Chapter 203: Testing The Enemy

Name:The Void Wolf Author:
Chapter 203: Testing The Enemy

A huge army marched forward, finally reaching their target. The first defensive line of the Dark Elf Empire was in sight. Wooden spikes were driven in the ground to prevent cavalry attacks and various towers, also made of wood, stuck out like sore thumbs. They were to allow mages and archers to attack in a more effective manner.

A line of Dark Elves stood bravely and unfaltering in the face of the soldiers who numbered around eighty-thousand. It was a massive number and it didnt include the dwarven war machines or the mages. In addition, angels flew through the air above, looking down on the Dark Elf Army that would offer resistance.

Here they come! Sarens shout broke through the stark silence that filled the air.

Following it, was the synced march of thousands of enemies. Their footsteps created a chorus that would normally intimidate the strongest of warriors. There was a certain pressure that came with being pitted against the entire continent. Knowing that hundreds of thousands of people wanted you dead and had the numbers to make sure was quite a daunting thought.

The air became thick with tension as the angels and their army stopped. There was a standoff between the two groups that made seconds feel like minutes.

Nervousness could be found in everyone from veterans to rookies. It was a battle that was completely unprecedented in terms of recent history. In fact, it was an event that had never happened since the time of the Mortal Realms conception. Ira could be labeled as impressive for that fact as he was more or less the driving force behind the war that was to take place.

Ready yourselves! Saren shouted again.

Swordspears and shields were raised in a disciplined manner. The blood-colored armor the Dark Elves wore seemed to reflect their temperament. In order to survive, they would have to kill.

The Lycanthropes who were a key part of the attack began to shift into their werewolf forms. Harper could be found among them, she was dwarfed in comparison to the fur covered beasts that surrounded her.

As the Dark Elf Army prepared so did their enemy. They raised their weapons and listened to some elaborate speech given by a man wearing priests robes.

Not too far from the battlefield, Ira overlooked the gathering. He wore a hooded black cloak that somewhat obscured his appearance but the Dark Elves knew he was present.

Hey, should I give a speech? Ira asked Avery who stood beside him.

She was covered from head to toe by the pendant armor. Her shield was strapped across her back and her sword was driven into the ground with her palms resting on its pommel.

Did you prepare one? She asked.

No, but Sarens got it covered, Ira answered while scanning over the battlefield. His eyes widened when he spotted a familiar face behind enemy lines. Ah.

Do you recognize someone down there? Avery asked.

Yup...If you look right about there. Ira pointed far off into the distance. Although Avery couldnt see it, Randolph was sitting atop a white horse. Clark was also close by but he didnt stand out as much as Randolph did, so he managed to avoid Iras detection.

Who is it? Avery wanted to know as her vision wasnt as powerful as Iras.

Randolph. Ira smiled. Hes one resilient guy.

You told me he managed to survive being hit by you multiple times. Im guessing he has some sort of Divine Protection.

Lets go. She finally gave the order and without wasting a second, Ira teleported to the very front of the battlefield.

Not many noticed his or Averys appearance but they soon would. Avery raised her sword and stabbed into the ground while her two fiery wings spread out behind her. A wall of fire formed and stopped the enemy push dead in their tracks.

Halt! Halt! Orders were given to stop but there were those who ended up being trampled or pushed forward into the flames.

The roaring blaze grew higher and higher, it drew the attention of the Angels and they flew in immediately. Waves of golden light were sent out by higher-ranked Angels, calming the flames until they died out. When wall disappeared, all traces of the Dark Elf Army were gone. Instead, two people stood alone on the battlefield.

One wearing a black cloak and the other, a winged being wearing black armor.

You guys killed a lot of my people and that just wont do. Ira mused to himself.

For some reason, the Army couldnt press forward. It didnt make sense, there were only two people left so they shouldve easily been able to move forward and attack but an instinctive fear prevented them from doing so.

Ira moved to remove the hood of his cloak with relaxed movements and as he did his features became visible to all. Those closest to him could see his cold yellow-eyes that eroded away their high spirits.

Well, losses are just apart of war I suppose, Ira mumbled. He raised his hands and darkness covered his hands, forming two black claws. With a swift motion, he moved his hands and black lines cut across the battlefield. The air distorted and even space seemed to rupture causing a thundering echo. Anyone caught within his attack didnt survive, they were just crushed. It was painless and incredibly quick but it was anything but merciful. Blood was everywhere, reminding those who witnessed the attack that people did indeed die.

After a few seconds, the attack ended and Ira disappeared along with Avery. Leaving behind an enemy army still reeling from the impact he left. The fact that the Angels werent able to help them enhanced the effect of his damage.

This is what we have to face?! A soldier screamed as he fell to the ground in disbelief. His friends and comrades had been destroyed without a single trace of their existence left. Perhaps there was some part of them gathered in the river-like formation of blood, but he would never know.

Since everyone was quiet, his words managed to travel a great deal. Needless to say, it didnt have a positive effect.

Ira could be anywhere at anytime and he could kill hundreds of soldiers with very little effort. Many wondered just how he was able to consume an entire city but his overwhelming display made his alleged deeds seem more realistic and that caused a grim mood to spread.

If Ira could destroy an entire city alone, would a massive army pose a threat to him? They were unaware that Ira couldnt draw out the power needed to destroy a city without facing life-threatening recoil.

Harith flew over to the army and observed them with calm eyes. A faint golden light filled the sky and it worked to slow the spread of panic.

Fear not, the battle will be hard but the Gods are with you! He dispelled the low morale with his compelling words. His voice was filled with strength and those who listened found themselves inspired.

If we didnt have the Tartarus I doubt we would be able to stop him. An enemy worthy of attention from the Gods. Hariths thoughts contrasted his words. He knew that platitudes of righteous were all he needed to reaffirm the spirits of the army of mortals.

The enemy is strong but they couldnt hold out against our numbers! Rest for today and head back to camp. Well make sure that we double our troops before pushing forward! Randolph spoke in a dignified manner from atop his horse. He didnt take part in the battle but there were no bitter feelings from the troops, at least, not yet. They were aware that he was to play a big part in the final attack so there werent many who resented him for not participating.

Any corpses left on the field were gathered and the enemy began to build temporary encampments.

The first battle between the Dark Elves and the rest of the continent ended in a victory for the latter but no one could really celebrate after Iras actions. It was a truly quiet night for the victors.