Chapter 12: The summoning

(Ryoto's pov)

I was alone in my room and at the moment was using a summoning scroll. A magic circle appeared on the floor, and four small figures started forming inside. They were really short, at an average of 55 cm.




Title: "Summoner Beginner"


???: "Kowalski, analysis!"

Kowalski: "We appear to be in some kind of room, sir."

Skipper: "I can see that. Tell me why we're here."

Ryoto: "I think I can answer that question."

With my words, I brought their attention to me. They looked at me with shock and started behaving like normal penguins.

Ryoto: "You know it's too late for it now."

Skipper: "Plan B it is, Rico!"

Ryoto: "Wait! Don't you want to know why you are here?"

Skipper: "Rico, wait."

Rico stopped halfway through his puke, gulped down whatever he wanted to throw up, and looked disappointed.

Rico: "Kaboom?"

Skipper: "Not yet Rico, let's hear what our giant friend has to say."

Ryoto: "Quite trusting for someone with paranoia."

Skipper: "Who said I'm trusting you. I'm just listening to your explanation and then deciding my course of action."

Ryoto: "And who said that I will tell you the truth?"

Skipper: "And AND who said that I'll believe everything you said?"

Ryoto: "And and and who said that it wasn't my plan from the beginning-. It's starting to get annoying. In short, you are in a different universe from your own, and there is no way home for you."

I said with a lovely smile on my face... I must look crazy to them.

Skipper covered half of his beak and whispered.

Skipper: "Boys, I think he is completely bonkers."

I scratched my cheek because of embarrassment.

Lala: "I see. What does Ryoto's papa do?"

Ryoto & Rito: "He is a mangaka."

Lala, of course, wanted to tag along, and I didn't have any problems with it, but before we left, I turned towards Skipper and said.

Ryoto: "I leave the house to you."

I hope nothing goes wrong while we are out.


We were before dad's studio, and we rang the bell.

*Ding* *Dong*

The door opened immediately.

Saibai: "Hey! Welcome, Rito, Ryoto! We don't have time! C'mon in!! !?"

He noticed Lala, who wore a big smile.

Lala: "Nice to meet you, Ryoto's papa!!"

Lala then started to observe dad from every possible angle.

Lala: "Hrmm, this is Ryoto's papa, huh? You don't look like Ryoto or Rito that much..."

Saibai: "Ryoto, Rito, what's going on?"

Ryoto: "This is Lala. She wanted to see your workplace and-

Saibai: "Idiot!! If you're gonna bring a girl, you should've said so first!! Nice to meet you. I'm Rito's and Ryoto's papa~~~."

He said that with the biggest possible smile. He even enlarged it even further with the help of his finger.

Inside, dad quickly accepted the fact that Lala was an alien. He even heard about her from Mikan. She even said to him that we slept together in one bed.

At first, he joked a little about being a youth, but he became serious and talked about responsibility right after. What is it with his mood swings?

Lala wanted to help, but her drawing skills were even lower than mine, so Rito proposed that she go to the room full of manga.

I, Rito, dad, and dad's assistants were working our ass off, but we wouldn't be able to finish on time no matter how hard we were working.

Lala saw this built machine that would help us finalize the manuscript, but after we completed it, we were all drained out of our energy.

We could finally go home but when we returned we saw...



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