Chapter 219 The True Nature Of the Challenge

Chapter 219 The True Nature Of the Challenge

As the small bee-like creature's energy converged on the oak tree, a brilliant light emitted from its form.

The ground trembled, and Fray's gaze remained locked on the tree as its sturdy form began to splinter.

With a deafening crack, the massive oak collapsed to the ground, its roots upturned.

Fray stood there, his heart pounding, his breath held as he awaited the next revelation.

But to his surprise, nothing changed. The surroundings remained the same.

The only notable change was the innkeeper, who approached Fray with a smile on his face, clapping slowly.

Clap! Clap! Clap!

"You've done it, my dear guest," the innkeeper congratulated. "You've defeated your first challenge. Now, please, follow me."

Fray's gaze flickered between the innkeeper and the fallen tree, a mixture of confusion and anticipation swirling within him.

With a nod, he motioned for Lisa, Aslan, and Lysander to join him as they followed the innkeeper.

They were led back to the inn, where a sense of familiarity settled in. The innkeeper gestured for them to take a seat at a cozy table.

Drinks were set before them, and the innkeeper himself raised his own glass in a toast.

"Congratulations on passing the first challenge," he said, his smile warm and genuine. "You've earned a moment of respite."

Fray's gaze remained fixed on his drink, his mind churning with questions. He was in no mood for pleasantries, his determination to uncover the truth unshaken.

"Where are we now? What is this place?" Fray's voice was direct, cutting through the cheerful ambiance. New novel chapters are published at

The innkeeper leaned back, his eyes meeting Fray's unwavering stare. "You are in Havenbrook Village," he explained.

As Fray and the rest of the group heard the village name, they all found it very familiar. Havenbrook Village was a small village in the outskirts of the Enshrouded Hallow Forest.

This meant that the woods beside the village were part of the cursed Forest. But that posed another question to the group.

"Why is all of this happening in a small village like this? And why are Havenbrook villagers so powerful and weird?"

The innkeeper nodded, his smile cryptic. "The history you know is not always the complete truth. There is much that has been hidden, for various reasons."

Aslan, Lysander, Lisa, and Fray exchanged surprised glances. The revelation that there had been a seventh hero, unbeknownst to them, left them speechless.

"However," the innkeeper continued, "I won't reveal all the details just yet. What I can tell you is that you were not the only candidates for this challenge. There are three more groups, just like yours, facing their own set of trials."

"Three more groups?" Lysander exclaimed, clearly taken aback.

"Yes," the innkeeper confirmed. "All four groups must pass through the first challenge before progressing to the second. And rest assured, after passing the first challenge, you will regain your memories."

Fray's eyes narrowed. "Didn't we already passed the first challenge "

"Yes," the innkeeper replied. "but the other groups didn't finish yet, I can't let you pass to the second phase of the challenge, before they finish."

Aslan leaned forward, her curiosity piqued. "So, what is the second challenge?"

The innkeeper's smile held a hint of mystery. "The second challenge will be revealed to you in due time. But for now, enjoy your respite and camaraderie. You've earned it."

With that, the innkeeper stood, his gaze sweeping over Fray, Aslan, Lisa, and Lysander. "Rest well, dear guests. Soon, the second phase will began, and you won't be alone in it."

After their conversation with the innkeeper, Fray decided it was time to seek some solitude and rest. The atmosphere within the group was laden with tension, and no one attempted to impede his departure.

As he walked away, a heavy silence hung in the air, a stark contrast to the previous camaraderie they had shared.

Lisa's gaze followed Fray's retreating form, her mind swirling with thoughts. As he disappeared from view, her thoughts drifted to the cryptic words Aslan had shared with her earlier.

She couldn't help but wonder what might have transpired between them in the memory that was lost to her.


The next morning, under the clear sky of Havenbrook Village, the group gathered once again in the central square.

The villagers had assembled as well, forming a curious and excited crowd. The innkeeper stood before them, his presence commanding attention.

"Dear guests," the innkeeper's voice rang out, carrying across the square. "The time has come for the next phase of the challenege. Are you ready ?"

Fray, Lisa, Aslan, and Lysander all nodded in agreement, ready to confront whatever trials awaited them.

The innkeeper's smile deepened, and he raised his hand. As he did, a warm, golden light enveloped the group and the villagers. The light seemed to radiate from the innkeeper's touch, bathing them in a gentle glow.

The villagers watched in awe as the light intensified, wrapping around the group like a protective cocoon. Murmurs of surprise and wonder filled the air as the radiant energy swirled and danced around them.