Chapter 132: Remnants Of The Past

Name:The Void Wolf Author:
Chapter 132: Remnants Of The Past

Theyre all dead, you know. Ira began to walk toward Gicae who maintained a calm expression.

Yes...Your growth completely exceeded my expectations. Gicae responded bitterly.

Stay right there, Ill show you something even better. Ira moved past the crowd of Dark Elves before stopping to give the Blood Sword to Casey.

Perhaps it would have been better to listen to Lyra. Gicae sighed as he looked at Lyras sleeping face behind the coffin.

You wouldve died either way. Ira teleported and reached out to grab Gicae.

Surprisingly, Gicae didnt even move and seemed to accept what happened.

That was...easy. Ira narrowed his eyes and then found something was off.

In an instant, he slammed Gicae into the ground and he faded into a turquoise colored energy.

Its a good trick. Ira looked around and saw dozens of more Psychic projections appear with crystal coffins right next to them.

Ive been planning for this since I saw what was inside of your head. I tried to account for everything, especially that daughter of yours. I wonder if shes waiting for you in that peculiar garden? The projections of Gicae spoke in sync.

Ira leaped out and ripped through the chest of one of the projections before moving on to the next and breaking its neck. After reaching another he lifted it up and tore it in half. Another had its head destroyed with a punch.

Youre smart to hide. Ira spat venomously. Gicaes words implied that he saw Iras daughter without the latter being aware.

Ah, I suppose there is something captivating about your anger. Watching an animal chase its prey while it doesnt know its the one being hunted. Gicae whispered as the number of his psychic projections tripled.

Casey moved forward with the sword but Ira yelled, No!

His voice was laced with so much rage that Casey took a step back before nodding in understanding.

Iras hands turned into two murky black claws that he used to cut through space. The suction force of the rips in space pulled sand into them and made a giant cloud that resembled a sandstorm.

Gicae! Gicae! Gicae! Ira shouted madly as he continued to slaughter the projections. He expanded his senses to the maximum in order to find a sign of the real one but they all seemed to be the same.

After you die Ill have to raise your daughter up to open the Storm Wall. Gicaes voice echoed throughout the cloud of sand.

Ira stomped his foot and gravity increased tremendously causing the scattered particles of sand to fall.

Iras rampage made everyone else take distance due to the sheer ferocity in each attack. He seemed to have forgotten they were even near him and showed no sign of restraining himself.

Lauren was flying with Avery when a series deafening shockwaves erupted. From above, she could see Ira surrounded by hundreds of enemies that he continued to easily dispatch but they would vanish after each attack.

We should assist him, Grandmother. Avery fiery wings began to manifest but Lauren stopped her.

Not while hes like that. Lauren shook her head as she brought them down to the gathered crowd.

What happened? She immediately asked as Casey approached.

Gicae knows about Raveria and the garden where Avery stayed during her pregnancy. As soon as he brought it up Ira attacked. Casey explained.

Hes trying to draw Ira in, Lauren stated as she watched Ira continue.

I can go and calm him down. Avery stepped forward but Lauren stopped her again.

I dont think thats wise right now given his current state. The best thing for us to do right now is to be ready for any sneak attacks.

Avery looked at Ira who still hadnt even gained the slightest amount of calm. She gave a reluctant nod and concentrated on recovering her power.

It was hard to say how many of the psychic projections Ira destroyed but they continued appearing.

After she opens the Storm Wall for me Ill have to kill her too. I suspect that she would grow to just as dangerous as you are. The Projections continued speaking.

I cant wait until I find you. Ira gave a hollow laugh as he tossed a projection away.

Ah! So your daughter is closer than I thought. Gicae exclaimed before continuing, Its that doorway right? The one in the tent?

Clear some space. Another said as he threw all the dishes off of a wooden table and hoisted whatever they were transporting onto it.

It hit the table with a loud sound and the guys heaved a sigh of relief.

Light a few more candles! Someone ordered as they looked at the sole light source that was clearly fading.

Got it. A man produced a flame from somewhere and lit various candles scattered across the room.

After the final candle was lit the faces of everyone could be seen. All of them looked like Ira and the person on sprawled out on the table was also Ira. The only thing that set them apart was the fact they were missing the sigil of a wolf eating a moon on their wrists.

How is he, Ira? One of the Iras asked the other two Iras.

Thats not the one we should be worried about, Ira, Ira responded.

Dont you think thats a confusing way to address each other? Here, Ill be Ira One and you both can be Ira Two and Ira Three. Ira One said while going to examine the real Ira.

Fine, just finish what you were saying, Ira Two said.

Ah! Ira sat up and breathed heavily as he looked around only to see himself.

That was quick. Ira Three commented.

What the...fuck. Ira blinked at the people in front of him.

Listen to me, Ira. Ira One snapped his finger and brought Iras attention onto himself.

There are three things you need to know. First, you arent dead, youve just been...moved. Unless your entire body is destroyed then you dont have much to worry about. Second, we arent real, this is your mind attempting to repair itself and everything youre seeing is just your interpretation of that. Third, you need to get Siegfried under control. Ira One listed out the important points.

Ira clutched his head while trying to think but his thoughts became scrambled, Siegfried?

Hes not like us, hes actually real. Ira Three answered.

Remember what Indras told you? Ira One ignored Ira Three and questioned.

About what!? Ira asked with frustration as his head began to ring.

Fragments, Ira. You were separated from yourself in the Void and youre carrying a piece of Siegfried with you. You didnt actually think that putting all those memories in the back of your head meant they would go away, did you? Ira Two asked. what am I supposed to do?! Ira continued shouting as a grating noise assaulted his ears.

Shit, were moving a bit too slow. Alright, listen to me, Ira. All you need to do is gain control for a moment. After that, well need you to come back so we can try and repair all the damage without messing any memories up.

My memories? Ira closed his eyes and attempted to ignore the loud noise.

He thinks hes going to lose his memories Ira Two laughed to himself before speaking, You have genetic memory, idiot.

Dont listen to him. Hes telling the truth but if we let you inhabit your body for too long things may start to...overlap. After all, your brain was destroyed. Ira One

I know you had to save your daughter but seriously? You sure fell right into that Ira Three voiced his thoughts aloud.

Well, now thats settled, you should get back out there before Siegfried does something drastic. Ira One sighed.

Meanwhile, almost no time had passed in the outside world. Iras body that was falling suddenly stopped while his limbs and head still hung lifelessly. Then, black mist began to pour out of his body.

Damn it! Gicae retreated through a doorway while forcing Lyra to attack again.

The beams of light once again wreaked havoc on Iras body but the mist continued to emerge until his entire body was covered in a layer of it.

Iras began to rise to his feet and two empty yellow orbs which replaced his eyes could be seen.

Hundreds of psychic projections were sent out to surround him but Gicaes expression turned into one of horror as he continued watching. Iras current appearance resembled the hazy figure of darkness that took his arm.

The figure was completely silent as it looked at its hands before clenching and unclenching its fist.

...This shouldnt have happened. A quiet and distorted voice reverberated across the entire desert.

The orb-like yellow eyes scanned the surroundings before it spoke again, This shouldnt have happened.

As it finished speaking, the scenery turned black and white.