Chapter 13: A Costly Mistake Pt.1 (Revised)

Name:The Void Wolf Author:
Chapter 13: A Costly Mistake Pt.1 (Revised)

"We're almost there hold on." Lance said, as he looked at Ira, who was in a dangerous state.

The journey towards the capital felt incredibly long. The pace was extremely slow because of the civilians they had to escort, added on to the fact they had to take extra care to avoid any danger, a usual weeks journey ended up becoming a week and a half.

It wasn't an exaggeration to say Ira was bleeding during the whole journey, his nose and eyes would bleed very often and after each day the intensity would increase. His skin was incredibly pale, and the arm he reattached started to show signs of necrosis. The wounds that appeared to be healed in the beginning opened up, although his regeneration would close them, they would open up again.

"Ha! What did I tell you boy? You'll be dead soon, a pity I might not be able to see it." The Slaver jeered, the only enjoyment he got on the way to the capital was watching Ira's condition deteriorate day by day.

Everyone made pitiful expressions, although the civilians barely knew Ira, he played a large part in freeing them, seeing their benefactor suffer made them feel guilty somehow.

"Shut up or I'll break your legs." Ira grinned at the Slaver.

Ira did his best to concentrate on walking straight, but his senses were jumbled. He constantly heard a ringing sound and felt as if the ground was moving, although he had it under control at first, it progressively got worse day by day.

"Don't do anything more than necessary." Valerie cautioned Ira, Zella nodded in agreement. They attempted to use minor healing spells but it had no effect on the curses, so they could only try to help as best they could. The most alarming thing of to them was the fact Ira couldnt utilize mana. Although he had an low mana capacity, Valerie and Zella still would have been able to guide it around his body to fight the curse. Unfortunately, Iras body completely rejected the use of mana it was something that was completely unprecedented.

Instead of responding, Ira just smiled wryly in response.


Inside of a conference room, there were many important figures gathered around.

"We are gathered here today to discuss the developments occurring in the Kingdom." An old man stated loudly.

His hair was short and his face was wrinkled, but his body was still full of strength, this was General Holchester, known for his fierce prowess, cunning tactics, and outstanding commanding ability. In addition he was also a low-tier Master Swordsman, who would personally take action once in awhile on the battlefield.

The Diavol were a human like race who occupied a large portion of the continent, they were only second to the human race in terms of population and have been more or less antagonistic towards humans since the black pillar arose. The Diavol had several characteristics to tell them apart from humans, the tips of their ears had pointed tips, but not as exaggerated as elves, incredibly pale skin, and a horn that usually protruded from the middle of their foreheads, although the shape varied.

"A small cult is being reported in the Northern cities, causing minor disruption but so far nothing too threatening." Lieutenant General Ross stated the next potential issue.

"We'll inform the Temple, if they choose to send paladins then so be it. If not make a request to the Mercenaries Union." General Holchester didn't give much thought to it, a small cult wasn't anything worthy of assembling soldiers over, unless he was given word of human sacrifices or black magic.

"There may have been a discovery of an Ancient Ruin that predates the calamity." Lieutenant General Ross said clearly as the discovery he mentioned pertained to the fate of the Kingdom.

The attention of all those in the room was gathered, with the exception of Captain Avery. Anything that predated the Calamity one thousand years ago was bound to cause an uproar, even the lowest artifact had the chance to uplift all progress towards magic, weaponry, and alchemy.

"We will send funding to the excavation General, provided my family can send someone to explore the ruin." Glen Marbot spoke up before anyone could react.

"We will have our blacksmiths send over various tools to expedite the process, General, following the same conditions Sir Marbot asked for." Wesley Fairfax said hurriedly yet also calmly.

"Great, further details we be discussed at a later date." General Holchester shot a glance toward Captain Avery but didn't say anything. He was one of the few people aware of a rumor that the Thynnes already possessed artifacts from ancient times, that was why their daughters were exceptionally talented. An Ancient ruin probably wouldn't be enough to move them if such a rumor was true.

"Finally, We are here to inquire the motive of Captain Avery in killing a portion of her own knight squad. Captain Avery are you aware of the pending charges?" Lieutenant General Ross finished talking and put the report down.

All eyes in the room turned to Captain Avery.

Captain Avery made a faint smile in response, at that moment she was wondering about something else entirely, or rather, someone else. This small matter to paint her as a woman who would kill her own knights was concocted by someone within this room by her guess.

"I am." Captain Avery responded.

"Then it's time to begin." General Holchester spoke up.
