Prologue (Revised)

Name:The Void Wolf Author:
Prologue (Revised)

"You're doing a great service to the cause, Emily." A middle-aged man dressed in black clergy robes spoke to a woman of similar age wearing a simpler version of the same robes.New novel chapters are published on

"Thank you Grand Priest...but, will this really work?" She asked with a worried expression.

" Be at ease, Emily, he will surely reward us. Now let's begin." As the conversation ended, figures in black hooded robes climbed the steps to a platform, each of them surrounded a child with dark brown hair chained to an altar in the center.

"Dad...Mom...why?" The child spoke in a confused voice as he lifted his head, exposing his brown eyes filled with bewilderment.

"This is for your own good, Siegfried. Rejoice in your fortune, for even I envy you." The Grand Priest responded preachingly.

"Emily prepare the ceremonial dagger." He ordered.

"Yes, Grand Priest." Emily bowed before giving her son an apathetic look.

Meanwhile, the seven hooded figures began chanting while inscribing a bloody sigil around the altar.

"Oh Progenitor of the void, please accept the vessel we offer unto you."

The bloody sigil depicted three wolves, circling a fourth wolf painted in the center of the altar.

"The dagger is prepared, Grand Priest.", Emily handed a pitch black dagger dripping with an ominous liquid to the Priest.

"Thank you, Emily." The priest walked to the altar staring at the young boy.

"Dad..." The boy looked at his father, while tears stained his face.

"My son..." The Grand Priest looked at the boy, madness almost bursting out of his eyes.

"You've made your father very proud!" He raised the dagger and carved a sigil into his son's hand.

"Aaaaaah!" The boy's scream resounded all around, reaching ears devoid of any humanity.

"It's only a scratch, Siegfried." Emily stared at her son, showing only excitement.

"It's only just beginning Siegfried. Find solace in your pain. Your small life will grant us power."

The dagger was raised to his chest and began carving letters into his flesh.

"Please!" The boy yelled hoarsely as snot and tears decorated his face.

The Priest continued, unbothered by the screams, skillfully using the dagger to write ancient letters on his son's flesh.

"Stop! I'm sorry! Please stop!" The boy writhed in agony hoping for anyone to stop his father. Black blood slowly dripped onto the ground.

Seeing the blood Emily spoke hurriedly. "The poison is beginning to work!"

The eyes of the seven hooded figures gleamed with anticipation.

One by one, the wolves illustrated in blood began glowing before turning black.

The priest nodded his head once before stepping back, "It's time to start. Begin the ritual."

The seven figures stepped forward each brandishing a dagger.

"Emily, begin!" The Priest yelled fervently as his eyes bulged in excitement. Emily raised her hands slowly and began speaking.

"Oh Void Wolf, hear us call to you. We offer an innocent child raised for 7 years in ignorance to suffering."

The room began shaking wildly as the nine people in the room began breathing heavily. Joy was clearly apparent on their faces. Siegfried's body began spasming, his hair turning pitch black, while his eyes began glowing yellow. The sound of his bones breaking spread throughout the room.

"Please it wasn't my fault spare me, he forced me to give up my son!" Emily now looking twice her original age pleaded desperately wishing to find an escape.

"You'd lie to me?" The Wolf said emotionlessly as it looked at Emily, a pillar of black mist formed above her and crushed her instantly.

Seeing Emily being reduced to a pile of ash, the remaining eight people began to feel dread. The priest regretted not saying something else and instead of rushing to answer. The Wolf looked at those who remained. All of a sudden the remaining eight men and women aged rapidly, slowly withering, eventually turning into black dust. The Wolf turned it's sight back to the child.

The mist slowly expanded grabbing a book hidden within the robes of the priest with it. On the cover of the book was the sigil of 4 wolves. It slowly disappeared into the mist.

Then the Wolf began to blend with the black mist, eventually, the mist covered everything in the room while the ground violently shook.

Then all was quiet. The mist disappeared along with the body of Siegfried.


An audible tear occurred in the space above the altar as a black pillar of mist rose into the sky. Within a few miles of the surrounding area, all organic life dropped dead before decaying into black sand. All trees became petrified turning black. It seemed time sped up thousands of years in an instant.

Though the pillar rose in a remote location it was visible thousands of thousands of miles round. People everywhere looked at the pillar of mist and felt a creeping chill.

"Gods help us!"

"Gods guide us!"

"Protect us!"


Within a palace, a King was having a conversation that was identical to many leaders around the world.

"My King!" A minister bowed politely as he began to report the situation.

"Mages are reporting through transmission, the black pillar was spotted all over the Continent, they also say it's more than likely that the countries of Parv and Telvane have seen it as well. Our sources report the major Parvian Houses are convening and the Telvian Empire is reorganizing its military. In addition, many noble holds under our Grenitian kingdom are stirring. Many claim it's a warning from the Gods. The Diavol and the Dark Elves are also showing movements."


"Can't be."

"Will it involve our Kingdom again?"

"Another great calamity? "

Many nobles began whispering as an ominous atmosphere permeated the room.

"Quiet!" The King rose from his throne, causing the nobles to quiet down.

"It has been more than one thousand years since the last time an event like that happened, the Grenitian Kingdom rebuilt and survived, did it not?"

Many nobles nodded in silence as the King began contemplating.

"Tell all the Noble houses to train their sons and monitor the people within their own territories, any outstanding talents are to be sent to the capital for further training no matter the origin, all conflicts, and blood feuds are to cease until further notice or they will be deemed enemies of the kingdom."

"As you will, my King."

"Any other matters?" The King asked.

"There is nothing else."The minister bowed.

"Then if that's all." The King waved his hand, dismissing all the nobles.
