Chapter 224 The Start Of The Second Challenge

Chapter 224 The Start Of The Second Challenge

Perched on high ground in the heart of the woods, the group consisting of the innkeeper, a middle-aged man with a weathered face, and several others observed Fray's figure disappearing into the dark forest. The moonlight filtered through the dense canopy, casting an ethereal glow on their worried faces.

Innkeeper: "Do you think he stands a chance going through the forest alone?"

Scared Man: "It's a treacherous place, I'm actually not sure."

Heavy Man: "Indeed, but this challenge is crucial to him. He needs to face it, even if it means venturing alone."

Innkeeper: "Well, anyway I don't think he will be alone"

As their conversation neared its end, a flicker of mischief danced in the innkeeper's eyes. He reached out and plucked a small oak leaf from a nearby branch, crushing it between his calloused fingers.


Aslan, Lisa, Lysander, Evelyne, Luke, Jareth, Lyla, and Mina gathered together. The air was filled with a mix of anticipation and confusion as suddenly Aslan and Lisa and Lysander's forgotten memories resurfaced.

Aslan's expression turned complicated and sad as she retrieved her memories. She remembered her past with Fray, why their relationship fell, the incident that made Aslan not just leave Fray but also despise him, But...

( something felt off, this feeling...) Aslan thought as she looked at the direction Fray had gone.

Suddenly interrupting Aslan's thought, Lysander spoke up " Luke, we can't let Fray go alone, I want to go with him "

"..." Aslan turned at Lysander with a shocked expression.

"What!? Are you serious?" Luke, asked confused

" Actually, I also decided to follow Msater Parada " Lyla declared with a determined expression.


Fray, calm and cold, step into the dark forest, illuminated by the soft glow of the moonlight. As he walks deeper into the woods, a sudden surge of memories floods his mind.


Casper sat at a beautifully adorned table in Lord Alexander Hastings' mansion, wearing a warm smile on his face. Standing behind him was Rin, whose eyes were cold and focused.

On the other side of the table, Lord Hastings, a commanding presence with a bald head, sat comfortably. His butler, Mr. Simmons, wore an unsatisfied expression, displeased that the head of the Parada family hadn't come in person.

"Lord Hastings, I want to express my gratitude for inviting us to your home," Casper said, leaning forward with a smile.

"The pleasure is mine. Sir, Casper. Your family has always been respected in our city." Lord Hastings replied, nodding respectfully.

"Lord Hastings, as we mentioned in our letters, the Parada family is interested in acquiring a portion of your land on the North Side of the City. Could you please provide a price for it?" Casper's smile faded slightly as the conversation turned serious.

"Sir, Casper, you know that land is a valuable asset. I understand your family's intentions, but I cannot simply give away a part of my estate without proper compensation," Lord Hastings said, leaning back in his chair, contemplating the proposal.

"I understand your concerns, Lord Hastings. In exchange for the land, the Parada family is willing to provide you with a six-month reserve of organic fertilizer. It will enhance the productivity and quality of your crops. I'm sure you've already noticed the positive changes it has brought to Iskar City. It's a very good deal for your city, Lord Hastings," Casper explained.

"Organic fertilizer, you say? I have heard of its benefits, but I have my reservations. No offense, Casper, but why should I trust the Parada family with such an important aspect of my agricultural operations?" Lord Hastings questioned.

"Lord Hastings, I assure you that our organic fertilizer is of the highest quality. I am confident that once you experience its effects firsthand, you will be convinced of its value," Casper reassured.

As Lord Hastings leaned back, taking a moment to think, his butler, Mr. Simmons, leaned down to speak in his ear. "My Lord, we shouldn't accept this deal. Six months of fertilizer cannot compare to the value of the land. Furthermore, it is inappropriate for the Head of the Parada family to send only two weak and unknown servants to discuss such an important..."

As Lord Hastings heard his butler's words, a wave of anger washed over him as he realized the implications of Mr. Simmons' words.

He knew well the pride and honor the Parada family held for their name. He quickly raised his hand, gesturing for Mr. Simmons to stop speaking.

But it was too late, Casper, who had been attentively listening to their whispers, interjected with a mischievous smile. "I couldn't help but hear that you think we are weak. What do you say we settle this with a battle?"

"A battle?" Mr. Simmons scoffed, his anger evident in his voice.

"Yes, if my companion here defeats you, you must accept the deal," Casper proposed, his smile unwavering.

The butler's face turned red with anger. "Do you honestly believe that this kid can defeat me? He's still in the fourth kingdom, while I am in the peak of the fifth kingdom!"

Casper's smile widened as he calmly replied, "Well, actually, he already has."