Chapter 77: A Humble Merchant

Name:The Void Wolf Author:
Chapter 77: A Humble Merchant

What an odd question, Fourth Prince. Could you move the Silencing Stone closer to the center of the table? Ill answer you, but youll have to bear with my paranoia. Lowell said.

Leonard moved the Silencing Stone to the middle of the table and Lowell was able to confirm it was working.

To answer your question...The Merchants Circle has always moved to where they benefit the most. In this case, I provided the directions and the means of travel. Lowell stated.

So youve convinced them to set their sights on the Grenitian Kingdom? Leonard questioned.nove(l)bi(n.)com

As I said Prince, you appear weak on the outside. Of course, If you can strengthen your Kingdom and prove to everyone else that it isnt failing the Merchants Circle would withdraw its interest. Lowell spoke while knowing what he suggested was incredibly difficult. To him, it was clear the Grenitian Kingdom was a sinking ship.

And the Telvians? They've shown quite a lot of aggression toward us these past few days? Do they have something to do with it? Leonard spoke vaguely as to not expose what he already knew.

Everyone has their part to play, Fourth Prince. You should know this by now, the Telvians are just an inevitable problem youll face. Whether we interfere or not, theyll still move against you. The Grenitan Kingdom is the closest and the most vulnerable. Lowell said.

I see...Ill find a way to prepare for it then. Leonard declared. Ill also ruin your plans for the Kingdom, I refuse to let you or the Merchants Circle advance any further then you are right now. Leonard declared.

Lowell laughed, I look forward to witnessing it, Fourth Prince.

Leonard grabbed the Silencing Stone and looked as if he was going to stand up, but he placed it back down and slid it closer to Lowell.

One last thing...Did you kill Irving? Leonard questioned.

Lowell glanced at the Leonard before checking the Silencing Stone, once he confirmed the Prince didnt attempt any sleight of hand, he smiled comfortably.

Yes, your Highness. I arranged for his death, it was necessary to remind you not to overreach. Lowell confessed.

So you were the one behind it? Leonard clenched his fist as his emotions stirred.

Please dont phrase it that way, it makes it sound incredibly malicious. It was necessary for you, Fourth Prince. Dont hold the Merchants Circle accountable though, those greedy bastards would never do something that could bring backlash to the Free City. Lowell looked incredibly arrogant as he spoke. With the Silencing Stone active, he could truly be himself and that was a person who held almost no one in his eyes.

Leonard looked at Lowell hatefully, before he smiled. Thank you.

Leonard took a sip before he looked at Ira, ...Ill let you in on a little secret...Im the one who created the Silencing Stone.

Isnt that the thing you wanted me to break that day? Ira asked.

Leonard paused before he began his explanation.Yes...As for how it functions? I followed the same principle as sound being distorted by wind and applied it to a small array with low consumption. When activated, the array slows the travel of sound by dampening and absorption within a small radius...The one I just used applies the opposite principle

Ill stop you right there. I have no fucking idea what any of that means. Ira interrupted.

...Its basically sound magic. Leonard said.

Much better. Ira nodded. Well anyway, see you tomorrow, Prince.

Leonard chuckled to himself before he replied, See you tomorrow, Ira.

Elsewhere, Lowell rummaged through his belongings as he gathered everything he could from his Manor. He knew it would be hard to escape the city, but once he did, he would be able to live comfortably. Any city or country with underworld elements would be perfect for someone like him to fit in.

Leaving so soon? A shadow appeared behind Lowell.

Its you?! Lowell spun around to see a familiar figure. Dont scare me like that!...Im in need of your help. I need to be escorted out of city no matter what, killing isnt a problem just as long as I can escape. Of course, Ill pay three times what I normally pay you. Lowell was about to turn back around when he noticed the shadow stayed silent. You want more? Fine, Ill pay you six times the normal amount.

Someone else paid more. The shadow said as it slowly moved closer to Lowell.

Thats not possible...Even if news spread theres no way the Circle couldve moved that fast Lowell stammered as he backed away.

They didnt, from the start theyve been paying me to keep an eye on you. The shadow rushed up and restrained Lowell before he could say another word. Even if you had enough money to pay me, I still wouldnt accept it. You should already know how much danger you brought to the city.

Lowell found himself unable to breathe as fear and panic ran through his eyes.

Its too bad they want you alive The Shadowy figure said regrettably.