Chapter 192 The Battle Against The Boss

The boss, a towering creature with a monstrous form, stood with immense power. Its massive frame cast a shadow over the battlefield, and its piercing blue eyes scanned the ground below, filled with a malevolent intelligence.

Suddenly, a portal opened where the monster had been gazing, and from within emerged Fray, his expression cold and determined. He was followed by Adam, Montaser, Elisa, and Norman, each of them ready for the battle that lay ahead.

"Don't hold back. Use all your power from the start," Fray declared, a throwing axe materializing in his hand. As he spoke, his body transformed, muscles grew larger, and his form towered even more.

Fray drew back his arm, showcasing his immense strength. His muscles rippled, veins standing out against his skin, as he coiled his body like a tightly wound spring. " Attack!!!"With a primal roar that resonated with power, he unleashed the full force of his throw.


The axe sailed through the air with incredible speed and precision, tracing a magnificent arc as it honed in on its target. The blade spun with deadly accuracy, propelled by Fray's immense strength and honed instincts. The air itself seemed to part before the weapon as if acknowledging its ferocity.

As they followed the path left by the launching axe, the group surged forward, their combined power focused on the boss. Elisa darted towards the left side of the monstrous boss with unparalleled speed, her movements a blur of agility and precision. With each step, she left behind after images that trailed in her wake.

Her eyes focused on the target, Elisa's. A radiant sword materialized in her hand, its blade gleaming with a brilliance that but through the space. Thousands of ethereal energy blades floated around her, forming a mesmerizing halo of shimmering light.

With a powerful lunge, Elisa propelled herself forward, covering the distance between her and the boss in an instant.

The energy blades surrounding Elisa swirled around her, their movements synchronized with her own. As she neared the boss, the blades started dancing through the air with unparalleled agility.

His fist connected with the monster's massive head, delivering an explosive blow. The impact reverberated through the battlefield, sending shockwaves of energy rippling through the air and making the hue chains holding the monster rattle in a loud noise, as the force of the punch propelled the monster's head to the side, disorienting it further.

Seizing the chaotic opening created by Fray and Montaser's assault, Norman with an intense gaze, summoned the Kanchu bow. The bow materialized in his hands, its elegant design adorned with intricate engravings that seemed to come alive with pulsating energy.

Drawing back the bowstring with precision, Norman felt the magical energy coursing through his veins. His muscles tensed, ready to release a torrent of power. He took a deep breath, centering himself in the midst of the chaos, his focus honed on the target before him.

At that moment, time seemed to slow down. Norman's eyes locked onto the boss, his vision sharpened with an uncanny clarity. He released the bowstring, and with a resounding twang, a flurry of energy arrows materialized in the air, each imbued with his own determination and will.

The arrows blazed with an ethereal glow as they streaked toward the boss with incredible speed and accuracy. They formed a deadly storm, weaving through the air like a swarm of celestial beings, their brilliance illuminating the battlefield.

As the arrows closed in on their target, the air crackled with their raw power. With each arrow's impact, explosions erupted in bursts of radiant energy, engulfing the boss in a dazzling display of light and force. The force of Norman's assault rocked the frozen wasteland, causing the very ground to tremble beneath their feet.

With unwavering focus, Norman continued to unleash arrow after arrow, his movements fluid and precise. His eyes never wavered from his target, his determination unyielding. Each arrow found its mark, piercing the boss's defenses with unrelenting accuracy.

The monster, its form battered and its movements sluggish, desperately tried to regain its footing amidst the onslaught of attacks. However, its attention was abruptly drawn to the sky above, where the atmosphere crackled with an immense and foreboding energy. A colossal portal materialized, its edges shimmering with a mysterious otherworldly light, casting an eerie glow over the battlefield below

The portal widened, revealing a glimpse into a realm forged by the sheer intensity of heat and fire. A torrent of molten lava, molten rock glowing with an ethereal glow, poured forth from the portal, cascading down upon the monstrous boss.

The lava hissed and sizzled as it made contact with the creature's massive form, searing through its flesh and leaving trails of smoldering wounds in its wake. The intense heat radiating from the molten torrents caused the very air to shimmer and distort, creating an eerie haze around the battlefield.


The boss roared in agony as the molten lava continued its relentless assault, with anger boiling inside him the monster gather a huge amount of energy, as he suddenly unleashed a massive energy wave, a surge of power that threatened to consume everything in its path

"Just when I thought this may be easy " Adam looking at the upcoming wave that was crashing everything in its path sighed with a low voice