Chapter 57: The Journey Forward

Name:The Void Wolf Author:
Chapter 57: The Journey Forward

The journey toward the Summit was in full swing. The destination was a place unanimously agreed on by the ruling powers called the Free City, the place where the Mercenaries Union originated. It was also a place where a group of Elite Merchants dictated its laws and controlled its day to day operations.

The Free City was, of course, free of harsh taxes, forced customs, and imposing noble families. Though there were prominent merchant families who acted as nobles so that last part was arguable. Nonetheless, the Free City was an economic giant that sat on a bay, aptly named the bay of freedom, which was sprawling with sea life that only served to help the city become self-sufficient. The Free City was completely unbiased toward all other ruling powers due to its self-reliance and really only traded to increase its growth.

As the caravans continued to move, everyone agreed on one thing, the Fourth Prince Leonards caravan was the least defended and yet was also the most opulent. Gold lined the frame of his carriage, in addition to the silk curtains that covered its windows. It was hard to associate the lazy and wasteful Fourth Prince with his hardworking, dignified, and charismatic brothers.

People looked on at the Fourth Princes entire escort. A single simple-looking carriage that lagged behind. They had heard that the Fourth Prince had chosen the strongest Mercenary available, but many wondered if it would be enough with just a single person guarding him. No one knew that the Fourth Prince was probably the safest person around since Ira had brought Avery along with him.

Just as people were debating about the Fourth Prince, his carriage turned off the normal road, and onto a barely cleared, icier road. Seeing the odd route change, people began to form certain ideas in their head. Was someone plotting against one of the Princes and so openly at that?

Inside of Iras carriage, he and Avery sat across from each other, unaware of any changes on the outside. Ira was busy staring at Avery who was sharpening her saber.

You know Ira started. ...We could be doing something else to pass the time. he said with a telling grin.

Youll break the carriage. Avery responded as she continued to sharpen her saber.

Ira was just about to agree before he lit up with realization. I can just strengthen it. Although it was one of his abilities that didnt see much use, Ira could alter matter, specifically, he could harden non-living objects.

Avery gave an indulgent sigh while shaking her head before she sheathed her saber and tossed it to the side. Ira had already moved his hand over the interior of the carriage, while Avery was undoing her jacket.

Just as Avery moved to undo her shirt the carriage stopped abruptly and the sound of yelling came from outside. Which caused Iras face to morph into an expression of pure annoyance.

Avery laughed as she stopped undressing. Ill guess youll have to wait.

Yeah, yeah, laugh it up. Ira said as he stepped out of the carriage.

A few minutes earlier.

Several dozen men with cloth covering their faces were lined up on opposite sides of the small road, hiding behind trees.

Looks like a royal banner. One of the men said.

You think? With just one carriage for an escort? Someone chirped in.

We werent paid to think about that much, we got the signal now lets go. Another man said as he drew his sword and began to push a fallen tree toward the road. The tree easily slid down the small hill and blocked the road and the men rushed down to stand in front of it, making for what would be an intimidating sight to most.

One of the men who looked to be the most skilled raised his sword toward the driver of the Royal Carriage.

The man wasnt even able to hear the question properly due to the pain. Ira grabbed his neck and squeezed it, quickly killing him. He then repeated the same actions for the rest of the incapacitated men before moving back to the leader and placing a hand on his neck.

Wait! Ill tell you what I know! He shouted.

I dont care anymore. Ira said before breaking the mans neck.

Sir Ira...I know you may have some questions regarding the nature of this...attack, but I assure you his highness, Leonard, had nothing to do with it. Irving said hastily, he had his doubts about Ira, but now he could only look at him with fear.

I dont care. Just dont bother me again with something so stupid. Ira easily lifted the tree that was in the way and tossed it to the side as if it weighed nothing. Which didnt contribute any shock to an already stunned Leonard.

Ira dusted his hands off and picked up his sword, before climbing back into his carriage, leaving Irving stupefied.

As soon as the carriage door closed, Ira was about to rip his jacket off, but he saw that Avery was covered in her grey cloak.

Did I really take that long? Ira asked with an exaggerated expression of defeat.

Avery smirked as she dropped her cloak, revealing that she was wearing nothing underneath.

I Ira opened his mouth to speak, but Avery interrupted him by pulling him into her embrace.

Inside of the Fourths Princes carriage, a handsome young man, dressed in exuberant clothes held a deeply contemplative look. His regal temperament was a far cry from the rumors of laziness and hedonistic tendencies that circled around his name.

Your Highness, it appears hes as strong as hes made out to be, if not more. Irving said with a cautious look.

I see...tell the driver not to give the second signal, Id say weve gained enough from this particular encounter.

Do you think you can win him over as an ally? Irving asked.

Leonard gathered his thoughts before answering, From what Ive heard and seen, I doubt hes a man who would move for status or monetary gain. The first rest stop is up ahead, at that time I may have to personally meet with him to learn more.

Your Highness, allow me to converse with him. Wouldnt it be dangerous to interact with him without first showing our cards? I believe hell be more willing to ally with us if we show him what we have firsthand. Irving said.

You may be right, but if he grows more distant itll only serve to make things harder, Leonard spoke.

Although hes strong are there no other options. Perhaps we could look to the neighboring countries? Dont we have assets centered abroad? Irving asked.

Leonard shook his head before he spoke, There is something more to Ira thats what I truly believe. In truth, Ill even be satisfied if he maintains a neutral stance toward us. Pure ambition filled Leonards eyes, he harbored an idea for the future that was only understood by him.
