Chapter 160: You'll Die, But At Least You Have A Choice

Name:The Void Wolf Author:
Chapter 160: You'll Die, But At Least You Have A Choice

Damn you, Ira. A lone man crossed the barren territory of the Dark Elves. It was as hot as the deserts of Parv but it was hardly comfortable.

Since the Dark Elves lived underground they didnt need the land above it to be very fertile or livable since it wouldnt impact them.

Ira. The man clenched his teeth as they marched on. A worn out cloak was the only protection they had from the sun and scorching wind.

The man looked up and saw silhouettes flying in the distance. He rubbed his eyes reflexively, thinking it was a mirage, but the image of flying figures remained. Actually, they moved closer until they were descending toward him and he could finally see they were Valkyries.

Shit! The man cursed and looked around for cover but the land was empty.

The first Valkyrie to arrive stopped right in front of him with her spear pointed at him.

Identify yourself, She said curtly. It was clear that she would prefer to kill the man and be done with it.

The rest of the Valkyries landed and blocked every angle of escape. Normally, it would be someones dream to be surrounded by women but their cold eyes gave the man nothing but fear.

Casper! My name is Casper. I work for Ira. Casper identified himself while pouring sweat.

The Valkyries shared a look of skepticism before the hostility in their gazes intensified.

Im serious! Please, I need to inform him of the developments in the Grentian Kingdom...Im under a soul contract, Casper confessed while pulling his shirt down a little. With one glance anyone could see the black veins spreading over the surface of his chest.

Caspers plight started right after everyone thought Ira died in the desert. In Caspers mind, he was free from the contract due to the death of the other party. He wanted to return to the Free City but the trip would be costly.

Being the person he was, he planned on selling the information he obtained from spying on the first prince. Unfortunately, the minute he tried to spread rumors to entice buyers a soul-tearing sensation caused him pure agony. After that, black veins appeared on his chest and every day they increased. He didnt know what would happen if he waited too long but it obviously wasnt good.

Fine, The Valkyrie said as she nodded toward the others.

Thank you Casper couldnt even finish his thanks as he was knocked unconscious.

When the other Valkyries looked at the culprit she shrugged.

I dont want to carry him while hes awake, hell kick and scream. She removed his cloak and wrapped it around his torso so it could function as a harness of sorts.

The other Valkyries accepted her explanation and took to the skies before she followed with Casper, who dangled in the air by a flimsy cloak, in hand.

Yeramesh, the continent of the higher races, had just welcomed three new and dangerous arrivals.

Ira, Avery, and Raveria all examined their surroundings. They were currently in a lush forest that stretched for miles.

Ravi, put this on. Ira handed a grey cloak to Raveria.

Hmm, Raveria took the cloak that was far too big for her. Once she touched it, the cloak melted and changed shape.

Oh! Raveria exclaimed in surprise. She realized that it was the formless armor that Avery usually wore. As it moved around her, it changed into a small leather chest plate. Since Raveria prefered not to be hampered by weight it was fitting that the armor would take on its current appearance.

So where are we? Avery asked.

Were atuh... Ira rubbed his chin as if he wasnt sure. This is the Dragons Heart Province if I remember the map correctly.

If you remember correctly? Avery repeated with a doubtful expression. The armor she was wearing reverted back into its pendant form.

I expected enemies but it cant be helped, She said with a shrug.

Just hold on, I got it. Ira snapped his fingers and they suddenly appeared in the middle of a road.

After he finished speaking, Avery drew her sword and stabbed it in the ground. A huge ring of fire appeared and surrounded the entire area leaving no exit. Anything in the path of the ring was burned into ash in an instant.

Well, you can. Ira pointed to a random Legionnaire.

M-Me? He seemed very relieved. Unlike most of those in the dragons heart province, he put stock in the rumors about Ira and wasnt willing to fight him for a single second.

Yeah, you. Go tell someone about this, get them riled up. Tell them that Im here and I wont be leaving until a few dragons come to visit. You got it? Ira intoned his conditions and the Legionnaire carefully remembered all of them before nodding.

Good. Ira snapped his finger and the lucky Legionnaire had vanished. Now

Ira clapped his hands together and the entire legion was forced to the ground by an overwhelming amount of gravity.

You all get a choice...If you can win a fight against any of us, you can leave. Ira gestured to Avery and Raveria.

The spectators remained silent and kneeling but of their own volition. They hadnt moved since they watched a dragon die in front of them in the way a small bug would. It was the Legionnaires who would be forced to fight Ira, Avery, or Raveria.

Youre first. Ira picked a Legionnaire at random.

The one selected had the massive weight pressing down on him lifted. He stood up and looked around nervously.

Come on then. Make your choice, Ira spoke in a friendly tone.

Of the three possible opponents, the obvious one to avoid was Ira. Although he wore simple black clothes, the ever-present grin and mischevious gaze gave off pure terror, especially considering what he just did. Avery seemed to be slightly better but she was the one who caused the massive ring of fire to surround a portion of the city. All that was left was the small and innocent looking Raveria but to pick her would look cowardly.

Youre taking too long. Ira urged the man to make his choice quickly.

Her! He pointed at Raveria who blinked with surprise.



Ira and Raveria both asked at the same time. Funnily enough, they both tilted their heads ever so slightly.

Well, you made your decision. Move forward and get it over with. Ira shrugged. In all honesty, he expected Avery to be the first one selected but it couldnt be helped since he included Raveria.

The man could feel judgmental eyes sticking to him but he just breathed to steady himself and moved forward with his spear in hand.

The road was wide and had enough room for the two to fight so all Ira and Avery did was take a few steps back.

Alright, Ravi do your best. Being the enthusiastic parent that he was, Ira cheered Raveria on.

I will, Raveria nodded with determination. She didnt know any martial arts but she had Iras memories for reference as well as a natural talent for learning.

Raveria lowered her posture and then accelerated forward. She reached the man before he could blink and jumped into the air so that she was eye level. After that, she placed a palm on his head and transferred the acceleration to his body.

What happened next was a sight to see. The man crumpled into a pile of flesh as if a giant mallet squashed him.

Once again silence took hold of those watching.

Woo! Ira broke that silence by clapping excitedly.

Avery said nothing but she nodded with approval when Raveria looked at them.

That was good, Ravi. Ira smiled.

Avery flicked her hands and sent a ball of fire to dispose of the remains. Ira looked over the Legionnaires that numbered close to a thousand in total.

Whos next? There was so much friendliness in his voice that is was just purely misleading. With one glance everyone realized that they were in the presence of a monster.