Chapter 156: Ira The Teacher

Name:The Void Wolf Author:
Chapter 156: Ira The Teacher

A cold wind blew into the monastery and disturbed the gathering of psychic energy which caused most of the candles that were lit to fade out. The reclusive Lares immediately felt something had changed. Their psychic abilities were refined to the maximum so they were able to sense something would happen but they couldnt pinpoint the cause of it. So they did what seemed most sensible and gathered together in the main chamber.

Grey haired men and women who had small wrinkles at the edge of their eyes had gathered. Each of them shared the trait of having a turquoise-colored gem that served as their third eye. They were the oldest members of some ancient Lares family but instead of remaining in the forefront of the continent like the dragons, they were simply waiting for their deaths or for the small chance of ascension. It was something that seemed grim but, like most higher races, they were long-lived.

At some point, all their memories grew to be a burden. Especially since they held a massive amount of psychic power. The Collapse had severely injured and killed the most powerful but those who managed to survive managed to persist. It was unfortunate that the Great Storm had disappeared when they only had a hundred or so years left to live which didn't leave them with enough time to seek new ways to grow. They hope for a breakthrough in their psychic abilities that would lead to ascension but that wasn't likely in their current state. So, they spent most of their time predicting how events would unfold in Yeramesh. It wasnt until a strange and foreboding feeling passed through the monastery that they were shaken out of their daily routines.

Ill skip any pleasantries and get right to the point. There is something happening, it could be at this moment or days from now, but it is taking place as we speak. I am unable to make out its exact nature so I seek your opinions.

I can sense something malicious...I wanted to push further beyond but I almost suffered an injury.

...That means whatever is coming must be resistant to our abilities for it to evade detection as much as it did.

Do you think its that Dragon? The one who claims to rule over all others? Ive long since guessed he was proficient in spatial magic.

It couldnt be, at least not yet. My last vision showed that he didnt move into action for another decade.

Yes, that was before the Great Storm wasnt it? It is wrongful to assume that the future remained the same.

Then that means its a foreign presence. It can only be something weve had yet to come across.

The Lares all shared a dark look before one spoke up.

So what should we do?

I say we link all of our psychic energy. Our combined might should be able to shed some light on that mysterious presence.

Isnt it possible that we'll all suffer a major shock and receive injuries instead?

We didnt come to these mountains with the purpose of living did we?

No, but to leave ourselves weakened when facing such an enemy would be foolish. If its power transcends our combined strength then we should warn the other races. Its clear that the Uprising is the smaller threat when compared.

...We will all make this decision together. Those who want to combine our power to learn more about that mysterious presence raise your hands. Those who want to prepare for a direct conflict with that presence, leave your hands down.

The thirty or so Lares were evenly split in their decision and they soon figured out a conclusion.

Let half of us prepare to fight while the other half links their psychic energy.

A few minutes later and preparations were made and a psychic barrier was formed around the group who wanted to investigate the entity who evaded their senses.

Are you all ready?

Lets hurry on with it. Every moment wasted is a moment were in danger.

The group nodded and soon multiple turquoise colored threads were linked between their crystal eyes. Sweat formed on their heads as the intense amount of energy and concentration caused them immediate stress.

Ten million nine hundred eighteen thousand nine hundred eighty-four. Ten million nine hundred eighteen thousand nine hundred eighty-five. Gicae was counting with an empty look in his eye. He didnt even react to anything that was going on in front of him or to Iras foot that was pressed against the back of his head. Ira then grabbed Gicae by his hair and lifted him up until they were eye level.

What are you counting, Gicae? Is it seconds? Minutes? Days? Weeks? Months? I know its hard to keep track of time in those conditions, believe me, I do, Ira said with a chuckle before dropping him to the ground.

Gicae...Gicae! The Lares who were still sane seemed to remember something. What did you do to him?! What did you do to my brother?!

So you are his relatives? Ira looked pleased with their reactions. In fact, he looked incredibly pleased which stifled any and all outbursts from the Lares. His mood caused them to become immensely unsettled.

Nothing to say? We have a bit more time until we get started so feel free to air out your grievances. I should warn you ahead of time that he did try to kill me and harm my daughter. At the memory of his forced separation from Raveria and Avery, Iras mood turned sour.

If what you say is true Just as one Lares began speaking, Ira snapped his finger.

Gravity suddenly increased and pushed them to the ground, forcing their foreheads to the floor.

True? Ira said with a laugh. Are you trying to say Im lying? Ah, was I not intimidating enough? Maybe I need to make a gesture.

The Lares who called Ira a liar was teleported in front of him while being stuck in a frozen position.

Raveria, Ira turned to his daughter.

Yes? Raveria felt her dad had become more serious so she answered properly.

Can you kill him? Ira asked.

Raveria processed what he said and then turned to the kneeling Lares before turning back to Ira.

Um Raveria seemed hesitant to carry out the act. She had yet to take a life and the closest she came was beating Kaidan but that was only because she didnt know how to hold back properly.

Its easy, Raveria. Ira encouraged her. Go on.

Ok! Raveria stepped forward and placed her hand on the shoulder of the kneeling Lares. Her temporal energy surged and the Lares began aging rapidly.

Stop! Stop! Stop! The man cried out as he felt the life fading from his body rapidly. His hair and teeth began falling out while his skin turned grey. His cries soon stopped and his body became nothing more than a pile of dust.

Raveria took a step back and looked at her own hands and for a moment there was only silence. The gravity pressing down the Lares had lightened slightly and they were able to raise their heads to see the fate of their companion. There was nothing left of him and they all shifted their gaze toward the little girl with astonishment.

Ira clapped his hands proudly and Raverias unsure look became more certain.

Great! There was genuine happiness in Iras expression as he spoke. There are a few things we have to work on but that was perfect, Ria.

Raveria nodded at Ira and then moved back to his side. By now, there was no hope of fleeing for the restrained Lares so a few began channeling their psychic power. Since Ira was immune, there was only one target to go for and that was obviously Raveria. They covertly shared their intentions and then made their move. A blast of psychic energy seeking to take control of Raverias mind flew forward but Ira was a step quicker and swung a black claw toward the projectile causing it to dissipate.

Hey Ira narrowed his eyes and bloodlust filled the room. Im really not too fond of torture. Id rather just kill you all right now but that would be way too easy for what just happened. So, try to bear with me while I try out something new.

Iras laughter filled the room as he made sure to increase gravity pressing down on them. Of course, he was extra careful not to let them die. On the other side of things, the Lares sensed that they would regret their attempted attack for the few hours they had left to live.Read latest chapters at Only