Chapter 557 [557] Ah, Politics it seems?

Name:The Villain's Story Author:
Chapter 557 [557] Ah, Politics it seems?


And here I was, sitting in a conference room decorated by nothing flashy, appealing to the minimalistic standard Sir Oliver possessed. I was already gritting my teeth in frustration. I had intended to simply rest, yet the moment I had awoken I was 'sincerely' greeted by nuisance after nuisance.

Furthermore, I had merely wanted to rest, yet I was not even given the opportunity to do so. So why must I entertain such things...


"So, with the addition of the architect and maintainer of the portal, I believe we can truly begin."

The dwarf said with a snicker on his face. Ah, it's fucking you, isn't it?!

Among the room were five people, who were the most important, the rest could only be regarded as being there as a formality. Three dwarfs, headed by the bastard that had spoken just now. Three orcs, headed by the same orc that stopped my fist, Three humans, who were Sir Oliver, Harrison Soubuelle and Ragnar Drakmor. A man I hadn't seen in a while. His aura seemed different, and his attitude made it quite clear he considered being here a waste of time.

As if the portal was not worthy of his attention...

'I wonder why...'

I wanted to know why, but I didn't have the opportunity to do so right now.

Oh, I seemed to have missed the last person here. An elf with golden hair that seemed to be drinking an exorbitant amount of coffee...

There were seven cups already by his side...all empty.

"He may be the architect of the portal, but he is simply a child with some talent. He has not yet had the opportunity to gather experience that would make him qualified for being here."

Sir Oliver protested my presence here, and to be honest?

'Woo! Go! Go! Yes, more!'

I supported him fully, I truly did not want to stay here even a second more! I am already being consumed by the pressure of this room.

Although yes, I admit my recent acquisition of aura had finally made me stop suppressing my rank, and had even given enough of a boost to get to the peak of S-rank... I was still weaker in this form than everybody here, even the dwarf.

All of them were a rank higher than me, and I would be able to handle one or two, but so many? It was suffocating for me.

Sir Oliver, gave me a look that screamed.

'Stay quiet, we will handle this.'

"Of course, it is precisely because you are a new race that the planet is wasted in your hands! We understand that the human race is at war with demons on theirmain planet, but it is what it is. We ask for only the coordinates of the planet and in return, to help you against the demons, we promise our full support!"

"The orcs, will also support you in exchange for the coordinates."

"Support? You all promised the minimum of support in terms of artillery and war-items! Not even a single man!"

"Please, We dwarves and orcs are mighty creatures! We ourselves have a lot of tasks that require our manpower...we simply cannot afford to send some here! But we would be happy to oblige with items and war-machines! Do you not agree, Elder Karack?"

The dwarf, included the orcs in his words to get the orc leader, Karack on his side. Previously, he was only passive and didn't outright support the dwarf...but now with the invitation given to him, he needed to take the bait.

"Elder Grimbald is correct, The orcs and dwarves will send you whatever aid you need."


I cursed in my mind. Of course, the aid they would be sending would be food and weapons. Humanity does not lack that at all, I would even say they possess weaponry above the level of the orcs...but below the dwarves.

But that is not the issue... Even if they were to send the weapons, Orcs have special items that are blessed by their shamans and require their aura to use effectively... On Earth, only two individuals can use it.

One is someone who wouldn't be brought into the front lines due to his age and inexperience...which is me. And the other is presumed dead, and also a far too valuable force to just be stationed at a single weapon.

The dwarves may use mana, but their technology is complicated and can only be used by a dwarf. Humans could get it to study their technology and eventually learn...but that was a trade that no man would accept.

An entire planet for a few weapons and some technology? Humans are advancing at a steady rate, it wouldn't take long for them to be on par with the dwarves, only a few hundred years or so.


Ah, I'm getting so used to a dragon, I just referred a few hundred years as 'merely a long time'. Well, can't be helped. We don't die due to age, perhaps my mind is just accepting of that fact.

Anyway, They could send the weapons but with no dwarf or orc to man them, they would be useless.

No matter what, The spatial coordinates cannot be leaked at all!

Harrison stayed silent. If he or Oliver suggested that they did not need the aid provided by the orcs, it would be saying the orcs and dwarves are beneath them. It was a slap to the face to them...

It would hardly be considered such, and could be just that we didn't want their help but right now... Likewise, it could simply give them an upper hand. Humans were already at a disadvantage from the start compared to the rest. I don't know what happened here before I came, But I realize that the dwarves and orcs suggested some other terms I am unaware of...

Harrison gritted his teeth, and finally looked to the elf in the room.

"Elder Gold wood... You should understand our situation. We simply cannot afford to agree to these terms..."

The elf looked at him, finishing his tenth cup of coffee.