It was heartbreaking to see Raeyan, who had wielded a sword to survive at a young age, and who had lived so long to see the person who had cared for him again.

Yet, Raeyan was worried about me, not himself.

Comparing someone like me who only had memories of one singular past life with someone like Raeyan, who remembered everything, the answer to who suffered more was clear.

“Raeyan, are you okay?”


“You’ve been alone the whole time.”


“I wish you hadn’t hidden it and told me earlier.”

Then, I could have understood Raeyan’s feelings better and sooner.

Even after hearing the whole story, I still couldn’t understand why Raeyan didn’t confide in me earlier. However, it seemed that Raeyan had a different perspective.

Looking down, Raeyan clenched his fist tightly.

“I couldn’t tell you,” he murmured, each word falling heavily.


“Because I always failed to save you……. It pained me to admit that out loud.”

“That’s not your fault, Raeyan.”

“No,” he shook his head, his eyes closed pitifully.

I gave up trying to change Raeyan’s mind. No matter how much I said, I couldn’t wash away the burden of guilt that Raeyan had already borne.

Instead, I thought of a more effective way.



“I don’t care about being the savior of the world or anything.”

All I care about is living in peace for the rest of my life.

I wasn’t sure if I was the person Raeyan was looking for, but one thing was clear: our goals aligned.

“The memories I have are from Yoon Ga-eul, and before you turned back time, I thought they were from a book.”

“I see.”

“Raeyan, you have to get revenge on Angellus, and I have to wake up my father and stay alive. I can’t sit idly by while Duke Angellus tries to kill me, and Raeyan doesn’t want me to die, right?”

Raeyan’s gaze shook noticeably.

“……I will ensure they won’t harm you.”

As I expected, Raeyan was sensitive about ‘my death.’

I concluded.

“Let’s form an alliance.”

“An alliance…are you serious?”

“Yes. An alliance. Because in the end, our goals are the same. It seems better to be on the same side, officially.”

What I proposed was not a relationship of escort and employer but a mutual and equal one where we support each other to achieve our goals.

“What do you think?”

“I agree.”

Raeyan naturally accepted my proposal. Taking this opportunity, I touched on something that had been bothering me.

“Then we’ll drop formalities when we address each other, right?”

“Is that really important?”

“Of course. It creates distance. I’d prefer calling you just ‘Raeyan.'”

At that, Rayan narrowed his eyes and shook his head slightly. He seemed genuinely uncomfortable with the idea.

“You can call me whatever you like. If it’s easier for you, you can call me Elodie, or if calling me Lili is more comfortable, you can do that too.”


“But why have you insisted on speaking formally? You didn’t do that when we first met.”

“I’m comfortable with it now.”

I wonder what happened during the time Raeyan was wandering through dimensions to make his personality so reserved. Young Raeyan in his story seemed sharp yet adorable.

Then suddenly, I realized something significant.

“By the way, how old are you, Raeyan? Should I ……call you Grandpa, or…Great, great Grandpa?” 


Raeyan’s face stiffened immediately.

Uh oh, bad joke, better not touch on his age!

To change the tense atmosphere, I quickly handed him a box I had brought along.

“What’s this?” He asked, still stiff.

“A present. Open it.”

Raeyan hesitantly opened the luxurious box, and with a click, the contents were revealed.

It was one of a pair of communications magic tools crafted especially for me, the sole investor, by Master Isis.

Made from pure gemstones, this communication device could communicate over great distances, unlike the others, which only had a short range.

I was told that it would not work abroad, but it would work anywhere within the Wallentian Empire.

“As soon as I got it, the only person I could think of to give it to was Raeyan.”

No matter where I was, the number one person I needed to contact was Raeyan.

He was my bodyguard, and I thought it would be useful to have a means of communication for times when Raeyan was away for long periods.

“These communication magic tools might come in handy in the future.”

“Thank you.”

“If anything happens, don’t hesitate to contact me. I’ll do the same.”

“Must there be a particular reason to contact you?” He asked quietly.

Startled by the unexpected question, I stammered in response.

“Huh? W-well, no, not necessarily.”


I wasn’t sure what he understood, but the conversation seemed to have come to an end.

Though I only listened to Raeyan’s story, I somehow felt drained.

Nevertheless, there was unexpected fruit to be harvested.

Above all, understanding why Raeyan acted so cold and distant was refreshing. There were many things I would need to resolve in the future, but for now, I shouldn’t dwell on it.

[No wonder I felt so uncomfortable. He turned out to be the descendant of the one who sealed me…!]

Greed muttered, throwing off any notion of his economy of language.

He seemed shocked that Raeyan was the heir to Vietan.

I smiled and greeted Raeyan with just his name, no formalities.

“Then, I’m counting on you, Raeyan.”

“I’m counting on you too…”

Raeyan, who hesitated for a moment, avoided eye contact as he added:



After Elodie left, Raeyan remained seated in the same spot, gazing at something with a sense of endless contemplation.

The object his gaze fell upon was the communication magic tool Elodie had given him.

He had received so much already, and now in this life, he received more from Elodie.

After sitting there for several hours, Raeyan’s first action was to summon Mario.

“I’m here! Oh, the communication magic tool! Did you also receive one from Miss Lili?”


“She gave them to me and the three troublemakers. Miss Lili, is an angel!”

Raryan sternly commanded Mario.

“Hand it over.”


“I said hand it over. The magic tool.”

Mario recoiled in horror at his leader’s outrageous abuse of power.

“I’ll tell her, I’ll snitch on you, I’ll tell Miss Lili everything!”


Raeyan pondered.

Elodie had only experienced this life with him.

She knew nothing about his previous life, where he was a dirty and irritable person. It was better that she didn’t know.

As he was lost in thought, Mario, who had become fearful of the possibility of the magic tool being confiscated, quickly changed the subject.

“Why did you call me?”

“Hire a magician.”

“What? Do you need magic? What kind of magic do you want?”

“Preservation magic, anti-theft magic, tracking magic. More if there are other spells I need.”

Hiring a magician required a significant amount of money, especially to cast all the magic Raeyan listed would cost an enormous sum.

Feeling uneasy about the long list of magic, Mario asked.

“For what do you need it?”

“The communication magic tool.”

He didn’t want to lose Elodie’s precious gift.