Chapter 87: Ira's New Abilities

Name:The Void Wolf Author:
Chapter 87: Ira's New Abilities





Growth Capacity:





Unknown, Keeper of the Third Moon (Ulta Majoris), Wisdom of the First-Flame*

Mana Capacity:


Passive Skills:

Draconic: Strength, Vitality*

Supernatural: Agility, Reflexes, Senses, Regeneration, Endurance

Predatory Instincts

Kinetic Vision

Night Vision

Thermal Vision*

Ultraviolet Vision*

Greater Metabolism

Greater Beast Manipulation

Greater Physique


Temperature Regulation

Aging Immunity

Poison Immunity

Greater Fire Resistance*

Greater Cold Resistance*

Bloodline Resonance

Genetic Mutation (Chimera, Ancient Dragon*)

Lunar Force Empowerment

Partial Lunar Force Control

Advanced Swordsmanship

Expert Martial Arts

Primal Awareness

Claw Growth*

You should use dermal armor next and fur generation next. Avery suggested.

Iras hand became covered in small obsidian-like scales with sharp claws at the tips of his fingers.

He evaluated them with some slight disappointment, I can kinda already do this.

Avery also looked unphased before an idea appeared in her head. Use your matter alteration on them, Ira.

Ira did as instructed and the scales hardened while turning completely black. In the end, he was left with a scaled hand topped with a metallic luster.

Now use your fur generation, Avery spoke once again, but her eyes seemed to grow more interested.

Strands of black hair grew between the scales in a lively manner and obscured the scales from vision. Iras hand became covered with a layer of short fur. Avery drew her saber and moved forward and then attempted to cut some of the hairs from Iras hand but found that it was quite difficult. After fully exerting herself she managed to remove a small patch and could see the scales beneath it, but fur slowly grew back to cover the opening. She then attempted to burn it away from with her phoenix flames but it proved to be equally as difficult due to Iras greater fire resistance. Averys flames werent at the level of a dragons and she still needed to train them more so it understandable.

Amazing. Avery stepped back and admired the sight. Iras abilities basically gave him two layers of armor that were resistant to conventional attacks and fire.

Ira couldnt help but laugh as realization struck him. Converting his skin to metal seemed to be a crude form of protection when compared to his ability to create dermal armor.

Well, the last thing to demonstrate is your two transformations. Ill leave the decision of which one you use first up to you, Avery said as she handed Iras status card back.

Ira stored it away before speaking, Ill start with the Secondary Transformation.

Ira found a familiar set of black scales covering his body, followed by a layer of black fur his long hair seemed to shrink inward and was replaced by short fur. It seemed that his body would instinctively use his defensive abilities if he accessed his secondary form. After being covered in black fur, the bone structure of Iras face was the next to change as it was covered in a mask-like layer of fur and scales.

One mightve thought that with a lycanthropic bloodline that Iras nose would become more snout-like, but it would be the weakest point on his body as the snout was the most sensitive area. Instead, two small openings formed on the roof of his mouth which were most likely going to be for smelling instead. Dark metallic teeth grew on the outside of his widened jaw while two more rows of smaller teeth formed on the inside. His eyes maintained their bright but his pupils and sclera vanished and the shape became slightly more spherical. His ears disappeared before a new set emerged from the top of his head. The fine hairs within in them reacted to every single sound with a few hundred feet. After it all finished the only left was a humanoid figure covered from head to toe in short black fur.

Iras appearance after his secondary transformation could only be described as terrifying and monster-like, but Avery was captivated by how his features seemed to be perfectly designed for combat.

Wait, wait, wait, Ira said in a garbled voice as he tried to adjust to the many features of his new form. He seemed to feel the absence of one important part of his body.

What is it? Avery asked as she gathered herself.

Ira pulled open his waistband and looked down only to see nothing there, Its...inside of me.

Avery stared blankly at Ira before her soft laughter echoed throughout the forest. When she finally stopped laughing she spoke up, Its good isnt? You wont suffer an attack on your groin and it also minimizes the need for you to wear clothes which means you can use your cloaking ability. Avery said with a warm smile.

The fur and scales covering Iras face disappeared and his features returned to normal from the neck up, Good to see youre having fun, Ira mumbled.

In all seriousness, that form seems to be perfect for killing. Especially if you pair it with your ability to induce fear and camouflage. I recommend finding a poisonous creature with hallucinogenic properties and consuming it.

Iras face scrunched before he spoke, No poison.

Im sorry I nearly forgot, Avery remembered Iras experience with poison and took a few steps toward him before touching the fur.

Its surprisingly soft, She sunk her fingers into the fur before she felt the steel-like layer of scales.

Great, the only thing people fear more than monsters is fluffy monsters, Ira said self-mockingly. Anyway, time for the Primary Transformation. Ira said before continuing, If its anything like what happened at the fortress you may want to step back,

Alright. Avery took distance as she recalled what Ira said about his transformation during the fortress battle, so she waited while expecting a 50-foot wolf.

Ira undid his secondary form and returned to normal before activating his primary form. A black mist began pouring out of Ira's body before forming a bubble around him. The bubble then began to morph into the shape of a heart, but instead of it pumping out massive amounts of mist, black branch-like tendrils emerged from it until they all overlapped in the shape of a wolfs skeleton. In less than a minute, Iras transformation became complete and he stood as a wolf with black fur and yellow eyes without pupils.

It seems you arent able to reach that same level yet, Avery said as she looked up at the Black Wolf in front of her. Unexpectedly, Ira only stood at 10-feet in height.

Ira opened his mouth to talk but nothing came out. It appeared that his wolf form didnt possess normal vocal cords so he used his self-adaptation to alter them ever so slightly.

This is a bit...weird, Ira was confused as to why he couldnt reach that towering form from before, but then he understood it was most likely due to him overexerting himself and summoning the Red Moon.

Well its fine either way, If you were too large youd obviously be suspected as the City-Eater, Avery saw that Iras wolf form didnt seem to have anything new but it was probably physically stronger than when he was in his normal body.

Ira used his camouflage and blended into the background before reappearing, Now lets see

Ira attempted to teleport forward but maybe because he was unaccustomed to his large size he crashed into some trees and rolled on his back before recovering himself. When he first transformed into a Wolf he moved on pure instinct, but at the moment he needed to adjust.

Take your time, Avery softly chuckled.

I got it! Ira barked in a grumpy manner as he teleported again, only to repeat the same actions.

You clearly have it under control, Avery said with a sarcastic grin.

No, this time I really have it. Ira teleported once again and hit a tree, but managed to stay on his feet.

See I told you, Ira said gloatingly as he took a step forward and stumbled.

Anyone who passed by would be shocked by the scene of a large wolf constantly falling while a girl with indescribable beauty continued to laugh at it. Of course, the scene was decorated with fallen trees, piles of ashes, and scorched plantlife which added to the strangeness of the entire thing.