Chapter 143 The Peace That Lasted 100.000 Years Has Been Broken (1)

In the office of the family head.

After finishing the meeting with the members of the Arezo family, Fray headed straight to his office, and currently he was sitting at his desk reviewing some important paperwork.

Montaser who was respectfully standing in front of the desk, thinking about Fray's previous encounter with the Arezo family head couldn't help but ask, "Sir, are you sure you want to proceed with your plan regarding the Arezo family?"

Hearing Montaser's words, Fray quietly put the papers in his hands on the desk, and after looking at Montaser, he asked in a neutral voice, "Why are you asking?"

"Well, sir, I don't know if you know that, but the Arezo family is not as trustworthy as it seems."

The Arezo family is not trustworthy, yes, Fray understands this fact very well. from the outside, the Arezo family looks like a strong family that tries hard to stay loyal to their costumers and avoid troubles, and the majority of the major forces who use their power as mercenaries trust them blindly, but Fray knows that this is only the outer face that the Arezo family is desperately trying to maintain. Actually they are very corrupt on the inside and they are literally ready to do anything, no matter how bad, if they find it profitable for them, and in the novel, they were one of the villains that the hero encounters more than once.

"So do you have any other plan?" Fray asked

Yes, it would be impossible to trust the members of that family, and even Fray does not have a sure way to guarantee that they will not betray the Parada family, but at this point, Fray has no choice but to trust them, their power and their experiences with dungeons and monsters are very necessary for this Fray's plans to succeed.

"Sigh, Actually you are right sir, except for the Arezo family, we don't have any other options, but do you think they will accept our offer?"

In fact, the meeting ended without completing the negotiations, as Lester the head of the Arezo family asked for some time to think. He promised that he would answer Fray after he consulted with the rest of the family.Thi/s chapter is updated by nov(e)(l)

In order for them to accept the offer, Fray offered them many benefits, but he is still not sure if that will be enough, after all, the Parada family is also a very difficult family to trust.

"Come in...." After putting away the book he was holding in his hands, Fray said, looking at the door.

After opening the door, Montaser entered the room. With made a respectful voice said, "Sir, the head of the truth organization, Nizar wants to see you."

"Okay, bring him here."

"Okay sir," Montaser said in a respectful voice before walking out again from the room.

Shortly after that, Fray heard another knocking coming from the door, then a skinny young man with black hair and a grumpy expression on his face entered the room.

"S-sorry for the sudden visit, sir," Nizar muttered in a nervous voice, trying hard to avoid Fray's emotionless eyes.

"What is the reason for this visit?" With a cold voice and an emotionless face, Fray asked directly.

"O-h actually, this is..." Nizar muttered, in a broken voice unable to form a meaningful sentence.

"What is it?..." Fray

(Damn it, I still can't keep my calm in the presence of this person, I feel like a ferocious beast is lurking in me) Nizar thought of his anger while he was trying hard to control himself and control his anger.

Fray, who began to hate these stupid behaviors that Nizar does every time he meets him, sighed inwardly and said slowly, "Just speak, you are now a member of the Parada family, I will not hurt you, just say what you have to say."

"Ah, yes sir, I'm sorry... Well, actually I'm here because I have some news regarding the Niram empire."

"Niram Empire!?..." Fray

"Yes, sir, the Niram Empire has declared war on Lionar kingdom"