Chapter 208 The Malevolent Gambit

Chapter 208 The Malevolent Gambit

The innkeeper, a man of advanced age with silver hair and a weathered face, stood tall behind the counter. He wore a worn-out apron over his simple, dark clothing, which seemed to blend seamlessly with the dimly lit interior of the inn. His deep, gravelly voice carried a sense of authority and wisdom as he addressed the group of four.

"You have chosen to partake in the Trial of the Cursed Village," the innkeeper began, his eyes locked onto each member of the group. " Then in this trial, you will play Seven games against the residents of the village, each with its own unique challenge. Succeed in a game, and you will be granted the chance to ask one question. But beware, you cannot ask directly about how to escape this village. Your questions must be shrewd and cunning, leading you towards the answer without revealing the full truth."

Fray, Aslan, Lisa, and Lysander exchanged glances, realizing the gravity of the situation they had voluntarily stepped into. The innkeeper's words hung in the air like a heavy fog, shrouding them in a sense of uncertainty.

"And what if we lose?" Lisa's voice trembled slightly as she voiced the question that weighed on all of their minds.

"Every game you lose grants me the right to ask one question of you," The innkeeper replied. "You must answer truthfully, or the game will come to an end, and your chance to escape the village will be forfeited. And if, after the seven games, you still have not discovered your answer, you must accept your fate and become a permanent resident of this village."

The gravity of the innkeeper's words settled heavily upon the group, and the room fell into an eerie silence. The other patrons in the inn seemed to hold their breath, as they listened to the dialogue of The innkeeper with excited expressions.

With a deep breath, Fray broke the silence. "We understand the rules," he said firmly, his gaze locked onto the innkeeper's eyes.

Aslan, Lisa, and Lysander nodded in agreement, their determination mirrored in their expressions.

"Very well," the innkeeper acknowledged a trace of admiration in his eyes. "The first game shall begin two hours from now Until then, you may rest and prepare yourselves."


Lisa and Aslan trying to escape the stress of the situation, they strolled through the winding streets of the village, the flickering lanterns casting a soft glow over the cobblestones. The air was filled with a sense of unease and mystery, mirroring the emotions that churned within them.

In the tense atmosphere of the village center, Fray, Lisa, Aslan, and Lysander huddled together, discussing their strategy. The chessboard before them seemed to pulsate with dark energy, each piece representing a fallen warrior's tormented soul.

"We need to be both power and intelligence to win this game," Lisa said, her voice steady but determined. "Fray and I will focus on the chess game, while you two take on the spirits of the fallen pieces. We have to work together and support each other."

Fray nodded in agreement, his eyes locked on the eerie chess pieces. "Yes, we need to beat the spirits and capture their pieces," he said. "But at the same time, we have to checkmate the enemy king to win."

Aslan and Lysander exchanged a resolute glance, accepting their roles in the challenging task ahead. "We'll handle the spirits," Aslan said

Lysander nodded, his hands clenching into fists. "the pieces are strong but we can defeat them," he declared.

With their plan in place, each member of the group took their position. Aslan and Lysander stood ready to face the spectral warriors, while Fray and Lisa prepared themselves for the chess game.

As the innkeeper set up the chessboard for the game, Lisa glanced at him and asked, "Are you going to play alone?"

The innkeeper's sinister grin returned as he shook his head. "No, I have a worthy champion to assist me," he replied cryptically.

Suddenly, a hulking figure emerged from the crowd, his muscular form towering over the others. He carried a massive ax on his shoulders, exuding an intimidating presence.

Aslan and Lysander exchanged a quick glance, knowing that this new challenger would not make the game any easier. But they steeled themselves, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.


The game began, and the innkeeper moved his knight to c3. A ghostly warrior, clad in ancient armor, materialized on the square, letting out a chilling battle cry. The atmosphere grew even more tense as the game unfolded.
