Chapter 36: They're Looking For You

Name:The Void Wolf Author:
Chapter 36: They're Looking For You

A small island rumbled, its steep cliffs shook, causing dozens of rockslides. If animals were present, they would inevitably flee, yet no signs of wildlife could be seen. Further in the island, past the natural stone constructs, there was a large cave, which was the source of the shaking.

The cave looked natural at first glance, but as one went further and further, they would notice that it seemed to be carved out with precision. At the end of the cave was a large circular metal door.

Inside of it was a room with an incredibly large roundtable where 5 hallways converged. Soon a young woman in armor came walking out, followed by a two more. They each had different hair colors but shared the same silver eyes. They were Valkyries. They sat down on one side of the long table.

Next, a girl who looked to be about the age of 16 walked out of one of the other hallways. She had spotted amber eyes with vertical slits, a few small jewel-like scales were present around her eyes, and her hair was a vivid orange that looked like fire itself. She stepped out and eyed the Valkyries as she sat down further away from them. The truth is she was far older than she looked, she was an ancient dragon, one of an incredibly powerful lineage which held the title of "First-Flame."

A young man who looked exactly like a human with brown hair came out next. What was different was his two turquoise eyes and a third turquoise crystal eye in the center of his head. His race was known as Lares, the crystal eye in the middle of his forehead gave him extraordinary psychic abilities. He could see into the future, use telekinesis, make astral projections of himself, read minds, teleport, and use a lot of other skills of the psychic nature.

Another young man who looked to be in his early twenties with dark blue eyes and hair that looked shimmered as if it was wet, exited from another hallway. His eyes and hair were as dark as the sea and for a good reason. He was Naiad, beings who controlled and manipulated water, anywhere with the smallest amount of moisture would allow a Naiad to use it as a weapon or as a defense. He sat down and scanned over everyone.

Finally, a girl who looked to be in her late teens walked out from her own hallway. Both her hair and eyes were black, but to contrast, there was a white pupil for each. Along with four tiny white circles around the pupil. Her eyes almost looked like they held constellations. A comparison that was actually closer to the truth. She was one of the strongest of the races in the mortal realm, a Sidera. Each Sidera had a unique constellation exclusive to their particular lineage that they could use to empower themselves, and they could manipulate and control plasma.

"It seems we all are here. I'd like to skip straight ahead to the important issues if you all don't mind."

The Sidera woman spoke, her name was Lyra and she served as the head of the group. Everyone at the table nodded, signaling for her to continue.

"First, I know we all felt it. The event that occurred shortly before the barrier was lifted."

Lyra stated. Everyone showed hostile expressions at the mention of the barrier.

"Our first priority should be finding the one responsible. After we locate that person we could seek cooperation, if that person is unwilling then we may have to take certain steps to make them cooperate."

She continued, she turned to the Lares.

"Has the Storm Wall weakened, Gicae?"

She asked. At the mention of the "Storm Wall," everyone turned their attention to the Lares named Gicae.

He closed his eyes, and his turquoise third eye began glowing.

"It seems to be growing stronger with the release of the barrier."

He said dejectedly, the moods of everyone in the room dropped. The Ancient Dragon with a youthful appearance was the first to speak up in a voice laced with anger.

"The Storm Wall is an unnatural thing created by those Gods! Not only did they kill off those closest to ascending, but they also confined us to this realm by increasing the difficulty of ascending, and worst of all they've kept us from our people. For all, we know all our people could be dead-"

The Ancient Dragons rage was interrupted by the Sidera.

"Thessia. As the last living heir of The First-Flame, you should act like it. It's not like we couldn't ascend at all, Kara is proof that is was possible."

Lyra reprimanded her. The Valkyries at the table all had their expressions shift at the mention of Kara.

"So...No one can breach the Storm Wall?"

The Naiad asked Gicae.

"It is steadily growing, we may have to go visit it in person for a better assessment. Until then we can only wait for it to collapse in on itself and that may be thousands of years from now. Even with your abilities, it's impossible, Kevser."

Gicae stated grimly.

Just what was the Storm Wall? It was an unnatural disaster caused by the barrier. When the barrier was put up most civilizations collapsed because the strongest people protecting them instantly died, those who relied heavily on the Origin Forces were struck with a harsh recoil when the forces were basically diluted into small amounts. It was like instantly lowering the oxygen level for those who breathed air, except much worse. Those who could embody the forces directly died. Those who heavily relied on them could only look on in horror as they drastically weakened. Of course, those who were opportunistic revolted and killed these former powerhouses.

Unfortunately, that was the least devastating effect. The Forces that had a tangible influence on the Mortal Realm were all slowed at the same time, causing a chain reaction. The Kingdom of the humans crumbled under the onslaught of massive earthquakes, islands that once blanketed the sky fell into the sea.

Finally, the Storm Wall was created. A shockwave from the disruption traveled around the earth only to collide as it met itself causing the energy to fiercely sit at a stalemate.

The energy neither dissipated nor moved, turning into a massive storm thought to be the quarter the width of a small continent; The length of the entire globe and a height that was twice the size of any of the largest mountains.

The fate of those on the other side of the Storm Wall was unknown., Fly over it? It was impossible to fly over, above it lied many magnetic and gravitational storms, which also prevented anyone from seeing beyond it with psychic abilities. To go under it? Even the Naiad, who were at their strongest in the water wouldn't be able to escape the massive whirlpools and volcanic eruptions that raged underneath the sea.

"Perhaps the one who caused the barrier to be lifted may be the key to getting past it."

Gicae suggested.

"Can you find that person in the first place?"

The Naiad, Kevser, inquired. Gicae closed his eyes once again, and the crystal third eye began glowing.

"...Not exactly...but I can feel where that person was last. They left a trail of some sort. Everything else is...slightly distorted."

Gicae opened his eyes with confusion. The one in question was of course Ira. For some reason, he couldn't pinpoint him accurately.

"It doesn't matter. Kara's children should still be alive, they should know more than we do on what happened."

A Valkyrie said. The two other Valkyries with her nodded their heads.

"Ustia, I know you see Kara's departure as a betrayal, but there is no need to be hostile to her kin. If you harm her children and she'll find a way to kill you. Who knows what she attained while in the Divine Realm."Updated from novelb(i)n.c(o)m

Lyra warned.

"We will visit the site of the event, the Storm Wall can wait for another day."

"Ah, like the storage."

He responded.

"That reminds me. If you can manipulate the 'Void' to create storage, isn't it safe to say that have you some facet of control over it?"

She suggested.


Ira was dumbfounded. He had gotten used to the status card and his instincts, forgoing experimentation with his abilities.

"It does sound complicated to use a skill you can't be sure exists in the first place."

Both Avery and Ira had expressions of contemplation. Avery was a lot of things, but dumb was definitely not one of them. The whole conversation clearly illustrated her intellect.

"Genetic Mutation."

She said suddenly.

"I've yet to use it. I'm still not sure how it works exactly."

He said.

"If I were to guess, it would be to change your physiology. Your Self-Adaptation changes your bodily functions, then Genetic Mutation should alter your genes..."

Avery trailed off as she realized something.

"...That means you can alter or erase flaws in your bloodline or even evolve it by adding new traits."

Her eyes widened as she looked at Ira with brand new eyes. She wasn't this surprised, even when she heard of a God-like entity reviving him when he was a child. She had just realized he carried the ability to potentially create a perfect bloodline.

"It's hard to say just how powerful our children would be."

Avery was speaking to herself as she thought of her mother's suggestion, but Ira heard it.

"I think it's too soon to be talking about children."

He smiled.

"If anyone knew about your ability many people would try to obtain your bloodline."

Avery ignored him and spoke with intensity.

"They can try."

Ira lazily reclined and stated matter of factly. Although it didn't appear so, he wasn't taking the situation lightly. While they were talking he wouldn't show his full attention, but never again would he take a situation lightly when it could endanger Avery.

"So the list of people we have to worry about increases. Gods, those who want my control over the Third Moon, those who want my blood, and those who want revenge for their fallen brethren. Haaaah."

He sighed after he listed all of his potential enemies. He committed genocide and sooner or later someone would find out. Anyone with a sound mind wouldn't let a city devouring beast in human flesh walk around freely.

"I'm curious to how you'll overcome the trials that await you."

Avery smiled with a genuine wonder.

"What do you mean? I've got a Valkyrie for a wife."

He laughed free-mindedly. Avery shook her head and gave a few soft laughs.

Suddenly, A female attendant came walking out of the manor and into the backyard.

"Pardon the intrusion, Miss. A lady by the name of Samantha is here to see your husband."

The female attendant bowed.


Avery asked. She enjoyed spending time with Ira, but there was always an issue to be dealt with.

"I believe she spoke of payment for the Fortress Defense, and a new job."

The attendant spoke a bit nervously, she could detect annoyance in Avery's voice.

"If I take the job I'll come back here to let you know."

Ira stood up and smiled at Avery.

"Will you be on the mountain?"

He suddenly asked.

"Not yet. There are a few more awakenings expected. My cousins and I will all move at the same time. I'll be here for the remainder of the week."

She replied. Ira nodded and turned toward the attendant who took that as a signal to lead him into the Manor.