Chapter 170 Noah's Vengeance Quest Begins.

Noah stood at the edge of the dark, gaping hole, its depths seemingly endless. The air was heavy with sorrow, and the sound of his labored breath echoed in his ears. Streams of tears poured down his face, tracing a path of anguish as he watched his mother's coffin descend into the abyss. The dull thud of the coffin hitting the bottom resonated in his heart, amplifying his pain.

As the last remnants of his mother's presence vanished from sight, Noah's gaze shifted towards Fray, who stood among the gathered group with an air of detachment. The flickering torchlight reflected in Noah's tear-filled eyes, intensifying the fury that burned within him. Determination surged through his veins, igniting a flame of vengeance.

With trembling hands, Noah reached into the depths of his clothing, his fingers closing around a small, worn knife. Its blade gleamed dully in the dim light, a symbol of his resolve. Time seemed to slow as he launched himself towards Fray, his footsteps a desperate rhythm against the stone floor. The sound of the blade connecting with Fray's back reverberated through the chamber, momentarily capturing the attention of everyone present. Gasps of surprise and murmurs of shock rippled through the crowd.

"Noah!!..." Olivia with, a shocked expression thought, looked at the scene.

Noah's eyes widened in disbelief as he beheld the scene before him. The knife, once his source of hope, now lay impotent against Fray's seemingly impenetrable skin. It was as if an invisible barrier shielded Fray from harm, rendering Noah's desperate act futile. Confusion mixed with rage, fueled the fire within him.

Fray's cold gaze met Noah's, his expression remaining stoic and unyielding. His voice, laced with a chilling calmness, cut through Noah's anger like a knife. "Is that all that you have?" Fray's words hung in the air, haunting and taunting.

Noah's scream echoed through the chamber, a mix of anger, determination, and grief. His eyes, filled with fiery resolve, remained locked on Fray, who stood before him with icy calmness. The air crackled with tension as Noah's words hung in the silence, their weight echoing through the room.

Fray met Noah's gaze, his expression unfazed by the young boy's outburst. His voice, laced with an unsettling coldness, cut through the charged atmosphere. "Do you think you can do that, with this weak power of yours?" Fray's words pierced through Noah's determination, testing the limits of his resolve.

Before Nora and Isabel could intervene, their voices of reason halted by Fray's stern command, the room fell into an uneasy silence. The weight of the situation hung in the air, as if time itself held its breath, awaiting the outcome of this clash of wills.

Noah's eyes burned with a mix of self-hatred and determination, a reflection of the turmoil raging within him. He realized at that moment, staring into Fray's cold face, that his current strength was insufficient to avenge his mother. The realization was a bitter pill to swallow, but it fueled a newfound resolve within him.Thi/s chapter is updated by nov(e)(l)

"You're weak, just like your mother," Fray's words cut through the air, slicing into Noah's wounded heart. The pain mingled with Noah's building anger, igniting a surge of power from deep within him. Darkness seeped from his core, shrouding him in its ominous embrace. It took the form of an enormous black serpent, its sinuous body intertwining with Noah's own.


Before Noah could react Fray launched a powerful punch directly into Noah's stomach

"ugh..." A pained voice escaped Noah's voice as the serpent spirit and the energy vortex despair into the void he knelt on the ground with a pained expression.

Meanwhile, Fray remained stoic, his eyes fixed on the chaotic display before him. Suddenly without saying anything he swiftly moved towards Noah, covering the distance in a fraction of a second. In an instant, his fist collided with Noah's abdomen with tremendous force, delivering a powerful blow that left Noah gasping for breath.

The impact sent shockwaves of pain reverberating through Noah's body, causing him to crumple to the ground in agony. As the serpent spirit and the swirling energy vortex dissipated into the void, Noah knelt, his face contorted with pain and defeat. The abrupt and forceful strike from Fray had incapacitated him, momentarily halting the unrestrained release of his power.

As Fray turned his back on Noah, his cold voice resounded through the cemetery, as he said " You're expelled from the Palace ".

Then with measured steps, Fray began to make his way toward the gate, leaving Noah behind amidst his grief.

But with an unexpected twist, Fray halted his progress, freezing in his tracks. Without even sparing a glance in Noah's direction, he uttered his chilling words. "Become strong, then come back. I will give you one chance to take your revenge."

The family members stood in stunned silence, their eyes fixed on the scene unfolding before them. Noah, struggling to raise his head, peered at Fray's retreating figure with a look filled with anger and determination.

Left alone at his mother's grave, Noah remained knelt, tears streaming down his face without making a sound. Time passed slowly as he wrestled with his grief, his longing for vengeance, and the daunting task of growing stronger. Hours later, he heard faint footsteps approaching, Raising his weary eyes, Noah was surprised to see Olivia, his sister with whom he had often clashed, her eyes filled with empathy.

Olivia chose to stand in silent solidarity with Noah, offering him a comforting presence that transcended words. For more than an hour, she stood by his side, sharing in his sorrow and allowing him the space to mourn. Just as Olivia was about to leave, she broke her silence, her voice gentle yet filled with purpose. "Take this," she said, extending her hand, revealing a small ring adorned with intricate and mysterious engravings. "you should become stronger."

Noah, his gaze fixed on the enigmatic ring, hesitated for a moment before accepting it, recognizing the significance of this gift. With Olivia's departure, he was left alone once again, clutching the ring in his hand with a complicated look in his eyes.


Well, there is a lot of questions. Unfortunately, I will leave this question without an answer for a very long time. But I left some clues for you smart ones to conclude what's happened