Chapter 137 The Bersek Class

"Isabel, are you ok ?" Nora asked using all of her power to bear the pressure

" HuHuHu Nora, Yes I'm fine but I don't know how long can I bear this "

Although Isabel, Nora, and even Mia, Sophia, and Olivia have power bases between the second and third kingdoms, they are not used to fighting or using their power, so they find it difficult to bear such pressure.

"Noah, Noah, are you okay?"

Noah is the son of Mia Parada and the youngest member of the Parada family. Although he is a gifted child and he is already in the second kingdom, despite his young age, his mental development is still a little weak, which made him unable to maintain his consciousness while facing this tyrannical aura and this fierce pressure. Mia, who was not better off than Isabel and Nora, used all the strength she can gather and sprinted to her son, who fell to the ground with a pained expression on his face.

With a layer of raging red energy in her eyes and her long black hair waving in the air like crazy, Emore looked at Fray with a piercing look unable to notice anyone or anything except Fray's indifferent face which was the only thing in her field of vision. But before Emore could move from her place, she suddenly began to feel her instincts warning her from something, something that she knew was dangerous, and the terrifying thing that what she sensed wasn't that far away, but rather close to her, very close.

Thus, As soon as she slightly moved her eyes from Fray, she could see it, the cause of her alerting feeling, a concentrated sword aura of intense energy placed in front of her neck, as soon as she saw the sword she realized that if she took even one step forward, she would be dead...

Only after tracing the energy sword blade and seeing Elisa who was standing next to her holding the energy sword with a cold expression on her face, only then she was Emore able to come to her senses and look around the room at the chaos she caused by a shocked expression.

Fray looked at Emore who was examining the room with a tough expression and at her son Liam who was pressed to the ground with a pained expression, then mumbled in a low voice, "The berserk class Huh..."

Emore Parada descends from the Reju family, a strong family stationed in the far west of the continent, and they are famous for their encounter with the barbaric berserk class, which is considered one of the most powerful jobs in the human continent. Training in this class makes the warrior's energy exceed the limits of his strength in the battle, but The negative side is that when the user loses control over his feelings, his mental stability decreases a lot.

"Do you have any justification to defend your actions?" Fray asked in an emotionless voice, still looking at Emore with a cold expression.

(So you're telling me you care about that boy's well-being , do you really wants me to believe that ?) That's what Emore was thinking. She was sure that Fray was just trying to take advantage of this incident to extract some benefit from her, yet she couldn't help but say . " I'm sorry I really didn't mean for any of this to happen, I hope the family head will understand."

" So you don't have any justification ?" Fray


Hi guys, so I will be honest with you, as some of you know English isn't my first language that's why I use Traduction and Grammarly and some other tools to write the chapters, that's why sometimes you will find some names different and some errors in the grammar. But I will try to change that from now on.

So to correct some mistakes here are the correct names

Fray's mother == Sometimes you will find Elizabeth, but it's " Isabel " and you should know the two names are correct Isabel is a shortcut for Elizabeth but I will use Isabel from now on.

Elisa Parada ==== Sometimes you will find Elissa the correct name is Elisa

Parada=== it was Prada now it's Parada

And "job" will be replaced by "class" from now on.

I'm not sure if there is another mistake, but if there are any questions leave them in the comments.

Finally, You should know that I don't make any money from the Novel the only reason why I'm still writing is that I see that you guys enjoying it, and because I promised to complete the novel. But I will write another novel to make money from it if you enjoy this one you will love the other even more, I promise