Chapter 154: Some Heroes Don't Save People

Name:The Void Wolf Author:
Chapter 154: Some Heroes Don't Save People

So thats it? Ira sized up the group of mountains far off in the distance. Most of them had snowy peaks that gave them a desolate feel.

Raveria placed her hand on her chin and observed the mountain with a look of interest.

Are you cold, Raveria? Ira asked as he realized his daughter was wearing a grey tunic and sandals and the weather near the mountains was a lot lower than the rest of the continent.

No, Raveria replied. If she did get cold all she had to do was accelerate the cells in her body. Though the blood running through her was naturally warm enough that she wouldnt need to do something unless she was faced with drastic temperatures.

Good, Ira held her small hands as they walked toward a large town sitting at the foot of a large mountain.

The good thing about the location was the isolation factor which helped slow the spread of the Uprisings influence. The so-called Blessed Ones lived without much worry while the humans remained oppressed.

Ira saw that most of the land seemed to be occupied by the descendants of dragons which made him question the presence of the other races. The Naiads all lived underwater so they didnt count but the Sidera and Valkyries were nowhere to be found.

In reality, the Valkyries lived on floating land masses, Vulpes were similar to Elves and kept to forests, Lares were a mostly closed off bunch, and Sidera lived in places where they could see the stars best since it tied in directly with their abilities. As for the other races he had yet to discover, they were scattered about the continent of Yeramesh and Ira wasnt too interested in finding them at the moment.

As Ira approached the gates of the town he opted not to enter through the proper channels and teleported himself over with Raveria in hand.

The town wasnt as extravagant or otherworldly as the other places he visited, it still was something new to him and more importantly, Raveria. The houses for humans were closely stacked together while those with dragons blood occupied larger and more secluded houses.

Ira suddenly had an idea as he watched a family of Blessed Ones walk by him.

Hey, Ria...You want to help me with something? Ira asked with a smile.

Yes? Raveria tilted her upward as she answered.

Ira laughed before kneeling down and whispering something in Raverias ear. She soon started laughing and nodded her head.

You got it? Ira made sure they both were on the same page before proceeding.

Yup, Raveria nodded.

There were twelve kids with reptilian eyes playing around when Raveria approached them.

Um...Do you want to play? Raveria asked. Her soft yellow eyes were filled with a type of friendliness that made it hard to hold ill thoughts toward her.

Are you a human? Still, as children with dragons blood, they obviously held the conventions of their parents.

No. My mom is a Valkyrie and my dad is a...I dont know what my dad is. Raveria furrowed her brows as she thought of Ira.

Where are your wings? A girl asked.

I dont know how to use them, Raveria replied.

Then how are we supposed to know if youre a Valkyrie? A boy questioned with a suspicious gaze. Raverias simple clothing made him suspect that she was just a normal human.

Raveria looked off toward a dark corner as she became stuck on how to proceed. I cant do it, Dad!

Suddenly, Ira appeared out of thin air and smiled with any sign of disappointment. At least you tried.

Who Before any of the kids could ask about Iras identity he snapped his fingers and teleported them away.

Ah, wonderful. Thats enough about the Keeper for today. For now, all of you will be taken to your rooms where youll be staying from now on. In a few hours, well show you the Red Moon that the Keeper holds control over. The Scribe clasped his hands together and smiled at the kids who were escorted away by the Priest.

Another group was brought in a few minutes later and the process was started over once again.

Ira, who was totally unaware of the events taking place, wiped imaginary sweat from his forehead. Both he and Raveria were standing on a rooftop looking at the town below them.

Whew. Ira turned to Raveria and gave her a proud pat on the back. I think thats most of them.

Did I do good, Dad? Raveria asked.

You did perfect, Ria, Ira replied honestly.

The town that seemed unaffected by the events of the Uprising had erupted into a panic. Why wouldnt they? Hundreds of kids had gone missing within a few hours and the Blessed Ones were scouring the city. Houses were being ransacked in search of the children who literally vanished into thin air and the blame was close to being placed on the humans living in the town.

Get off of my son! A man bellowed as his child was being pulled away.

Since we cant find the children of the Blessed Ones well have to make an example. The guards beat the man down until he couldnt resist anymore.

Within a few hours, dozens of children were gathered up in the center of the town along with parents and humans who were full of anger. They were being blamed for a problem they had nothing to do with.

If the children of the Blessed Ones arent brought out then we will begin the execution! A half-dragon dressed in heavy armor shouted.

We dont know where they are!

Leave our children out of it!

You cant do this!

The crowd spoke to defend themselves but against the armed guards who were strengthened by their bloodline, they couldnt do anything.

Shut up! The guards raised their weapons and moved to silence the crowd.

Ira who was watching from above shook his head.

You see that, Ria? When youre weak you cant do anything but accept what comes your way, Ira commented.

Is it bad to be weak? Raveria asked.

Well, not exactly. Sometimes it cant be helped but everyone should try to become more powerful if they get the opportunity.

But what happens if they stay weak forever?

Forever? I doubt it would stay that way since opportunities have a way of presenting themselves As Ira finished speaking he waved his hand and the weapons and armor the guards were holding disappeared from sight before reappearing in the crowd of humans.

Seeing that it wasnt enough to arm all of the spectators so Ira waved his hand again and even more weapons appeared at their feet. It was all from his stockpile that he gathered throughout the time he spent consuming people.

The crowd and the guards went silent as they tried to process what happened. Then, someone lifted up a sword and caused a huge reaction. The crowd erupted into shouts as they began to riot and the guards were unarmed and outnumbered which left them totally defenseless. The scene quickly turned bloody and after watching it for a while Ira decided to move on.

Come on, Ria. We have a few psychics to see so we shouldnt waste too much time. Ira lifted her up while preparing to teleport away.

Ok, Raveria held onto Ira tightly but didnt take her eyes off bloodshed. Even though she was a child the memories she inherited from Ira had long since taken away the shock a child would normally feel when exposed to violence.