Chapter 198: You'll Have To Speak Up

Name:The Void Wolf Author:
Chapter 198: You'll Have To Speak Up

Ira went back to the Underground City while carrying Julianas unconscious body on his shoulder. And surprisingly enough, the first thing that greeted him was Averys sword. Sylun and a few other Dark Elves stood in the background unsure of what to do and unwilling to come between the husband and wife.

Youre too impulsive, Ira. You didnt know what wouldve happened if you returned and yet you still went without discussing it with me. Avery pointed her sword at his throat but Ira didnt even flinch.

Im not dead am I? Ira casually pushed the blade away from his neck but Averys frustration didnt diminish. Anyway, I understand whats happening now so its fine.

You think that because youve gained more insight into the situation that risking your life so pointlessly was worth it?

I dont think it was pointless. Ira dropped Juliana on the ground as he finished speaking. I know that Gods what me captured. I know that weird stone sphere cant be used just yet. I also know that this girl serves as a way to communicate with the Gods.

Ira tapped Juliana with his foot before looking at Avery who was speechless.

...And you plan on speaking to the Gods?

What Ira wanted to do was unprecedented in a way. If the Gods were to interact with mortals they would be the ones to initiate it. No one in existence was arrogant or insane enough to actually believe that they could speak to the Gods. It was a topic that had never come up as the Gods were seen as exalted figures far beyond the reach of mortals.

Yeah, I do. Id at least like to speak to the people who want me captured.

Of course, with Iras newfound knowledge on the laws of the Mortal Realm, he knew that speaking with the Gods wasnt a direct taboo as they were using Juliana as a vessel of communication. It meant that they were the ones probing into the Mortal Real rather than Ira forcing his way into the Divine Realm. The simplest way to describe it was as if someone intercepted a letter meant for someone else.

Could you take her somewhere safe? Ira spoke to Sylun and the Dark Elves who stood close by.

As you wish, Keeper. Sylun gestured to a few of her guards and they carried the unconscious girl off.

Keeper, weve also arranged a place to stay for that...pale woman as Harper requested. Sylun thought back to the unsettling appearance that the Will of Purgatory had. There was absolutely no one inside of the Dark Elf Empire who could look upon her without feeling disturbed.

Ill speak to her at some point. Ira shrugged. Weve got more important stuff to do, right? I killed Gavreel so they should be pretty mad at me. Well have to speed up our preparations.

I understand, Keeper. Sylun bowed before departing.

Oh, I am. Ira stepped down from the chair and approached his son. Its just some things came up and I wont be able to put all the time I want into making it. Youll have to wait a little longer but I promise itll happen, ok?

Ok. Valeryn formed a smile and Ira couldnt help but do the same.

Suddenly, a Valkyrie burst into Iras dining room and shouted. Ira, that girl youve brought is acting strangely. Queen Sylun is insisting that someone inform you so you can go as quickly as you can.

Ah, alright. Ira frowned but understood the importance of the situation. Gavreels memories allowed him to know that Juliana exhibited strange behavior when she received messages from the Gods. Alternatively, Gavreel was able to force Juliana to act as a beacon so that the Gods knew that the former sought their guidance. Since Ira didnt have any Divine Power inside of his body he couldnt do the same as Gavreel.

Ira said a quick goodbye to his family before rushing to Julianas location. Since he didnt know whether or not he would get enough chance he chose not to waste any more time.

After arriving in one of the lower levels of the palace, Ira ran into Sylun who stood near an iron door.

I didnt want to disturb you so soon, but the girl began to act very strangely, Keeper. Sylun said before stepping out of the way.

Its fine. Ira waved his hand. You cant be blamed for it.

A guard opened the iron door and behind it, Juliana trembled with her head tilted backward. A faint golden light filled her eyes and she whispered an unending string of incomprehensible words.

Lets see here, Ira mumbled as he reached toward Juliana.

The principles behind communication with the Gods were vague at best. For someone without Divine Power, Ira would be undertaking a slight risk with communicating with the Gods as if it went wrong he would be the one to suffer.

He placed his hand on Julianas forehead and closed his eyes. A faint cloud of black mist began to emerge from his hands and Ira felt his mind being pulled to somewhere else entirely.

The next thing Ira was met with was a blinding golden light that obstructed his vision and a strange disembodying feeling that came with it.

Before he could get his mind around what happened, a loud and thundering voice rang out.

"Who are you?!"