Chapter 242: Here Lies Ira

Name:The Void Wolf Author:
Chapter 242: Here Lies Ira

Ira found himself drifting through a murky darkness that threatened to submerge him for good. The previous event barely registered in his mind and he wanted to do was close everything off for an eternity. As thoughts of letting go filled his consciousness, he felt a growing sense of comfort that wrapped around him and brought untold warmth, persuading him further.

It would be just let go He thought as he sunk even deeper.

But something inside of him seemed to resist and the harder he tried to be rid of it, the fiercer it resisted. The feeling of resistance began to stir him awake and he was filled with frustration.

Just let go! He screamed inwardly, desperate for the release that seemed to be within an arm's grasp.

And then a sense of awareness struck him harder than a boulder being dropped in a small pond.

I cant! Ira shouted as he opened his eyes.

The darkness disappeared and he was met with a endless white expanse. One he had seen enough times to immediately make sense of his location.

The dark silhouette of a wolf stood in front of him, observing him with its glowing yellow eyes.

Ira checked his body and saw that his limbs were a faded black color while small cracks decorated his entire body like a fractured vase. A faint trace of black mist would occasionally surface from his wounds only to evaporate into the air.

Why...cant I...regenerate? Ira felt all the energy he had left began to rapidly fade. He tried to channel his regeneration as much as he could but his body gave no response.

You are dying, The Wolf spoke without a trace of emotion, its ancient voice echoing throughout the infinite space.

...Oh, Ira replied, faintly caressing his own face, finding that it was extremely hollow. At first glance, he resembled a pale grey corpse with dark limbs.

When Ira checked his hand again, he was shocked to see it crumble like weathered stone.

So...I really am dying? Ira made a weak grin. least kill that thing?

The sentient being you faced has been destroyed by you. The Wolf responded.

Good. Ira let out a few weary laughs and a few more pieces of his body began to fall apart.

Are you fearful of what comes next? The Wolf questioned Ira who began to laugh even more.

...Of course, He answered, feeling himself slip further away with each passing second. I want to live...dont you know?

If that was true, you would have abandoned all attachment to your physical form long ago.

And become like you are now? Do you really think thats living? Ira asked in response, forcing the Wolf to become silent.

His body was fragile and each word seemed to push him further to the brink.

Hey...answer one question of mine. Ira felt his vision fail him as his sight first grew blurry before fading altogether.Follow current novels at

What is it?

Why is it...that you just watch over the Void and nothing else?

The Wolf seemed to think about Iras question heavily before giving a response. The Void...The darkness that youve felt and that youve held...Your world is one that simply exists within it.

What does...that...even mean? Ira furrowed his brows in confusion, a small action that cost him even more of his remaining time.

Occasionally, a world will be born from the endless darkness of the Void. When the darkest reaches of the Void gather together and collapse, a world may suddenly be created, like the one youve lived in.

So that means over all of them? Like that Entity? Ira asked before spitting out a dry chuckle. Then...youre just as miserable as me.

You are wrong, The Wolf replied.

The surroundings began to change and an incredibly realistic cluster of lights and structures formed in Ira's mind like a star map. There was a piece of darkness which was obviously the Void and similar sized piece that held a violet hue. Then, there was a piece of strange flesh with bones and teeth along its surface, it seemed to be only a little smaller than the piece of darkness. All around were strange structures that were pushed against each other like a puzzle.

I only seek to defend the Void itself. Beyond the primordial darkness, there is chaos, there is hunger, and many other beings like me. Theyve existed long before you and I have. During the time before I became as I am now, they ate away at the Void which remained without an entity to guard it. It was by accident that I arrived, consuming it as it, in turn, consumed me, making me into what I am now.

...I see.

Maybe because his life was ending before he knew it, but Ira gave a listless response. He hadn't the time or inclination to think about what else lay beyond the Void since his end was fast approaching.

He was wearing simple black robes under a long black cloak that Avery began to fiddle through. She pulled him closer and studied every inch of his face only to find his pupils had become narrower, faintly resembling the eyes of dragons. The texture of his skin had also become softer which made her feel too much force would bruise him but it remained undamaged as she held him firmly.

I...I dont know if...I cant tell how much youve changed...Its been so long since youve-

Ira interrupted Avery's rambling by embracing her.

Im sorry, Avery. Really, Im sorry for everything.

As Ira held her for the first time, she finally accepted him as being real and she began to weep in his arms. It was surprising for Ira to see the stoic Valkyrie he married to cry so easily but he found that it made him feel worse.

Im sorry. He repeated once more as he brought his wife closer to him.

After she had finished crying, Avery guided Ira to the dining hall and he couldnt help but feel nervousness with each approaching step.

Do you think they would still recognize me? Ira asked.

His face structure was altered in some ways which his children would notice from the bloodline memories they inherited. There was also his sharper pupils which had changed shape.

They will just as I have...Though, youre different than I remember. She held his arm tightly as if fearing he would disappear in an instant.

Ive changed, I will admit. Ira nodded in acknowledgment. Beyond his physical changes, his temperament seemed calmer and more collected. There are things that forced me to change.

Sensing he didnt want to speak on the subject, Avery replied, ...I wont force you to tell me, Ira.

No, Ill tell you all, just not now.

As Ira ran into the Dark Elves who maintained the fortress, they immediately prostrated onto the ground.

Praise the Keeper!

Praise the Keeper!

The shouts grew louder as the Dark Elves found out about Iras arrival, he nodded or waved which caused the noise to grow even louder as they moved toward the dining hall.

Please, do not be so loud with your praises during the dining...hour A Dark Elf trailed off as she looked at Ira standing in front of the door. She stood completely frozen in disbelief as he stared at her.

Am I not allowed to enter? Ira asked with a warm smile.

No! No I-I meant to say, yes! Yes, Keeper! It is your home! The Dark Elf continued nervously shouting in Iras face but he maintained as he gently pushed her aside and she collapsed to the ground with a look of awe.

Thank you. Ira nodded as he moved past her and entered the dining hall with Avery following right behind him.

The children had stopped everything they were doing and looked at Ira with blank expressions. Even Rhys was like a statue, holding a soup spoon just centimeters away from her jaw that hung open in pure shock.

So, I take it everyone can recognize me?

As Ira finished speaking, he found his five bodies clinging to him for dear life.



Is it really you?!

Ive missed you, Dad!

Perhaps the one who seemed the most excited was Liliara as she rubbed her face against Iras.

Papa! Liliara said. She normally showed the behavior of a monarch but unexpectedly addressed Ira in a childish manner while crying.

It is me. Ira held them, glancing at Rhys as she slowly approached.

She hesitantly reached out toward him before touching his face for confirmation.

Seriously, its me, Ira repeated another person was added to the hug.

Im sorry I made you all wait for so long. Ira closed his eyes and let himself sink in the warmth of his family.