Chapter 61: A Private Dining Experience

Name:The Void Wolf Author:
Chapter 61: A Private Dining Experience

Ira, Leonard, and Irving had returned to the diplomatic quarter of the Free City after navigating the through crowds of panicked civilians on the streets. As soon as they arrived in the Princes quarter, Irving let out a sigh of relief.

The Telvian Empire is quite amazing, isnt it? Leonard asked. They call it an Airship, and that thing attached to the front of it is a mana cannon. Others may disagree but I find the mana cannon to be the real threat.

How do you know about that? Ira asked curiously.

I have some people who extremely skilled in acquiring information. Not to boast, but I am willing to bet that I am the only person who knew what the Telvians built. Leonard said before continuing to speak. As it is now, each human country has their measures of defense. We have the mana arrays, mainly teleportation which, like the others, is still experimental. The Telvians have their Airships and Mana Cannons. The Parvian Houses have the so-called, Spirit of the Desert. An ancient artifact capable of generating and controlling massive sandstorms that cant be breached by normal means. Before the Telvians developed that airship, there was a balance.

Iras attention shifted toward the Spirit of the Desert, if he could get his hands on it, he would immediately eat it. Though the chances of that happening were quite low. Only a few of the older Houses were allowed to know where the artifact was and they all used soul contracts to guarantee it would remain hidden. Only in times of emergencies would the artifact be used since it was quite destructive.

Ira...I have many things I want to tell you in order to convince you to join me, but Ive used up enough of your time. Leonard waved toward Irving who went over to a nearby drawer and pulled out a red card with a gold border around it. Irving walked over and handed it to Ira.

Whats this? Ira looked at the card cluelessly.

Its a type of reservation for the best restaurant in the entire city. Ive heard you have a companion with you and if you wanted to take them somewhere nice, thats the best the Free City can offer, but you cant buy your way in. Only those who have that card can enter, its a type of elitist marketing, but the food is incredible. Leonard assured.

Dont mind if I do. Ira tucked the card into his jacket pocket. Well, I have to go Prince. Ill be back before the banquet though.

Ira left the room leaving Irving and Leonard alone.

Not even a thank you. Irving huffed.

Theres no need for him to give thanks since it was a gift. One that he didnt ask for I might add. Leonard said.

Your Highness, thats true, but still Irving trailed off as he noticed Leonard giving him a telling look.

Enough of that, there is still business we have to attend to. Leonard said with a few hand gestures signaling for Irving to continue.

Yes, Your Highness. I understand. Irving said in the best tone of unwillingness he could muster.

Leonard waited a few more moments before he pulled out a silencing stone and placed it on the table. After it flickered, indicating it was doing its job, Leonard sighed.

I suspect Ira has incredible senses. Earlier he seemed to spot the Airship before it was even visible to us. Leonard said.

That doesnt mean that his hearing would be just as good. Irving thought for a second that the Prince was just being paranoid.

Its a chance Im not willing to take. Especially for what Im going to ask you to do next. Leonard said seriously.

Ira pulled out the reservation card and handed to one of the two men before they examined it and nodded.

Weapons please. The man held his hand out politely and waited.

Ira and Avery undid their scabbards and handed them over to the man who then took them inside the restaurant. A few moments later, a young waitress came out and guided Ira and Avery to their table.

Would you like me to take your cloak, maam. The waitress asked.

No. Avery responded removed her hood.

The waitress was speechless at Averys beautiful face. Being a female herself, one mightve thought she would be envious, but all she felt when looking at Averys face was pure admiration. Her gaze then switched to Ira, when she brought them to the table she hadnt had a good look at him. In all her life she had never seen a perfect couple. To the young waitress, they looked like a Prince and Princess out of the books she often read.

So uh Ira looked at the red-faced waitress, ...Do we tell you what we want or

S-Sorry! The waitress bowed. Ill go find a menu.

Ok. Ira chuckled.

After the waitress left, Ira began to talk. So Ive been thinking about something.

About what? Avery asked.

You fly up really high and then drop me on someone as an attack. Ira said with starry eyes.

Ira, in the time it would take me to do that, the two of us could probably kill whoever you wanted to attack ten times over. Avery said.

Hey, you said it could work back at the Manor. Just imagine dropping me on that Airship, I could probably bore straight through. Iras eyes lit up, You wanna go try it right now? he asked.

There are quite a few people in the Free City who could give us trouble, you know. Im sure theyve prepared countermeasures for each Mercenary that came with the Kingdom. After all, the Mercenaries Union Headquarters is here and there is no doubt they are aware of some of your abilities. Avery cautioned. As soon as you kill someone youll be restrained and when that happens the other countries will use it as a chance to gain some ground in the first exchange of words.

A boy can dream. Ira said as he sighed.

Although he exhibited some arrogant behavior from time to time, Ira knew that there were others just as strong, if not stronger, than him all over the continent. Especially the three Valkyries who had visited Lauren and Avery in order to contact him. They were hundreds of years older than Lauren, so it was hard to tell how strong they were.

Ira put the mischievous thoughts to the back of his head when he saw the waitress appear with a menu. Ira being Ira ordered an unimaginable amount of food while Avery helped herself to something light. The two talked away as they ate and soon finished before paying for the meal. Right when they were preparing to leave, a man with sand colored skin, dark curly hair, and thick eyebrows approached their table. His features were common to Parv and made it very clear that he was one of the dignitaries that came to the summit.

...Updated from novelb(i)n.c(o)m