Chapter 180 Alone Against The Frozen Shadows .

Fray gleamed in the pale light as he unleashed the metal ax upon his adversaries. With a deft flick of his wrist, he sent the ax spinning through the air, its blade finding its mark in the chest of one of the approaching pale monsters. The creature let out a shrill cry, stumbling backward before collapsing into the snow.

With his ax embedded in the fallen monster, Fray swiftly closed the distance, his fists becoming a blur of rapid strikes. His trained muscles propelled him forward, launching punches and kicks with precision. He struck with the force of a raging tempest, each blow finding its target and momentarily halting the advance of the encroaching horde.

The pale monsters retaliated with savage fervor. Their claws sliced through the biting wind, seeking to rend flesh and bone. Fray deftly dodged and weaved, his movements fluid and instinctive. He blocked incoming strikes with his forearms, absorbing the impact with practiced resilience. In the midst of the swirling snow and chaotic battleground, he maintained a remarkable focus.

One of the monsters lunged at Fray from the side, jaws gaping wide in an attempt to sink its teeth into his shoulder. With lightning reflexes, Fray pivoted on one foot, executing a powerful roundhouse kick that connected squarely with the creature's head. The impact sent it sprawling, disoriented, and momentarily incapacitated.

But even as Fray dispatched one foe, another was already upon him. A second monster pounced, its skeletal fingers outstretched to snatch at his throat. Fray ducked under its grasp, delivering a swift uppercut that crushed bone and sinew. The monster howled in pain, stumbling back as Fray seized the opportunity to strike at its exposed flank.

The monster had bulging muscles rippled beneath its leathery hide. Its limbs were thick and sinewy, terminating in razor-sharp claws that glinted ominously in the cold, pale light. Its eyes burned like icy coals, two orbs of malevolence fixated upon its prey, with an immense look he opened its jaw impossibly wide, unhinging with a sickening crack, revealing a row of elongated teeth that jutted out from its cavernous maw, like daggers ready to tear into flesh. A serpentine tongue flicked out, tasting the frigid air.

" The first phase ..." sensing the monster's intent to attack, Fray quickly activated the first phase. Fray's body surged with power, his form expanding and growing taller, muscles bulging beneath his armor. His presence alone seemed to fill the air, a towering figure that radiated strength and defiance.

But then and just as it was going to attack once more the monster suddenly hesitated, its massive form trembling ever so slightly. The once-predatory glint in its eyes wavered, replaced by a flicker of uncertainty. And in a sudden burst of movement, the colossal creature turned abruptly and retreated into the midst of the surrounding horde.

As the hours slipped away, time seemed to stretch endlessly for Fray. The relentless assault of the monsters intensified, overwhelming him with their sheer numbers. His body was marred by injuries, blood mingling with the pristine white snow beneath his feet. Clad in battered armor, Fray gazed upon the horde of creatures charging toward him, their snarling faces filled with malice. Meanwhile, a colossal monster loomed in the distance, its eyes fixed on him. Fray thought with an angry expression ( With each passing moment, I can feel my strength waned, the odds are against me. I should get out of here )

" I will kill that bastard," Fray proclaimed, his voice laced with a cold tone.

Fray, a lone figure cloaked in dented and bloodstained armor, stood surrounded by a swirling mass of pale monsters. His body, battered and bruised, bore the scars of countless clashes, yet his eyes stayed cold and calm looking at the pale monsters, their twisted forms stretching as far as the eye could see, moved with an eerie synchronicity, their movements a macabre ballet of hunger and malice. Their pale, sinewy bodies resembled a writhing sea of desperation,


Hi, guys I hope you're doing well and for the Muslims AID MUbARAK--- So I just want to see that in the Prevlidged chapters, we arrived at an important event and I will take some time to write it, I want it to be LEGENDARY, not much maybe three or four days, but I will also add 4 chapters to the privilege section -- So it will take a week or something like this for the non-privilege chapters to come out --I hope you understand