“Why is Ao Yue suddenly roaring his lungs out? Is he hungry?”

“Can you grow a brain? It’s not like Ao Yue’s a glutton.” 

“The Heavenly Dog is suddenly acting crazily without rhyme or reason. Who knows if those iron chains are able to hold him? The Sect Leader is not here with us—if Ao Yue were to escape, the consequences would be unimaginably disastrous.” 

“Fortunately, Immortal Shen has already entered the Soul Formation Realm. I’m sure that Ao Yue will feel at least a smudge of fear upon seeing him.”

“I could never have expected that a day where I place my hopes on Immortal Shen would come.” 

At this moment, Shen Liuxiang, who was abruptly and inexplicably burdened with the high hopes of those Qingling Sect disciples, was searching around, and finally found his target at the banks of the Juechun River.

Zhou Xuanlan sat cross-legged on the cool stone facing the slow-moving river. A tremendous amount of spiritual energy gathered from all directions to form a faint white fog around him.

Sensing someone’s presence behind him, Zhou Xuanlan immediately opened his eyes. The long sword lying by his side made a clanging noise in warning. 

Zhou Xuanlan turned his head. 

The blue-clothed boy had an emerald-green lotus leaf placed upside down on his head. In his hands were a few pieces of gravel—which the child would toss around to amuse himself. Looking up, the little boy gave him a small smile, inadvertently revealing two dimples. He looked exceptionally cute and lovely.

“This is a great place for enjoying the shade. If you ever wish to slack off in the future, do bring me along with you.”

The cute, obedient impression was instantly shattered.

Zhou Xuanlan pursed his lips and said coldly, “This disciple is working on his cultivation. I’m not lazing around.” 

Shen Liuxiang approached. His current height did not even reach the rock on which Zhou Xuanlan was sitting. Depressed, Shen Liuxiang stretched out his arm. His sleeves slipped a little, revealing a small section of his arm, which resembled a tender jade lotus root.1玉藕 — Jade lotus root refers to lotus roots that are white and tender. Sometimes also used to describe beautiful ladies’ arms.

“Pull me, I want to go up.” 

Zhou Xuanlan lowered his gaze and glanced at the weak and fragile-looking wrist. Helplessly, he lept off his rock.

“This disciple has disrespected Shizun.” 2失礼了 — words spoken by someone of a lower status prior to doing something that may be considered disrespectful to someone of a higher status. Depending on the context, these words can be taken as an apology in advance, a small warning, or a threat. In this case, it’s half an apology and half a warning (that ZLX is about to pick SLX up)

After saying those words, Zhou Xuanlan lifted Shen Liuxiang up and placed him onto the cool stone.

“The leaf I was using for shade has fallen off,” Shen Liuxiang said, getting up. After confirming that he had a firm balance, he lowered his head to look at the lotus leaf lying on the ground.

Zhou Xuanlan picked it up and his pupils instantly contracted.

The edge of the leaf had a faint tinge of red to it—suggesting that it had grown in the Wuwang Valley. 

The Cliff of Rebirth was a place of punishment, and Wuwang Valley was a place of imprisonment. Ao Yue, who was captured and hauled back to the sect not long ago, was imprisoned there. 

Thinking about the Heavenly Dog who was still letting out enraged howls, Zhou Xuanlan remarked incredulously, “Shizun has played a role in causing Ao Yue’s current fury.”

Shen Liuxiang took the leaf and placed it on his head with an innocent look on his face. “All I did was throw him a bone. I didn’t do anything else.”

Zhou Xuanlan: “…” 

He could understand why Ao Yue was howling himself hoarse.

Shen Liuxiang’s actions were incredibly humiliating.

“Shizun should refrain from angering Ao Yue. Though the dark iron chains have been reinforced with a restriction spell cast by the Sect Master, its binding force will nonetheless wear off with the passage of time. Sect Master is not here now—our sect will face an inescapable calamity if Ao Yue were to break free of those chains in his rage.”

Shen Liuxiang was startled. “It’s that serious?” 

Zhou Xuanlan replied, “Every word I’ve said is true.” 

Shen Liuxiang’s expression changed slightly and he grabbed his disciple’s sleeve. “Then you need to run away right now! If Ao Yue were to escape, you’ll be a sinner in the Sect’s eyes! ” 

Zhou Xuanlan: “?” 

How was this matter related to him? Why did he suddenly become a sinner? 

Shen Liuxiang had a carefree and laidback gleam in his eyes. His gaze fell directly upon his disciple without faltering. “I got lost because I was looking for you and thus bumped into Ao Yue. Afterwards, I couldn’t stop myself from throwing him a bone, ultimately causing the Heavenly Dog to fly into a rage, so…”

So… The blame was on him?3Raws used 锅, meaning “pot”. If you’re familiar with Chinese novels, you might’ve seen the phrase “carrying the pot” around. It originally started as 背黑锅 (“carrying black pot”, which sounds like 被黑过 (blamed/scolded for something). As internet slang developed, the former shorted to the last word, 锅 (pot).

Zhou Xuanlan was stunned. 

Shen Liuxiang spoke a few words of comfort. “Don’t be afraid, Shizun will be with you.” 

For the first time, thoughts of disrespecting his Shizun and betraying his ancestors popped up in Zhou Xuanlan’s mind. Resisting the temptation to act out those thoughts, Zhou Xuanlan moved his thin lips.

“This disciple will cede this place to Shizun so that you can enjoy the shade. I will find another place to cultivate.”

Zhou Xuanlan turned around, wanting to leave, but suddenly felt a slight resistance at the cuff of his sleeve. 

Shen Liusheng pulled it very lightly. His grip was so weak that Zhou Xuanlan could brush him off with a wave of his hand. 

“I’ve been looking for you all afternoon.” 

Zhou Xuanlan paused in his steps. “Why are you looking for this disciple?”

“Senior brother asked me to practice more spells to regain my original body, but I’ve forgotten most of them. After considering it for a long time, I realized that you’re the only one I can request help from, but…” 

Shen Liuxiang’s soft and tender voice stopped for a moment. It was closely followed by a quiet, choked sob.

“You brushed me off with a piece of wood.” 

Zhou Xuanlan’s expression froze. Hearing the whimpering coming from behind, he flew into a panic. “No, that was not this disciple’s intention.”

After some careful thought, Zhou Xuanlan felt that he had truly overstepped. 

He used every single means to avoid his Shizun when his Shizun needed him and did not fulfil his responsibilities as a disciple.

The young man lowered his head slightly, his heart filled with remorse. “Regardless of what Shizun orders, this disciple is always duty-bound to obey.” 

Once these words left his mouth, the sobbing abruptly stopped.

Shen Liuxiang smiled and his eyes curved up. A row of white teeth appeared between his lips. “That’s great, let’s start with the low-level spells right this instant.” 

Zhou Xuanlan had a bad feeling in his heart and turned around to take a look. 


There wasn’t a single tear on Shen Liuxiang’s face.


Ling Jinye, having not seen Zhou Xuanlan for nearly half a month, felt bewildered. Ling Hua had also forbidden him from going to Dawn Cloud Peak.

“What do you think Shizun and the others are up to? They’re being so secretive and mysterious,” Ling Jinye asked.

Ling Mushan responded with a simple “I don’t know”. 

Ling Jinye speculated, “Could it be due to the Shengming fruit?” 

Originally, there was a high possibility that the fruit would fall into the hands of Shen Liuxiang. However, now that he was already in the Soul Formation Realm, that fruit was no longer suitable for him. The two immortals had no need for the fruit and thus a few elders at the Nascent Soul Realm were the only candidates left.

Ling Jinye freely spoke his mind. “Who do you think the Sect Master will give the spiritual fruit to?” 

“Shizun will return to the sect this evening. Why not directly ask him about it when the time comes?” 

The two of them were currently standing on the stone bridge connecting Yeming Peak4”Night light” to the outside world. With a broom in his hands, Ling Mushan unhurriedly swept away the fallen leaves. 

Ling Jinye smiled bitterly. 

Although the Sect Master had always been gentle, his aura was still imposing. Everyone who faced him would have to behave.

“I hope that it’ll be given to Master Su,” Ling Jinye sighed. “He damaged his cultivation foundation while saving us disciples in the sect. Perhaps the Shengming fruit would be of use to him.” 

After sweeping away the last of the fallen leaves, Ling Mushan raised his head and smiled lightly. “There are many disciples in the sect who share your sentiments. I’m sure Shizun will fulfil everyone’s wishes.” 


A loud noise sounded above Dawn Cloud Peak. 

The smoke dissipated. Only a pile of powder remained on the ground. 

Shen Liuxiang exclaimed, “It’s so powerful! How was this talisman made?” 

“It’s just an ordinary exploding talisman,” Zhou Xuanlan replied, throwing the unglowing talisman away and retrieving several more from his storage bag. “Has Shizun remembered the spell?” 

Shen Liuxiang had been pestering Zhou Xuanlan to teach him various spells these days, starting from the very basics. Fortunately, he was able to easily understand the information taught to him. Coupled with the faint memories in his head, Shen Liuxiang was able to learn each spell after only seeing them once. 

Within the short span of half a month, Shen Liuxiang managed to learn the majority of the low-level spells. 

Moreover, each circulation of the spiritual power in his body would exert a suppressive effect on the demon poison, causing his body to heat up again and again. 

A drop of sweat rolled down from the corner of Shen Liuxing’s forehead. Throwing an exploding talisman into the air, he formed a hand seal and sent his spiritual power into the talisman. 


The sound of the explosion was louder than before. 

Shen Liuxiang let out a long exhale and squatted on the ground. Picking up a sweet mandarin orange, he took a bite and said, “Let’s stop here for today.” 

“This disciple shall take his leave.” 


Zhou Xuanlan had a bad feeling. Nothing good had ever happened when he was stopped by Shen Liuxiang. Pretending not to hear those words, Zhou Xuanlan continued on his way.

Unfortunately for him, he only managed to take a few more steps before the jade pendant around his waist forcibly pulled him back. 

“I have a small wish.” 

A vigilant look appeared on Zhou Xuanlan’s face. “This disciple is lacking. I’m afraid I’m unable to help Shizun.” 

Ignoring his words, Shen Liuxiang continued, “I want to look at the Shengming fruit.” 

He wanted to take it.

Everyone in the sect knew that the Shengming fruit was kept in the Wenxing Tower, but it was impossible to spy on its location. The Wenxing Tower was where Qingling Sect placed its treasures and was thus heavily guarded. Spell arrays covered every inch of space. Even Nascent Soul cultivators would have a hard time gaining entry.

Zhou Xuanlan spoke. “Shizun, please forget about that idea. Even if you managed to sneak past the patrolling disciples, you would still be stopped by the various spell arrays.” 

Shen Liuxiang responded, “This Shizun can’t break it, but my disciple can.” 

All went silent.

The elder responsible for setting up arrays both large and small in the sect had passed away half a year ago. Prior to his death, he’d passed on his legacy to the last disciple he saw.

That disciple was Zhou Xuanlan. 

Even the elders currently in charge of the arrays would occasionally drop by to ask Zhou Xuanlan some questions. 

This matter was not exactly a secret—everyone in the sect knew of this fact. 

Zhou Xuanlan said expressionlessly, “Only under the Sect Master’s order will I unlock those arrays.”

Shen Liuxiang’s eyes glinted. Puppy eyes turned to look at Shen Liuxiang. “I just want to take a look, I won’t touch anything. Can’t you bring me in?” 

Zhou Xuanlan’s remained indifferent and resolutely declared, “Absolutely impossible!” 

Then, he ruthlessly tacked on, “I won’t bring Shizun in, even if Shizun cries for real this time.” 

“Is it really impossible?” Shen Liuxiang slightly pursed his lips.


To trespass on the Wenxing Tower was a violation of the sect rules. He would never indulge in his Shizun’s thoughts of mischief.

“Oh really,” Shen Liuxiang raised his eyebrows, “What a coincidence. I love challenging the impossible.” 

After saying these words, Shen Liuxiang wiped the smile off his face and walked towards Zhou Xuanlan unhurriedly, exerting a terrifying pressure. 

Zhou Xuanlan was not intimidated. His expression remained calm and indifferent. “Does Shizun wish to make this disciple submit through force? It’s worth a try.” 

Shen Liu didn’t answer and sullenly approached him. 

The immense pressure of a cultivator in the Soul Formation Realm came bearing down—any other disciple at the Foundation Building stage would’ve been suppressed to the point of being unable to take even a single step. However, the black-robed young man’s back remained straight and he emitted a cold and arrogant aura of his own. 

“You asked for it,” Shen Liuxiang let out a low snort, reaching out a hand. Bitingly, he remarked, “Seems like you’d rather do things the hard way!”5敬酒不吃吃罚酒 — Choosing to drink in punishment instead of drinking to a toast. Idiom used to scold people who refuse to accept polite requests and only submit to threats/pressure 

He was about to make his move…

Zhou Xuanlan felt a trace of fear.

A fatal blow from a cultivator in the Soul Formation Realm! 


With a loud shout, Shen Liuxiang threw his little arms around his disciple’s long legs, buried his face deep in the hem of his robes and twisted his small figure this way and that.

“Bring me to Wenxing Tower~ Bring me~ Bring me~” 

The air around them abruptly froze. 

Like a grim statue, Zhou Xuanlan stood rooted in place.

玉藕 — Jade lotus root refers to lotus roots that are white and tender. Sometimes also used to describe beautiful ladies’ arms.

失礼了 — words spoken by someone of a lower status prior to doing something that may be considered disrespectful to someone of a higher status. Depending on the context, these words can be taken as an apology in advance, a small warning, or a threat. In this case, it’s half an apology and half a warning (that ZLX is about to pick SLX up)

Raws used 锅, meaning “pot”. If you’re familiar with Chinese novels, you might’ve seen the phrase “carrying the pot” around. It originally started as 背黑锅 (“carrying black pot”, which sounds like 被黑过 (blamed/scolded for something). As internet slang developed, the former shorted to the last word, 锅 (pot).

”Night light”

敬酒不吃吃罚酒 — Choosing to drink in punishment instead of drinking to a toast. Idiom used to scold people who refuse to accept polite requests and only submit to threats/pressure