Chapter 151: Only Time Can Tell

Name:The Void Wolf Author:
Chapter 151: Only Time Can Tell

The sky was on fire, at least, that was the way it looked. A haze of reddish-orange reached toward the world while smoke and ash rose to meet it. There were bodies on the ground, not dozens, hundreds, or thousands but millions. The sound of a roaring and powerful trumpet could be heard somewhere in the distance but there werent many around to hear it. Updated from novelb(i)n.c(o)m

Then, there was something else that exceeded the sound of the trumpets. A vicious snarling and a loud thumping sound that followed it. The sound was being emitted from a stone orb that was the size of a mountain. The orb was made up of different sections and they each spun and twisted as if someone was attempting to solve a puzzle. Peculiar runes were inscribed into the stone orb and they would blink before fading only to be replaced.

Then, an explosion rang out far off. A fire raged, one that was so hot that the air could scorch the lungs of anyone who would breathe it. A familiar figure fought on viciously, cutting down her assailants without pausing. Her foes were of a pure and otherworldly appearance with sets of beautiful white wings. Strangely enough, the ones she faced had at least six wings on their back.

From somewhere, a voice that carried immense authority rang out. Its too late. He is trapped beneath an infinite layer of spaces. The energy he uses to destroy or escape one only causes one hundred more to take its place.

The woman who fought cut another Angel in half and then flames emerged from her back and turned the corpse into ashes. The woman who seemed to be tired stabbed her sword into the ground and breathed deeply. Her wounds were healing but the rate of recovery began to get slower and slower.

Ah, the Twilight is upon us, A different voice said.

You are in quite the predicament, no? You can remove whatever is restraining your power to contend with us but you would be forced to ascend first. Once you leave the Mortal Realm we can easily press forward and find your daughter.

Who will be the one to deal with her? The sun has almost set and she cant persist for much longer.

Ill let the boy deal with him.

Really? Youll let that mortal kill her? She may not have fully reached Godhood but she still has divinity within.

I agree.

I also agree. You can use that Mortal however you want but do not think well allow something like sullying the reputation of the Divine.

Would you prefer if I possess him again?

I think we all would prefer if she was dealt with.

As the conversation ended, hundreds of angels appeared from the sky and rushed toward the woman. She tried to withstand the assault but her life was slowly being chipped away. Small wounds began to pile up as the angels attacked relentlessly. As day turned to night, the woman grew weaker in her resistance and a violent spear thrust broke through her defenses and tore through her abdomen.

Haaa The woman exhaled a long breath as she held onto the spear. She dropped her shield but she swung her sword with less strength than before. A wide swing beheaded an Angel but that was all as an arrow hit her back and lodged itself inside of her body. The woman stumbled forward while spitting blood that caught fire once it hit the ground. The flames on her own body grew dim and all of her swings were weak with none of the strength being needed to kill them. The most she was able to do was wound a few more Angels before she was stabbed in the thigh with a sword and forced to kneel.

The woman had dark circles around her silver eyes but she seemed unwilling to admit defeat in the face of death. She looked exhausted beyond compare but somehow found the strength to climb to her feet again.

Mom! A young girl appeared and ran through the fields of bodies toward the woman.

No! The woman who seemed to be half dead all but a few moments ago regained life. She pulled the spear out of her stomach and two wings made of flame burst out of her back.

Is she a descendant of the Avarus? Very well, take her, A voice called out.

Stop! The woman began cutting through the Angels like never before but they continued to emerge and block her.

The girl was grabbed and even though she tried to fight it proved no match.

Let her go! The woman gave fought with every ounce of strength and ignored all of her life-threatening wounds. Eventually, she made her way to the girl and held onto her. She was covered in blood but she had a warm smile on her face.

Mom? The girl struggled out of the embrace only to see that her mother had gone motionless. She was silent and then her tears finally came, she raised her head and looked at the stone orb that was shaking violently. Black mist seeped out of the segments and cracks emerged on it but somehow, it remained intact.

Without any warning, black wings with a skeletal appearance emerged from the girls back and a strange energy permeated the air. In her eyes, everything began to fade and then a look of realization overcame her.

It wasnt real, She said to herself.

Raveria! Ira shouted as he lifted his daughter up. She was soaked in sweat but was shivering as if she was cold.

...Dad? Raveria blinked with a surprised expression.

What was it? Ira asked softly, though his eyes showed something different. He was overflowing the urge to remove whatever it was that caused her to be fearful. It was an irrational thought as one couldnt kill a bad dream but Ira didnt care. Ira was able to feel her emotional state through their bloodline collection.

Accelerated Growth

Aging Immunity (Inactive)

Greater Fire Resistance

Bloodline Resonance

Temporal Perception

Temporal Awareness




Genetic Memory

Active Abilities:

Thought Acceleration, Temporal Manipulation, Temporal Acceleration, Temporal Deceleration, Temporal Clone, Temporal Reversal, Temporal Looping, Temporal Wings, Infinity Embodiment, Transformation (???) (Sealed)

...Oh? Ira couldnt help but smile. Raverias abilities were quite something, in fact, it even made him want a few and it wouldnt be impossible for him to copy some with the Void at hand.

Avery looked over and instead of being shocked she focused on Raverias cognitive abilities.

You said she had a bad dream? Avery asked.

Ira picked up on what she was inferring and then realized the possibilities. Raveria may have seen an event that was to happen in the future or an event that had already happened. It was impossible for him to distinguish what she could've witnessed, especially since Raveria herself couldnt remember. The main point was, Ira felt how scared Raveria which meant the future may have been quite grim.

Shit, Iras face became sour for an instant but he corrected it. For some reason, he had the feeling he would be related to whatever happened and he was correct. Though he had no way of knowing he broke several laws of the Mortal Realm allowing the Gods to interfere and there was no way to undo it.

Ira silently contemplated something with an uncharacteristically serious expression. The only thing that could pose a threat would be the Gods which meant that they were to be his enemies. It was something plausible considering what they did to Indras and the Avarus Lupum as a whole. Even with the Void under his control was it still not enough to resist the Gods? No, it was something they couldnt even understand properly so it would be more reasonable to assume they found something to account for it. Ira rubbed the sides of his head as he continued thinking. Wasnt he too comfortable? After all, Gicae was able to land a would-be fatal hit on him. If he truly understood the power he had that would have never occurred.

After some time, Ira spoke, ...Ill visit the Black Forest soon.

Have you thought of something? Avery inquired. She couldnt guess his thoughts at all but could tell he seemed determined to do something.

Well, sort of, Ira replied as his eyes flashed with incomparable hatred. The fact that the Gods would even try to impose on his happiness was enough to send him into a rage. He was only able to stifle his growing discontent by holding his daughter.

Raveria gazed up at Ira and then gave back the status card. Ira accepted it with a smile before storing it away and kissed Raveria on the head again.

Well get started in the morning, Ria, Ira moved to climb out of the bed but Raveria grabbed onto his arm and shook her head.

Can we start now? Raveria asked timidly, the sense of hostility Ira tried to keep hidden was shared through their bloodline resonance.

Ira looked at Avery who nodded before getting out of the bed and going to find some clothes.

Why not? Ira smiled.

The trio quickly put on some suitable clothes and made their way into the garden. Ira looked up at the cavern ceiling and saw a large hole that was carved out which allowed moonlight in. While staring at the sky he wondered if the Gods were looking down at that moment. If so, why didnt they deal with him at the moment? It was as if they couldnt, if that was true they were hardly Gods in his eyes. The general consensus was that Gods were above the affairs of Mortals but occasionally felt pity. Since Ira knew the truth about the collapse he found it contradictory.

Ha. Ira laughed when he thought more about it. Would Gods kill a Divine Race because they were fearful? The image of being all-powerful entities had long since faded in his mind.

Ira laughed even more and then a refreshed look crept upon his face. Then, he stretched his hands out wide and spoke in a voice that was closer to a whisper, I cant wait to eat a God.

As he finished speaking, a dark hole opened up in the sky far above him and a Red Moon appeared without a sound. His actions already exceeded what Gods could do in the Mortal Realm. It would make sense if his presence somehow offended them and if it did, he would no doubt be overwhelmed with happiness.

Ira smiled cheerfully and then shifted his gaze toward Raveria and Avery who stood near him. Lets start.