Chapter 119: A Growing Girl

Name:The Void Wolf Author:
Chapter 119: A Growing Girl

Two weeks, it had been two weeks since anyone had seen or heard from Ira. In those two weeks, Raveria had defied logic and grown enough to actually walk and speak gibberish.

Daauh. A toddler wearing a grey shirt that was too big for her with silky black hair and yellow eyes steadily walked toward Ira.Follow current novels at

She almost said it! Ira laughed as he picked his daughter up.

Bring her over here, its time for her to eat. Avery smiled as she looked at the two.

The three of them were outside in the garden which was in full bloom. It appeared that its growth cycle that was affected by Raveria was now permanent. The energy that was constantly sent out from Raveria before she was born had seeped into the environment similar to how the Void rendered a forest permanently uninhabitable. The difference was Raverias ability wasnt as harmful to the environment and instead made a self-contained area of immortal plants.

Shes so big, Ira commented as he handed Raveria over to Avery.

It may be her appetite and her abilities, its hard to say. Avery raised her hand toward Raverias mouth and a small fireball appeared.

Raveria opened her mouth at gulped it down before tugging at Averys arm indicating she wanted her more. It was clear that Avery skipped the traditional route of breastfeeding a child and opted for something unique. Since Avery could control her flames she could also alter the temperature and even adjust its properties due to her divinity. So each fireball Raveria ate was laced with a small amount of divine power which provided an incredible amount of nourishment. Still, it wasnt like it would give Raveria divinity of her own but it was tempering her abilities.

Ive noticed that shes doing something with time which honestly makes me a little jealous, but you think she can speed up her own growth rate? Ira asked as he watched his daughter greedily gulp down fire from Averys palm.

It appears to be so. Avery generously supplied the flame and since she was in the sunlight her mana recovered at a rate which was far faster than its consumption.

Raveria seemed to have had enough as she pushed Averys hand out of the way and climbed down from her lap. Avery smiled and summoned a few small phoenixes that began to fly around Raveria.

Ira followed his daughter around as she chased the birds while smiling, Can you say bird, Ria?

Borh. Raveria tried to speak but instead produced a barely understandable word and spit.

Almost. Ira didnt seem disappointed and cheered her on.

After chasing the birds Raveria grew frustrated she couldnt catch them and began to focus. The birds began to fly in reverse to their original position and she snatched one out of the air.

Borh! Raveria giggled as she began to chew on the small phoenix with her two bottom teeth. It appeared that using her ability made her peckish as she ate the Phoenix completely.

Ira smiled as he picked her up again and lifted her into the air, I love you, Raveria.

Raverias pure laughter resounded as she grabbed at Iras face, Daah.

Ah, even closer. Iras smile grew as hugged his daughter.

Meanwhile, during Iras two-week absence. The interview he did in Rhys hometown had spread all over the country and beyond. There were a few who called Iras words into doubt, but the Mercenaries Union, more specifically his handler Samantha, produced records to confirm his account.

What did it mean? Ira who was already hailed as one of the strongest people on the continent became an unbelievable existence in the eyes of others and his presence was a natural deterrent. The news he was planning to move to the Dark Elf Empire caused dissatisfaction with the Kingdom. Since no one was able to tell Ira to stay, many commoners began to blame the Kingdom for failing to treat him properly.

Speaking of the Dark Elves, they used Iras interview with Jonah as further evidence of him being a sacred figure. In addition, Charles, the eccentric alchemist with a penchant for immersing himself into experiments until his health was risk, became an important figure as Sylun poured immense funds into helping him.

As for those close to Ira? Harper was a bit grumpy, while Rhys maintained her patience since she assumed Iras daughter was born and didnt want to form any selfish expectations that would drive him away.

Amy and Aldis had grown closer, but since he had yet to receive a reply from his mother they hadnt been able to take another step in their relationship.

The four of them bided their time by sparring with Rhys which was a good distraction for her and an even better way to grow accustomed to her enhanced abilities.

Just outside the Capital, near the entrance of the Great Forest.

Aldis! Amy shouted as she watched lightning emerge from Rhys skin.

Aldis nodded and stabbed his sword into the ground and a cone of frost spread out in front of him.

Harper had hidden behind an illusion and was waiting for the perfect moment to strike Rhys.

Back in the Immortal Garden, Ira had brought trees. As for how? Well, it was said people can improve their skills through sudden enlightenment, but what Ira had wasnt that. On a whim, he wanted to bring trees to his daughter so instead of physically pulling out a tree and bringing it, he swapped two different areas by manipulating space. It was reality bending, to say the least, and it defied all known logic, but it was apart of his ability.

Raveria was amazed to see his ability more than she was to see a tree, but he took it a step further. Since he could make semi-permanent alterations to space, he did so. The laws of gravity no longer applied and the two were floating through the air like they were in orbit much like they did when they connected with Raveria before she was born.

Avery took this opportunity to train since she hadnt been able while pregnant. Ira created a section where gravity was incredibly heavy and Avery was floating while two flaming wings were burning behind her like a stream. Her flame wings worked differently than the previous ones as they could create propulsion without any movement. So it quite literally looked as if she was floating in place when in reality she was fighting a massive force attempting to push her down.

Ira and Raveria were orbiting around without any movement since the contained space was under Iras to control.

So this is how it feels to fly. Ira hummed as he moved his body around.

It was only possible inside the area he sectioned off since it would take immense control to create a domain that allowed him as far as he wanted vertically.

Fry. Raveria clapped her hands as she laughed.

Close enough. Ira looked as if he was laying on the air before he rolled over and reached for Raveria.

Aah! Raveria cried out joyfully as she tried to escape.

Im going to get you, Ria. Ira slowly drifted toward which increased her excitement. Just as Ira was about to grab her, Raveria accelerated leaving behind grey particle trails that faded behind her.

Waaah! Raveria gasped in awe of herself and began to zip around so fast Ira needed to pay close attention to keep track of her.

Careful, Raveria. Ira called out.

Avery was in an immersed state so she didnt really notice, with her eyes closed and beads of sweat emerging from her forehead before being pressed against her skin.

Ira made a troubled expression as his daughter continued to increase her speed. He could forcefully stop her without energy since the space was his own design, but she was having fun and there was no real danger or so he thought.

Ah! Raveria scraped the bark of the tree while flying by it and a small scratch emerged on her soft skin.

Raveria. Ira appeared next to her before watching as she became teary-eyed.

She was taking big breaths while trying not to cry as bloodline memories of Ira being injured without reacting appeared in her head. She sniffled as the wound began to reverse itself as if stepping back in time.

Raveria was still pouting since the sensation of pain was still fresh in her mind, but she didnt cry at all.

Ira hugged her closely while speaking softly, Youre a brave girl.

Braahve. Raveria chirped while nodding.

With her lesson learned, Raveria stayed close to Ira as they played but it eventually came to an end as he reached his limit of control and exhaustion creeped up on him. Avery came to as she felt the gravity lessening and retracted her fiery wings.

Ira picked up a towel that was placed onto the back of a chair and tossed it up before it vanished and reappeared above Avery. She caught it wordlessly and wiped the sweat from her head while going to pick up Raveria.

Did she hurt herself? Although Averys focus was on her training as soon as she heard Raverias exclamation of surprise and pain she diverted half of her awareness to it.

A little bit, but she undid it. Ira kissed Raveria on the forehead as she blinked tiredly.

Shes also fast. Really fast. He added.

Its a wonderful ability. Avery kissed Raverias cheek while stroking her soft black hair, Are you hungry Raveria?

Raveria shook her head and rested on Averys chest while ignoring the sweat. Ira sniffed the air and realized something, it may have been because of the Divine Power inside of her, but Avery smelled incredibly good.

Since it's time for her to have a nap, why dont we put her to bed and try for a second child. Ira smiled.

Avery laughed before kissing him and shaking her head, Its still too early for a second child, but lets wait until tonight. I have to speak to my mother and grandmother about a few things. She handed Raveria over to Ira before moving to leave.

Ira grinned and cradled his sleeping daughter before sitting down under the single tree in the garden and resting with her.