Chapter 16: The 'Dare'

(Ryoto's pov)

As we were relaxing in the hot spring, I heard a familiar sound inside my head.




Mission: "Death to perverts"

Objective 1: Prevent principal from peeping.

Reward: 60 SP.

Failure: You become a pervert obsessed with boobs.

Duration of punishment: one week


'So my punishment is to become the very thing I swore to destroy.'

Karen: "Stop trying to be some tragic hero and complete this quest."

'You don't understand the man's romance, Karen.'

Karen: "Yeah yeah."

I feel her rolling her eyes, but she is not as aggressive as she was before. Therapy really helped her, but she is right. Better finish it sooner rather than later.

I turned towards a 'wall' that separates men's and women's sides. I say a wall, but these were just big stones between different baths. I then opened my eyes, trying to see if there were any holes that would usually be impossible to see through but not for me. And thankfully, there were a few.

After a short search, I noticed the principal ready to peep behind a stack of wooden buckets. As he went through the effort to see someone naked today, I let him see just that. He'll meet my old friend Mil-tan.

As soon as I did that, he started running around and ran into the wall fainting in the process.

I didn't want to leave almost naked principal there just to be lying, so I did the only reasonable thing...

(3rd pov)

As the principal lost consciousness, a boy jumped over the stone wall. He would be naked if not for a towel covering his genitals. It was such an unexpected situation that no one knew what to say.

Lala: "Hey Ryoto!"

No one except Lala, of course. She waved happily at Ryoto, and he returned it with a smile. Ryoto walked up to the principal, lifted him up, and jumped over the stone wall once more, leaving everyone dumbfounded before even one girl could scream.

Risa: "What just happened?"

Mio: "I don't know..."

Haruna: "Was that Rito's brother?"

Risa: "That's what you're questioning?" This chapter is updated by nov(e)(l)

Haruna, hearing Risa blushed as she realized that it wasn't the question she should be asking in these circumstances, but she couldn't help it as Rito was often on her mind.

I looked at her as I didn't comprehend fully what she had just said. I stared so long that Risa started that she started waving her hand before my face.

Risa: "Hey, are you listening? Are you even awake? It's hard to tell with your eyes always closed."

Ryoto: "I heard you. I just didn't expect you to ask something like that."

Risa: "Sooo... the answer?"

Ryoto: "I-"

As I wanted to answer, we both heard screams and saw a group of people running past us to escape whatever was deeper in the woods.

Ryoto: "Do you want to check it out?"

Risa was already holding my shirt, so as the master detective that I am, I deduced that she was at least a little bit scared.

Risa: "N-no, we should go and finish it as quickly as possible."

Ryoto: "You want to get rid of me so soon. I'm hurt by your statement."

I acted exaggeratedly. Seeing and hearing my teasing calmed down Risa. She wasn't scared of ghosts or anything like that but seeing a group of people running away would frighten most people. I was unaffected thanks to the filtering of my negative emotion.

We walked forward a little bit and walked past some people dressed up as monsters or ghosts. They were really well made, but it's not entertaining if you're not scared. There's just no excitement.

We noticed a certain figure sitting on the ground, trembling as we walked further. I walked up to her to help her get up, but...

Ryoto: "Sairenji-san, are you alright?"

As soon as I finished my sentence, Haruna grabbed me by the kimono I was currently wearing.

Haruna: "I'm scared... I'm really bad at dealing with all those... ghosts and stuff...!!"

Risa: "Hoo boy, it looks like someone is very popular over here~."

Risa, even in moments like this, tried to tease me.

Karen: "I didn't take you for someone who would NTR'd your own brother, but it seems I misjudged you, but even so, I'll support you till the end!"

I could imagine Karen giving me a thumb up while smiling with a single tear flowing down her cheek.

'You're not helping Karen.'

I decided to continue forward with clinging Haruna and teasing Risa. On our way up the shrine, Haruna became frightened a few times and attempted to use me as a weapon against ghosts. I would be thrown like a ragdoll if not for my superior strength. She managed, however, RIP part of my kimono. Thankfully it wasn't mine.

I was forced to give piggyback to Haruna as I didn't want her to use me like a baseball bat anymore. I told Haruna to have her face buried in my back, don't look at anything, and ignore every sound. It worked as she didn't freak out after that. She trembled a little every time I stepped on the dry sticks, but she listened to me and ignored it.

After a short while, we were finally at the top where principal together with the landlady and some waitresses.

Principal: "Congratulations!!! You're the only group that got through the entire dare this year!!!"

The only group? What happened to Rito and Lala?



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