Chapter 46: A Few Words

Name:The Void Wolf Author:
Chapter 46: A Few Words

Ira hopped out of the carriage and looked around, there was no sign of a Thynne family carriage at an immediate glance and of all the scents filling the cold air, none of them were Averys. Ira wasnt surprised as she did say her training could last until spring. That still didnt prevent his slight disappointment.

Rhys appeared behind Ira as she watched him watch the carriages lined up inside of the gate. He turned to meet her gaze and smiled, she nodded in return and then turned to leave.

Dont pretend to be brooding, I heard you smile, Ira called out after her.

Rhys was interrupted by the sudden truth and gave a mute laugh as she shook her head, she didnt turn around to respond, she just continued walking.

Alright, whats next. Ira pondered for a brief moment before he made his decision.


Samantha stepped into the expensive looking restaurant known as the Bluebird to see Ira sitting in his usual spot. She quickly approached him with a folder in her hand and placed it on the table, before sitting across from him.

I can have the payment for the job delivered to you, but there are more pressing concerns that require your attention. Samantha began speaking in a voice full of professionalism.

Ira gave her a nod, signaling for her to continue before he resumed eating.

In a few weeks, there is a big summit planned and all ruling countries attending. The Kingdom has interest in you personally providing security for one of the princes.

Ira stopped eating and looked at Samantha, Do they want me to kneel? he said with a strange smile.

W-Would that be a problem for you? Samantha staggered on her response, she was no stranger to royal etiquette and everyone inside the Kingdom was expected to follow it to some extent. She was also unware of Ira's dealings with the now dead King Dietrich.

Samantha, Ira said as he picked up a napkin and wiped his mouth.

Yes? Samantha said somewhat nervously.

Whats the point in bending over for someone whose only job is sitting in a chair all day? Ira asked curiously.

Samantha wanted to list the duties the King has towards the people, but she didnt think it was a good idea, so she chose a less confrontational route.

Well...There are other things that the King the safety of the people and the well-being of the Kingdom.

Oh? Iras eyes slightly widened before he chuckled. Dont mercenaries do the same thing? Why would I kneel down and thank a person for things I already do? Ira asked.

Samantha looked around the nearly empty restaurant with troubled eyes. She was a common person, with no connections to anyone powerful except for Ira. Treasonous statements were punishable by death on the spot, and it was unknown if Ira cared enough to keep her alive.

Ira... please dont say such things, Samantha said with a faintly pleading tone.

Why not? Ira said with a clueless look. I could probably poke the King to death without much effort. He shrugged.

In reality, he was right. If he were to face the King in one on one combat hed easily kill him. The people who served under the King were the ones to worry about. For example, the Kings death guards were very dangerous and would be able to fight Ira. Though it was hard to say since Ira had experienced some growth.

Avery sat alone in a stone garden, carved into the peak of a mountain. She looked at her hands and channeled the Phoenix heart, bringing bright orange veins to the surface of her skin. They pulsed with life creating an enchanting image. After adding more power, flames emerged from the palms of her hands before slowly rising. Strangely enough, the temperature around her didnt change very much.

Avery began manipulating the flames into different shapes from simple ones such as squares and triangles to slightly more complex ones such as cubes and cylinders. She pushed the two flames together and formed two ribbons which began to braid themselves together under her guidance. A few moments later and the ribbons became tied together as one, looking like a completely real construct.

Avery didnt seem to be satisfied as she made the flames dissipate before starting the whole process all over again.

Strange, this isnt something Valkyries should have. A foreign voice resounded.

Hearing a voice she had never heard before caused Avery to go on alert, she leaped up and grabbed her saber that was nearby before taking a defensive stance.

Three women with brown, blonde and red hair stood in front of her. The only thing that they had in common, other than the extremely youthful looks, were silver eyes.

Who are you? Avery said as she kept her guard up. She was aware that only Valkyries were able to enter the mountain, so she guessed they had the bloodline within them, but they were obviously not from her family.

Thats what we should be asking you? The blonde haired woman who looked to be the leader responded. Your bloodline is strange...While it isnt altered, the blood of something else is moving through you. The blonde haired woman said as she sent a scrutinizing gaze toward Avery.

Dark wings with purple feathers, covered in orange veins, appeared on Averys back. The three women in front of her were nothing short of a threat, and since they didnt answer her she could only respond with hostility.

I guarantee you, that you wouldnt be able to wound any one of us. The brunette haired woman spoke up with disdain.

Ill ask you again, who are you? Avery ignored her and stepped forward.

Just as the woman who taunted her was about to step out, the blonde held her hand up.

Thats enough, Lua. She said.

Ustia. Lua nodded before stepping back.

At the very least they shouldnt be the ones to start any fights lest Lyra find fault in their actions. Before Ustia could say anything to Avery her eyes flickered and she looked up and saw another woman approaching, it was none other than Lauren.

Avery, thats enough. Lauren said as she eyed the three intruders standing in front of Avery.

Yes, Grandmother. Avery sheathed her sword and retracted her wings, before stepping back.

Now, what business do you have here? Lauren said with a faint trace of aggression.

Ustia paused before showing a slight smile in response, Your resemblance to Kara is uncanny.

Lauren's eyes widened before narrowing, while she didnt believe that her family was the last of the Valkyries, she didnt expect there to be ones older than her left. If that was true it had to mean they were more powerful.

She once again glanced at the three women, since they werent attacking it mustve meant they didnt have any ill intentions. Ustia read her probing gaze and spoke up, Were only here to ask about something.

Lauren stayed silent for a few moments as if to confirm and then raised her hand gesturing them to follow, Then come with me. She said before nodding to Avery.

The three new Valkyries complied and followed Laurens and Averys lead and soon the stone garden was empty.