Chapter 215 The Coexistence Concept

Chapter 215 The Coexistence Concept

' Coexistence is an appealing idea that many contemplate, but unfortunately, it is not rational in our world '

Zina was sitting around the crackling campfire, feeling the warmth of its flames. Beside her was Rekia, and on the other side sat a captivating young woman, her long hair resembling the colors of autumn leaves, dressed in a simple gown adorned with leaves and flowers.

Curiosity sparked within Zina as she addressed the young woman, "So, you're a fairy?"

'We believe that only because there is an intelligent race, it is similar to humans. But this is not true, at all for every race has its own primal instincts and its unique values '

With a warm smile, the fairy confirmed, "Yes, I am. By the way, what brings you inside this forest? Not many people venture here."

Zina hesitated, her eyes glancing toward Rekia. She pondered whether to share her true intentions, knowing fairies were known for their kindness.

"Well, actually," she finally spoke, "although it may not seem like it, I have some serious internal injuries that I'm hoping to heal. I heard that the cure lies within this forest, but it's been almost a month since our arrival, and we haven't found any clues."

Impressed, the fairy remarked, "Wow, you've survived a whole month here. Not to offend you, but this forest can be treacherous for the unprepared."

Rekia's emotions were stirred, though she know that the fairy's words were right. She had seen something unsettling in the depths of this forest that sent shivers down her spine.

( I can't reveal my secrets to her...)Zina thought, deciding to downplay their experiences. "We've just been lucky enough to avoid monsters."

The fairy smiled knowingly, and then offered her help, "Well, about the cure, I know where it is. I can guide you if you wish."

"Really!?..." Zina mumbled in surprise.

Rekia couldn't help but question the fairy's intentions, "Why do you want to help us?"

The fairy's response was genuine and heartfelt, "There's nothing in this life more valuable than life itself. I must help those in need. Your quest for healing is noble, and I'd be honored to assist you."

As the clash of energy and steel echoed through the forest, Zina awoke, bewildered and concerned. "Loyan, what are you doing?" she asked, trying to reason with her fairy companion.

"A life for a life," Loyan replied cryptically, her expression distant and resolute.

'...But Some of their behaviors are beyond human comprehension, behaviors humans can't understand or deal with..."

"Loyan, please stop this!" Zina pleaded, sensing the escalating tension.

Rekia tightened her grip on her sword, sensing that Loyan wouldn't back down easily. "Lady, please stay away! She won't back down," Rekia warned Zina, fully prepared to defend herself if necessary.

Suddenly Rekia's legs began to grow larger and more muscular, and a long, tiger-like tail made of energy emerged from her back.

Loyan continued to channel her powerful green energy, while Rekia, now equipped with super strength and agility, fought back fiercely with her sword. The clash between the two was fast and intense, each displaying incredible skill and determination.

As the battle raged on, the forest bore witness to this extraordinary confrontation between the fairy with her ethereal energy and the knight with her augmented physical abilities. Each stroke of the sword and burst of energy sent shockwaves through the air.


As the flames danced in the night, Fray found himself surrounded by the villagers, who eagerly listened to his passionate explanation. "You see," he began, "there are races out there who seem to have an insatiable thirst for war and destruction. And then others are so consumed by their pride that they would harm any creature they consider inferior. I'm not saying that humans are the best race or that they deserve to survive, but I believe that as humans, it's the race that we have to fight for"

Lisa, Aslan, Lysander, and the villagers all sat in rapt attention, their eyes wide with surprise and admiration for Fray's profound thoughts. "I never imagined you could ponder such deep subjects," Lisa said, with a smirk. "You've truly surprised us all."

"..." Fray ignoring Lisa's comment, he took a sip from his drink as he gazed at the dancing flames.

Despite the smirk on her face, Fray's words had surprised Lisa. And not just Lisa, even Aslan, and Lysander, who had always hoped for coexistence between all species, found themselves now really questioning their hope.

Is coexistence with other races really possible?

( My thoughts are clearer about this subject. Why do I feel like this? ) Fray