Chapter 618: Princess Primary Regency 3

Chapter 618 Princess Main Regent 3

According to his usual settings, at this time, maybe he is suffering somewhere, just waiting for her to rescue him.

Yunxi put on her palace clothes, tidied up her appearance, and went out with a team of guards from the Palace of the First Princess.

After hearing the news, the housekeeper and the steward hurried over, and the two stopped in front of her, sweating profusely and looking terrified.

"Princess eldest eldest, the prince has explained that you are inconvenient and cannot let you go out. Please return to the room..."

Yun Xi was in a hurry to go out, but someone unexpectedly jumped out to stop her, and kept holding Gu Jinxiu to press her, her face was instantly as cold as ice.

"Are you from Bengong or Gu Jinxiu? Is this the eldest princess' residence or Gu's residence?"

The    mansion is, of course, the mansion of the eldest princess, but now, the surname is Gu in secret.

The servants of the entire eldest princess' mansion are all dominated by him, and the eldest princess will never be taken seriously. I have to say that Gu Jinxiu is really a good means. It's only been a few years. The eldest princess' mansion is in complete control.

"The eldest princess calms down..."

The housekeeper saw that Yun Xi's face was not good, so he couldn't help but speak for Gu Jinxiu, "You and the prince are husband and wife, and the prince is also thinking about your body, he is for your own good, so he will explain to the old slave..."

"To shut up."

Yunxi suddenly snorted coldly and interrupted the housekeeper's words. The housekeeper and the housekeeper's mammy were so frightened that their legs went weak in an instant.

They couldn't understand how the eldest eldest princess, who had been bedridden recently, was always in low spirits, and spoke weakly, suddenly became so fierce.

"The two of you have been in the eldest princess' mansion for many years, but you don't even know who your master is. You said, why is this palace still keeping you guys?"

Yunxi slowly turned the Moyu wrench on her thumb, her eyelids drooped, and her eyes looked coolly at the housekeeper and mama who were kneeling in front of her.

The housekeeper and the auntie had a chill on their backs for a moment, and the next moment, the two of them recalled her words, their faces were as pale as paper, their foreheads were slammed on the ground, and they frantically kowtowed and begged for mercy.

"The eldest princess spares his life, the old slave knows that he is wrong, and the old slave dares no longer. I ask the eldest princess to spare the old slave's life for the sake of the old slave's hard work for the mansion..."

"Who killed you?"

Yun Xi smiled coldly, and before the housekeeper and mama could breathe a sigh of relief, she heard her continue to say incomparably cool, "Bengong won't kill you, but I will never keep you unfaithful to megong again. slave."

"Xifeng, I took them down and sold them. I don't want to see them again in the future."

Xifeng is the leader of the eldest princess.

The eldest princess and the Zhao emperor Yunhe each have a dead man in their hands, and the dead man of the eldest princess is named after her.

Yunxi gave an order, and the two dead men, who were wrapped in black from head to toe, came out of nowhere. One by one, they picked up the housekeeper and grandma, and disappeared in an instant.

The servant with short eyes was finally dealt with. Yun Xi was in a much better mood. She sat on the top of the chariot carried by twenty-eight people, and went out with a mighty bodyguard.

After the eldest princess got married, she suddenly became seriously ill. She was in bed all day long and had not gone out for a long time. Now, she suddenly saw the eldest princess' sedan chair on the street of Dijing, which instantly caused a wave of onlookers and sensations.

The sedan chair moved lightly, Yun Xi held her head in her right hand, her eyes were slightly closed, and she didn't care about the noise on the street.

She sensed Feng Lingge's breath, and occasionally gave orders to the guards carrying the chariots, instructing them which way to go.

Let's talk about Feng Lingge, holding baby Candle Dragon without gentleness, walking through the streets and alleys very fast, following his brother's breath.

"Stinky woman, this uncle is going to be shaken by you, and this uncle ordered you to hug me."

Receiving his thoughts, Feng Lingge stopped, and glared at the fat and cute little milk bun in his arms with his cold eyes, and poked his fingers fiercely at his face.

"Hugging your sister, if my sister-in-law hadn't specifically explained it, I wouldn't even want to touch you, but if I still hug you, I wouldn't hold you..."

Fengling singer pointed very hard, and the little **** kept dodging, but she still didn't dodge. Several bruises and mottled marks appeared on her face, which looked like she was obviously abused.

Baby Candle Dragon couldn't bear it anymore, and grinned at her intimidation, "Ouch, stinky woman, if you dare to treat me like this, this uncle will eat you..."

"I still want to eat me, I still want to eat me, believe it or not, I will strangle you now..."

Feng Lingge was about to cry with anger. She said why she hated this guy for the first time. It turned out that this guy wanted to eat her all the time.

is simply unbearable!

She squeezed the baby candle dragon by the neck, vowing to teach him a lesson, and see if he dares to eat her again in the future.

"Stinky woman, stop it, have you forgotten what your sister told you?"

Remembering Yun Xi's explanation, Baby Candle Dragon didn't dare to use divine power at will, so he could only shake his short limbs and struggle, looking pitiful and funny.

"Hmph, I'll let you go today, and I'll see how I deal with you when I find my brother."

Hearing Baby Candle Dragon mentioning Yun Xi, Feng Lingge finally remembered the business, and angrily pinched a few hands on Xiao Nian Bao's chubby legs before letting him go.

The pain in his leg was painful. Baby Candle Dragon looked down and saw several purple and blue marks on Bai Nen's legs. Woman, when he grows up, see how he treats her.

Fengyuelou is the first place of Fengyue in the Northern Dynasty. The wind is male and the moon is female. Therefore, there are male prostitutes and female prostitutes here.

Today, before the time to open the door for business, Fengyuelou was already full of people, and the guests lined up in a long queue, all the way to the street outside the door, and the business was unprecedentedly hot.

There were not only men but also women in the team. The women, without exception, wore hats on their heads or masks on their faces to hide their true identities.

If you want to ask why Fengyuelou can attract so many guests, there are even so many disregarded and shameless female guests. The reason is that today is the first night auction of Fenghuangye, the first son of the Northern Dynasty. day.

Fenghuangye, the son of the former prime minister's mansion, with peerless elegance and splendor of the Northern Dynasty, with outstanding literary talent and amazing talent, who would not fall for him who has seen him?

In the past, even the eldest princess and the first talented girl of the Northern Dynasty, Shen Zhuji, admired him endlessly, but neither the eldest princess nor Miss Shen was able to attract his heart, and their courtship to him was rejected.

After   , one entered the palace and became the current Empress Dowager Shen, and the other married someone else. From then on, Gu Jinxiu soared into the sky, from crawling snakes to flying dragons.

Later, the Prime Minister committed a crime, and the regent led people to suppress it. The Fengfu family was demoted and exiled. Even the eldest son was not spared. He was sold into the Fengyue place and became a prostitute for life.

(end of this chapter)